# 2986026 v4
Prepared by, Record and Return to:
arbara J. Ferrer, Esq.
GrayRobinson, P.A.
333 SE 2
Avenue, Suite 3200
Miami. FL 33131
THIS SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") is entered into as of the
__________ day of January, 2019, by and among (i) TD Bank, N.A., a national banking
association ("TD Bank") (together with its successors and assigns, the "Senior Lender"), (ii)
Broward County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "Subordinate Lender"), and
(iii) Northwest Properties I, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership (the "Borrower").
A. The Senior Lender made a loan (the "Senior Loan") to the Borrower in the
original principal amount of $3,525,000. The Senior Loan is secured by that certain Fee and
Leasehold Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing dated December 28, 2018,
recorded or to be recorded in the Public Records of Broward County, Florida (the "Senior
Mortgage") on a multifamily housing project located in Broward County, Florida (the
"Property"). The Property is more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto. The Borrower's
obligation to repay the Senior Loan is evidenced by a Mortgage Loan Note dated December 28,
2018 (the "Senior Note").
B. The Subordinate Lender made a subordinate loan to Borrower (the "Subordinate
Loan") in the amount of $250,000 secured by, among other things, a Mortgage from the Borrower
in favor of the Subordinate Lender recorded on December 27, 2011, in Official Records Book
48402, Pages 1740-1754, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, encumbering the
Property (the "Subordinate Mortgage").
C. The Senior Lender has requested that the Subordinate Lender execute this
Subordination Agreement to confirm the subordinate nature of the Subordinate Mortgage.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the adequacy and sufficiency
which are acknowledged by each party, the Subordinate Lender and the Borrower agree as
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1. Definitions.
In addition to the terms defined in the Recitals to this Agreement, for purposes of this
Agreement the following terms have the respective meanings set forth below:
"Affiliate" means, when used with respect to a Person, any corporation, partnership, joint
venture, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, trust or individual controlled by,
under common control with, or which controls such Person (the term "control" for these purposes
shall mean the ability, whether by the ownership of shares or other equity interests, by contract
or otherwise, to elect a majority of the directors of a corporation, to make management decisions
on behalf of, or to independently to select the managing partner of, a partnership, or otherwise to
have the power independently to remove and then select a majority of those individuals exercising
managerial authority over an entity, and control shall be conclusively presumed in the case of the
ownership of 50% or more of the equity interests).
"Borrower" means the Person named as such in the first paragraph of this Agreement
and any other Person (other than the Senior Lender) who acquires title to the Property after the
date of this Agreement.
"Business Day" means any day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a day on which the
Senior Lender is not open for business.
"Default Notice" means: (a) a copy of the written notice from the Senior Lender to the
Borrower stating that a Senior Loan Default has occurred under the Senior Loan; or (b) a copy of
the written notice from the Subordinate Lender to the Borrower stating that a Subordinate Loan
Default has occurred under the Subordinate Loan. Each Default Notice shall specify the default
upon which such Default Notice is based.
"Person" means an individual, estate, trust, partnership, corporation, limited liability
company, limited liability partnership, governmental department or agency, or any other entity
which has the legal capacity to own property.
"Rental Regulatory Agreement" means that certain Declaration of Restrictive Covenants
dated November 11, 2009, and recorded in Official Records Book 46701, at Page 1448 of the
Public Records of Broward County, Florida, as amended by that certain Amendment to
Declaration of Restrictive Covenants dated June 3, 2010, and recorded in Official Records Book
47130, Page 1023 of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida.
"Senior Lender" means the Person named as such in the first paragraph on page 1 of
this Agreement. When any other Person becomes the legal holder of the Senior Note, such other
Person shall automatically become the Senior Lender.
"Senior Loan Default" means the occurrence of an "Event of Default" as that term is
defined in the Senior Loan Documents.
"Senior Loan Documents" means the Senior Note, the Senior Mortgage, and all other
documents evidencing, securing, or otherwise executed and delivered in connection with the
Senior Loan.
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# 2986026 v4
ubordinate Lender" means the Person named as such in the first paragraph on page
1 of this Agreement and any other Person who becomes the legal holder of the Subordinate Note
after the date of this Agreement.
"Subordinate Loan Default" means a default by the Borrower in performing or observing
any of the terms, covenants or conditions in the Subordinate Loan Documents to be performed
or observed by it, which continues beyond any applicable period provided in the Subordinate Loan
Documents for curing the default.
