2024 Cookie Program
Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 1
This document contains quesons and answers on the following general topics.
General Program Informaon
Proceeds and Rewards
Inial Orders and Deliveries
Cookie Booths
Cookie Cupboards
Digital Cookie
New quesons and answers added since January 12:
Can families share their Girl Scout’s cookie sales link on neighborhood Facebook pages?
Can families share their Girl Scout’s cookie sales link on family-owned business pages?
Why isn’t Gluten-Free Caramel Chocolate Chip (GFCCC) an opon for girl delivery?
Why is Smart Cookies saying I have On Hand Inventory when we don’t have cookies yet?
What cookies counted towards Inial Order Rewards?
Do I need to take any acon for Inial Order Rewards?
How do I know if my girl(s) earned the Inial Order Rewards?
Is anything else changing with rewards?
When will my girl receive her Inial Order Reward?
Will you oer Inial Order Rewards next year?
Is there a way to change the inial order dates to give us more me?
What are delivery staons for our inial orders? Why do I see someone’s home and not the
UPDATED: When will the inial order cookies be delivered? When will we receive our schedule?
UPDATED: What if my girls/parents don’t want to use Digital Cookie?
To use this document, please press Ctrl + F to bring up the search bar. Then, search the document using
key words. If you or your team is receiving other quesons that would be benecial to add to this
document, please send them to the Cookies+ Team via cookies@girlscoutsmoheartland.org.
2024 Cookie Program
Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 2
General Program Informaon
Where do I nd the Cookie Program Forms?
All forms are linked on the Cookie Resources page:
UPDATED: Can I print o a form and mail it to you? (Applies to all forms.)
No. All forms for the 2024 Cookie Program are online and need to be completed digitally through the link
provided. No printed or amended forms will be accepted.
Can I update my email to receive Cookie Crumbles?
Yes! Cookie Crumbles will be sent to the email address associated with membership. To update that
email with us, please call 877-312-4764 or email info@girlscoutsmoheartland.org with your request.
Will troops and service units be able to order Cookie Merch again for the 2024 Cookie Season?
Yes, we will be oering Cookie Merch for the 2024 Cookie Season. Volunteers can purchase Cookie
Merch items here: hps://girlscoutsmoheartland.wufoo.com/forms/m1rf1tvf05jq3m3/.
Is the Girl Permission and Adult Responsibility Agreement form online? If so, how will the troop
leaders be noed when these are lled out?
Parents can nd the 2024 Cookie Program Permission & Responsibility form on our website and/or in the
Cookie Scoop. Direct link here: hps://girlscoutsmoheartland.wufoo.com/forms/mk09uf20ywz3/.
Parents will receive a conrmaon email that they are instructed to forward to their troop leader. In
addion, we're working on a way to nofy troops of submission. Our process is sll being mapped.
However, we do recommend Permission & Responsibility forms to be completed at family meengs. If a
smart phone, tablet, or laptop is available, having parents complete the form at that meeng would
ensure your troop is covered.
Will we sll be using the Naonal Girl Scout Cookie Finder?
Yes! This is a great resource for our customers when looking for cookies. Troop’s Direct Ship Only link will
appear in the nder when acvated on/aer January 24, as well as any approved Cookie Booths in Smart
Can we use neighborhood apps to sell?
Girl-led cookie sales come rst! If a Girl Scout and her adult is comfortable using technology to connect
with neighbors and customers, it is encouraged to share her parcipaon in the Cookie Program. Please
2024 Cookie Program
Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 3
know that girls or their parents cannot sell or take money for the Girl Scout Cookie Program on public
buy and sell sites. Girl safety is our priority, caregivers should use their own judgement in guiding their
Girl Scout through the Cookie Program.
NEW: Can families share their Girl Scout’s cookie sales link on neighborhood Facebook pages?
Neighborhood sites are acceptable, when done appropriately. Neighborhood sites are acceptable as long
as the neighborhood site is the neighborhood in which the Girl Scout or her caregiver resides, and it is
based around the community (not buying and selling within that neighborhood). The one line we don’t
want to cross is we never want to sell or take money for the Girl Scout Cookie Program through online
sales sites such as eBay, Craigslist, Amazon, Facebook Marketplace, and public buy & sell sites.
NEW: Can families share their Girl Scouts cookie sales link on family-owned business pages?
Family-owned business pages are generally acceptable. We consider this the digital version of taking an
order card to work, caregivers can post their Girl Scouts direct link. However, we would sll encourage
sharing of the Cookie Finder once Direct Sales begin to share all the ways customers can purchase.
NEW: Why isn’t Gluten-Free Caramel Chocolate Chip (GFCCC) an opon for girl delivery?
Our troops sold an impressive amount of GF Caramel Chocolate Chip cookies during inial orders! These
cookies are in limited supply and GSMH only receives a limited amount with no opon for restocks.
GFCCC will not be available in Cookie Cupboards and unavailable for girl delivery, unless your troop has
leover inventory from inial orders. GFCCC will be available on Direct Ship orders unl supplies last.
NEW: Why is Smart Cookies saying I have On Hand Inventory when we don’t have cookies yet?
For Inial Orders, each avor is rounded up to the nearest case. The packages used to round up create
the On Hand Inventory you see. The troop will be responsible for selling these extra packages.
Proceeds and Rewards – Inial Order Rewards
NEW: What cookies counted towards Inial Order Rewards?
Every cookie sold during the Inial Order period was counted towards girls’ inial order rewards.
Previously, due to system limitaons, direct ship orders were excluded. We knew this did not support the
hard work of our girl entrepreneurs—we advocated for their eorts and worked to make sure all sales
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Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 4
NEW: Do I need to take any acon for Inial Order Rewards?
No acon is needed at this me—these inial rewards will be delivered directly to Service Unit Cookie
Chairs around February 2—the rewards will be available to pick up from your service unit during Inial
Order Cookie Delivery.
NEW: How do I know if my girl(s) earned the Inial Order Rewards?
Troop Volunteers can access a report in Smart Cookies that will tell you which girls in your troop qualied
and earned these Inial Order Rewards.
1. On your dashboard, head to Reports – Current.
2. Click ‘Rewards’ under report categories and select ‘Recognion Order Summary by Girl.
3. Click ‘Go to Report.
4. Scroll down to the boom and click ‘View Report.
NEW: Is anything else changing with rewards?
Nothing else is changing with rewards at this me.
NEW: When will my girl receive her Inial Order Reward?
Inial rewards will be delivered directly to Service Unit Cookie Chairs around February 2—the rewards
will be available to pick up from your service unit during Inial Order Cookie Delivery (February 7-16).
NEW: Will you oer Inial Order Rewards next year?
Planning for the 2025 Cookie Season will not begin unl aer the 2024 Cookie Season is completed. If
you would like to share your thoughts on Inial Order Rewards or anything else related to the Cookie
Program—please look out for and complete our end-of-season survey, coming this April.
If a troop chooses the 5-Cent Opon instead of rewards, will the girls receive the inial order
The inial order early recognion is for all Girl Scouts including those who choose the 5-cent Opon.
Should a troop select the 5-cent Opon they will opt out of all rewards except the inial order early
recognions. This is the same for the Travel Rewards Opon.
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Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 5
Proceeds and Rewards - Troop Bonus
Can troops earn an extra 25 cents per package?