"Subordinate Loan Documents" means the Subordinate Note, the Subordinate
Mortgage, the Rental Regulatory Agreement and all other documents evidencing, securing, or
otherwise executed and delivered in connection with the Subordinate Loan.
"Subordinate Mortgage" has the meaning given to such term in Recital B, above.
"Subordinate Note" means, the Promissory Note dated December 22, 2011, issued by
the Borrower to the Subordinate Lender in order to evidence the Subordinate Loan.
2. Intentionally Deleted.
3. Borrower's Representations and Warranties.
The Borrower makes the following representations and warranties to the Senior Lender:
(a) Term. The term of the Subordinate Note does not end before the term
of the Senior Note.
(b) Senior Loan Documents. The executed Senior Loan Documents are
substantially in the same forms as those submitted to and reviewed and approved by the
Subordinate Lender prior to the date of this Agreement and have not been modified, amended,
or supplemented in any manner.
4. Terms of Subordination.
(a) Agreement to Subordinate. The Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender
agree that: (i) the indebtedness evidenced by the Subordinate Loan Documents is and shall be
subordinated in right of payment, to the extent and in the manner provided in this Agreement to
the prior payment in full of the indebtedness evidenced by the Senior Loan Documents, and (ii)
the Subordinate Mortgage, the other Subordinate Loan Documents, and the right to claim or
receive any insurance or condemnation awards or proceeds thereunder are and shall be subject
and subordinate in all respects to the liens, terms, covenants, and conditions of the Senior
Mortgage and the other Senior Loan Documents and to all advances heretofore made or which
may hereafter be made pursuant to the Senior Mortgage and the other Senior Loan Documents
(including but not limited to all sums advanced for the purposes of (1) protecting or further securing
the lien of the Senior Mortgage, curing defaults by the Borrower under the Senior Loan
Documents, or for any other purpose expressly permitted by the Senior Mortgage, or (2)
constructing, renovating, repairing, furnishing, fixturing, or equipping the Property).
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(b) Subordination of Subrogation Rights. The Subordinate Lender agrees
that if, by reason of its payment of real estate taxes or other monetary obligations of the
Borrower, or by reason of its exercise of any other right or remedy under the Subordinate Loan
Documents, it acquires by right of subrogation or otherwise a lien on the Property which (but for
this subsection) would be senior to the lien of the Senior Mortgage, then, in that event, such
lien shall be subject and subordinate to the lien of the Senior Mortgage.
(c) Payments Before Senior Loan Default. Until the Subordinate Lender
receives a Default Notice of a Senior Loan Default from the Senior Lender, the Subordinate
Lender shall be entitled to retain for its own account all payments made under or pursuant to the
Subordinate Loan Documents.
(d) Payments After Senior Loan Default. The Borrower agrees that, after it
receives notice (or otherwise acquires knowledge) of a Senior Loan Default, it will not make any
payments under or pursuant to the Subordinate Loan Documents (including but not limited to
principal, interest, additional interest, late payment charges, default interest, attorney's fees, or
any other sums secured by the Subordinate Mortgage) without the Senior Lender's prior written
consent. The Subordinate Lender agrees that, after it receives a Default Notice from the Senior
Lender with written instructions directing the Subordinate Lender not to accept payments from the
Borrower on account of the Subordinate Loan, it will not accept any payments under or pursuant
to the Subordinate Loan Documents (including but not limited to principal, interest, additional
interest, late payment charges, default interest, attorney's fees, or any other sums secured by the
Subordinate Mortgage) without the Senior Lender's prior written consent. If the Subordinate
Lender receives written notice from the Senior Lender that the Senior Loan Default which gave
rise to the Subordinate Lender's obligation not to accept payments has been cured, waived, or
otherwise suspended by the Senior Lender, the restrictions on payment to the Subordinate Lender
in this Section 4 shall terminate, and the Senior Lender shall have no right to any subsequent
payments made to the Subordinate Lender by the Borrower prior to the Subordinate Lender's
receipt of a new Default Notice from the Senior Lender in accordance with the provisions of this
Section 4(d).
(e) Remitting Subordinate Loan Payments to Senior Lender. If, after the
Subordinate Lender receives a Default Notice from the Senior Lender in accordance with
subsection (d) above, the Subordinate Lender receives any payments under the Subordinate
Loan Documents, the Subordinate Lender agrees that such payment or other distribution will be
returned to the Borrower, and the Borrower agrees to remit such payment directly to the Senior
Lender. The Borrower and the Senior Lender acknowledge and agree that payments received by
the Subordinate Lender, and returned to the Borrower under this Section 4, if paid by Borrower to
Senior Lender, shall be applied or otherwise credited against the Senior Loan, in accordance with
the Senior Loan Documents.
5. Default Under Subordinate Loan Documents.
(a) Notice of Default and Cure Rights. The Subordinate Lender shall deliver to
the Senior Lender a Default Notice within ten (10) Business Days in each case where the
Subordinate Lender has given a Default Notice to the Borrower. Failure of the Subordinate Lender
to send a Default Notice to the Senior Lender shall not prevent the exercise of the Subordinate
Lender's rights and remedies under the Subordinate Loan Documents, subject to the provisions
of this Agreement. The Senior Lender shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any
Subordinate Loan Default within sixty (60) days following the date of such notice; provided,
however, that the Subordinate Lender shall be entitled, during such 60-day period, to continue to
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# 2986026 v4
pursue its rights and remedies under the Subordinate Loan Documents. All amounts paid by the
Senior Lender in accordance with the Senior Loan Documents to cure a Subordinate Loan Default
shall be deemed to have been advanced by the Senior Lender pursuant to, and shall be secured
by the lien of, the Senior Mortgage.
(b) Subordinate Lender's Exercise of Remedies After Notice to Senior Lender.
If a Subordinate Loan Default occurs and is continuing, the Subordinate Lender agrees that the
Subordinate Lender shall give the Senior Lender ninety (90) days' prior written notice before
commencing foreclosure proceedings with respect to the Property under the Subordinate Loan
Documents or exercise any other rights or remedies it may have under the Subordinate Loan
Documents, including but not limited to accelerating the Subordinate Loan, collecting rents,
appointing (or seeking the appointment of) a receiver, or exercising any other rights or remedies
thereunder unless and until it has given the Senior Lender at least 90 days' prior written notice;
during such 90-day period, however, the Subordinate Lender shall be entitled to exercise and
enforce all other rights and remedies available to the Subordinate Lender under the Subordinate
Loan Documents and/or under applicable laws, including without limitation, rights to enforce
covenants and agreements of the Borrower relating to income, rent, or affordability restrictions
contained in the Rental Regulatory Agreement.
6. Default Under Senior Loan Documents.
(a) Notice of Default and Cure Rights. The Senior Lender shall deliver to the
Subordinate Lender a Default Notice within ten (10) Business Days in each case where the
Senior Lender has given a Default Notice to the Borrower. Failure of the Senior Lender to send
a Default Notice to the Subordinate Lender shall not prevent the exercise of the Senior Lender's
rights and remedies under the Senior Loan Documents, subject to the provisions of this
Agreement. The Subordinate Lender shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure any such
Senior Loan Default within ninety (90) days following the date of such notice; provided, however,
that the Senior Lender shall be entitled during such 90-day period to continue to pursue its
remedies under the Senior Loan Documents. Subordinate Lender may have up to ninety (90)
days from the date of the Default Notice to cure a nonmonetary default, capable of being cured
by Subordinate Lender as determined by Senior Lender, if during such 90-day period
Subordinate Lender keeps current all payments required by the Senior Loan Documents. In the
event that such a non-monetary default creates an unacceptable level of risk relative to the
Property, or Senior Lender's secured position relative to the Property, as determined by Senior
Lender in its sole discretion, then Senior Lender may exercise during such 90-day period all
available rights and remedies to protect and preserve the Property and the rents, revenues and
other proceeds from the Property. All amounts paid by the Subordinate Lender to the Senior
Lender to cure a Senior Loan Default shall be deemed to have been advanced by the
Subordinate Lender pursuant to, and shall be secured by the lien of, the Subordinate Mortgage.
(b) Cross Default. The Subordinate Lender agrees that, notwithstanding any
contrary provision contained in the Subordinate Loan Documents, a Senior Loan Default shall not
constitute a default under the Subordinate Loan Documents if no other default occurred under the
Subordinate Loan Documents until either (i) the Senior Lender has accelerated the maturity of the
Senior Loan, or (ii) the Senior Lender has taken affirmative action to exercise its rights under the
Senior Mortgage to collect rent, to appoint (or seek the appointment of) a receiver, or to foreclose
on (or to exercise a power of sale contained in) the Senior Mortgage. At any time after a Senior
Loan Default is determined to constitute a default under the Subordinate Loan Documents, the
Subordinate Lender shall be permitted to pursue its remedies for default under the Subordinate
Loan Documents, subject to the restrictions and limitations of this Agreement. If at any time the
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Borrower cures any Senior Loan Default to the satisfaction of the Senior Lender, as evidenced by
written notice from the Senior Lender to the Subordinate Lender, any default under the Subordinate
Loan Documents arising from such Senior Loan Default shall be deemed cured and the
Subordinate Loan shall be retroactively reinstated as if such Senior Loan Default had never
7. Conflict.
The Borrower, the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender each agree that, in the event
of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the Senior Loan Documents, the Subordinate
Loan Documents, and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall govern and
control solely as to the following: (a) the relative priority of the security interests of the Senior
Lender and the Subordinate Lender in the Property; (b) the timing of the exercise of remedies by
the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender under the Senior Mortgage and the Subordinate
Mortgage, respectively; and (c) solely as between the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender,
the notice requirements, cure rights, and the other rights and obligations which the Senior Lender
and the Subordinate Lender have agreed to as expressly provided in this Agreement. Borrower
acknowledges that the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall not, and shall not be deemed
to: extend Borrower's time to cure any Senior Loan Default or Subordinate Loan Default, as the
case may be; give the Borrower the right to notice of any Senior Loan Default or Subordinate
Loan Default, as the case may be other than that, if any, provided, respectively under the Senior
Loan Documents or the Subordinate Loan Documents; or create any other right or benefit for
Borrower as against Senior Lender or Subordinate Lender.
8. Rights and Obligations of the Subordinate Lender under the Subordinate Loan
Documents and of the Senior Lender under the Senior Loan Documents.
Subject to each of the other terms of this Agreement, all of the following provisions shall
supersede any provisions of the Subordinate Loan Documents covering the same subject matter:
(a) Protection of Security Interest. The Subordinate Lender shall not, without
the prior written consent of the Senior Lender in each instance, take any action which has the
effect of increasing the indebtedness outstanding under, or secured by, the Subordinate Loan
Documents, except that the Subordinate Lender shall have the right to advance funds to cure
Senior Loan Defaults pursuant to Section 6(a) above and advance funds pursuant to the
Subordinate Mortgage for the purpose of paying real estate taxes and insurance premiums,
making necessary repairs to the Property, and curing other defaults by the Borrower under the
Subordinate Loan Documents.
(b) Condemnation or Casualty. In the event of: a taking or threatened taking
by condemnation or other exercise of eminent domain of all or a portion of the Property
(collectively, a "Taking"); or the occurrence of a fire or other casualty resulting in damage to all
or a portion of the Property (collectively, a "Casualty"), at any time or times when the Senior
Mortgage remains a lien on the Property, the following provisions shall apply:
(1) The Subordinate Lender hereby agrees that its rights (under the
Subordinate Loan Documents or otherwise) to participate in any proceeding or
action relating to a Taking and/or a Casualty, or to participate or join in any
settlement of, or to adjust, any claims resulting from a Taking or a Casualty shall
be and remain subordinate in all respects to the Senior Lender's rights under the
Senior Loan Documents with respect thereto, and the Subordinate Lender shall
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be bound by any settlement or adjustment of a claim resulting from a Taking or a
Casualty made by the Senior Lender; provided, however, this subsection and/or
anything contained in this Agreement shall not limit the rights of the Subordinate
Lender to file any pleadings, documents, claims or notices with the appropriate
court with jurisdiction over the proposed Taking and/or Casualty; and
(2) All proceeds received or to be received on account of a Taking or a
Casualty, or both, shall be applied (either to payment of the costs and expenses of
repair and restoration or to payment of the Senior Loan) in the manner determined
by the Senior Lender in its sole discretion; provided, however, that if the Senior
Lender elects to apply such proceeds to payment of the principal of, interest on,
and other amounts payable under the Senior Loan, any proceeds remaining after
the satisfaction in full of the principal of, interest on, and other amounts payable
under the Senior Loan shall be paid to, and may be applied by, the Subordinate
Lender in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Subordinate Loan
Documents, provided however, the Senior Lender agrees to consult with the
Subordinate Lender in determining the application of Casualty proceeds, provided
further however that in the event of any disagreement between the Senior Lender
and the Subordinate Lender over the application of Casualty proceeds, the
decision of the Senior Lender, in its sole discretion, shall prevail.
(c) No Modification of Subordinate Loan Documents. The Borrower and the
Subordinate Lender each agree until the principal of, interest on and all other amounts payable
under the Senior Loan Documents have been paid in full, they will not, without the prior written
consent of the Senior Lender in each instance, increase the amount of the Subordinate Loan,
increase the required payments due under the Subordinate Loan, decrease the term of the
Subordinate Loan, or increase the interest rate on the Subordinate Loan.
9. Modification or Refinancing of Senior Loan.
The Subordinate Lender consents to any agreement or arrangement in which the Senior
Lender waives, postpones, extends, reduces, or modifies any provisions of the Senior Loan
Documents, including any provision requiring the payment of money. Subordinate Lender further
agrees that its agreement to subordinate hereunder shall extend to any new mortgage debt which
is for the purpose of refinancing all or any part of the Senior Loan (including reasonable and
necessary costs associated with the closing and/or the refinancing); and that all the terms and
covenants of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of any holder of any such refinanced debt;
and that all references to the Senior Loan, the Senior Note, the Senior Mortgage, the Senior Loan
Documents, and Senior Lender shall mean, respectively, the refinance loan, the refinance note,
the mortgage securing the refinance note, and all documents evidencing securing or otherwise
pertaining to the refinance note and the holder of the refinance note.
10. Default by the Subordinate Lender or Senior Lender.
If the Subordinate Lender or Senior Lender defaults in performing or observing any of the
terms, covenants, or conditions to be performed or observed by it under this Agreement, the other,
nondefaulting lender shall have the right to all available legal and equitable relief.
11. Notices.
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# 2986026 v4
Each notice, request, demand, consent, approval or other communication (hereinafter in
this Section referred to collectively as "notices" and referred to singly as a "notice") which the
Senior Lender or the Subordinate Lender is required or permitted to give to the other party
pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly and
sufficiently given if: (a) personally delivered with proof of delivery thereof (any notice so delivered
shall be deemed to have been received at the time so delivered); or (b) sent by Federal Express
(or other similar national overnight courier) designating early morning delivery (any notice so
delivered shall be deemed to have been received on the next Business Day following receipt by
the courier); or (c) sent by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested,
postage prepaid, at a post office regularly maintained by the United States Postal Service (any
notice so sent shall be deemed to have been received two days after mailing in the United States),
addressed to the respective parties as follows:
TD Bank, N.A.
255 Alhambra Circle, 2nd Floor
Coral Gables, Florida 33134
Fax Number: 813-250-3011
Attention: Nathan Perlmutter, Vice President
with a copy to:
GrayRobinson, P.A.
333 S.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 3200
Miami, Florida 33131
Fax Number: (305) 416-6887
Attention: Barbara J. Ferrer, Esq
Broward County
Housing Finance and Community Development Division
110 N.E. 3
Street, 3
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Fax Number: (954) 765-4686
Attention: Director, Housing Finance and
Community Development Division
Phone: (954) 357-5320
with a copy to:
Broward County Attorney's Office
115 South Andrews Avenue, Suite 423
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Fax Number: (954) 357-7641
Attention: County Attorney
Phone: (954) 357-7600
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# 2986026 v4
c/o HEF-Alan, Inc.
437 SW 4
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315
Fax Number: (954) 764-4604
Attention: Tam A. English, President
with a copy to:
Fox Rothschild LLP
500 Grant Street, Suite 2500
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15219
Fax Number: (412) 391-6984
Attention: Michael H. Syme, Esq.
Either party may, by notice given pursuant to this section, change the person or persons
and/or address or addresses, or designate an additional person or persons or an additional
address or addresses for its notices, but notice of a change of address shall only be effective
upon receipt.
12. General.
(a) Assignment/Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon the
Borrower, the Senior Lender, and the Subordinate Lender and shall inure to the benefit of the
respective legal successors and assigns of the Senior Lender and the Subordinate Lender.
(b) No Partnership or Joint Venture. The Senior Lender's permission for the
placement of the Subordinate Loan Documents does not constitute the Senior Lender as a joint
venturer or partner of the Subordinate Lender. Neither party hereto shall hold itself out as a
partner, agent, or Affiliate of the other party hereto.
(c) Senior Lender's and Subordinate Lender's Consent. Wherever the Senior
Lender's consent or approval is required by any provision of this Agreement, such consent or
approval may be granted or denied by the Senior Lender in its sole and absolute discretion, unless
otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement. Wherever the Subordinate Lender's consent or
approval is required by any provision of this Agreement, such consent or approval may be granted
or denied by the Subordinate Lender in its sole and absolute discretion, unless otherwise
expressly provided in this Agreement.
(d) Further Assurances. The Subordinate Lender, the Senior Lender, and the
Borrower each agree, at the Borrower's expense, to execute and deliver all additional instruments
and/or documents reasonably required by any other party to this Agreement in order to evidence
that the Subordinate Mortgage is subordinate to the lien, covenants, and conditions of the Senior
Mortgage, or to further evidence the intent of this Agreement.
(e) Amendment. This Agreement shall not be amended except by written
instrument signed by all parties hereto.
(f) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State
in which the Property is located.
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(g) Severable Provisions. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid or
unenforceable to any extent, then the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected
thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.
(h) Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date hereof and
shall continue until the earliest to occur of the following events: (i) the payment of all of the principal
of, interest on and other amounts payable under the Senior Loan Documents; (ii) the payment of all
of the principal of, interest on and other amounts payable under the Subordinate Loan Documents,
other than by reason of payments which the Subordinate Lender is obligated to remit to the Senior
Lender pursuant to Section 4 hereof; (iii) the acquisition by the Senior Lender of title to the Property
pursuant to a foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure of, or the exercise of a power of sale
contained in, the Senior Mortgage; or (iv) the acquisition by the Subordinate Lender of title to the
Property pursuant to a foreclosure or a deed in lieu of foreclosure of, or the exercise of a power of
sale contained in, the Subordinate Mortgage, but only if such acquisition of title does not violate
any of the terms of this Agreement.
(i) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of
counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original for all purposes; provided, however,
that all such counterparts shall together constitute one and the same instrument.
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# 2986026 v4
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Subordinate Lender has caused this instrument to be executed
by its duly authorized officer as of the day and year first above written.
Print: ________________________
Print: ________________________
TD BANK, N.A., a national banking association
Nathan S. Perlmutter, Vice President
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of January, 2019,
by Nathan S. Perlmutter, as Vice President of TD BANK, N.A., a national banking association, on
behalf of the association. He is personally known to me or has produced a valid driver's license
as identification.
Notary Public: State of Florida
Print Name:
My Commission Expires:
My Commission No.:
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# 2986026 v4
Print: ________________________
Print: ________________________
Bertha Henry, County Administrator
Approved as to form by
Andrew J. Meyers, County Attorney
Alicia Lobeiras, Assistant County Attorney
Annika E. Ashton, Senior Assistant County Attorney
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of January, 2019,
by Bertha Henry, as County Administrator of BROWARD COUNTY, on behalf of the County. Said
person is personally known to me or has produced a valid driver's license as identification.
Notary Public: State of Florida
Print Name:
My Commission Expires:
My Commission No.:
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# 2986026 v4
Print: ________________________
Print: ________________________
limited partnership
By: HEF-
Alan, Inc., a Florida
corporation, its managing general
Tam A. English, President
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of January, 2019,
by Tam A. English, the President of HEF-Alan, Inc., a Florida corporation, the managing general
partner of Northwest Properties I, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, who is personally known to
me or has produced a valid driver's license as identification.
Notary Public: State of Florida
Print Name:
My Commission Expires:
My Commission No.:
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# 2986026 v4
Lots 3 through 10 inclusive, Lots 12 through 22 inclusive, in Block 275; together with Lots 27
through 45 inclusive, the South 7 feet and the West 80 feet of Lot 46, and the West 80 feet of Lots
47 and 48, in Block 276, Progresso, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page
18, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, said lands situate, lying and being in
Broward County, Florida.
Lots 1 through 21 inclusive, in Block 330, Progresso, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in
Plat Book 2, Page 18, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida, said lands situate,
lying and being in Broward County, Florida.
Lot 13, LESS the North 66.0 feet, LESS the West 77.2 feet and LESS Right-of-Way; TOGETHER
WITH the North 66.0 feet of Lot 13, and all of Lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 of June
Park, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 16, of the Public Records
of Broward County, Florida, said lands situate, lying and being in Broward County, Florida.
TOGETHER WITH the West 1/2 of that abandoned alley lying East of and adjacent to Lots 13
through 22, inclusive, pursuant to Ordinance No. C-89-21, of the City of Fort Lauderdale,
abandoning said alley, recorded in Official Records Book 16461, Page 101, of June Park,
according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 16, of the Public Records of
Broward County, Florida, said lands situate, lying and being in Broward County, Florida.
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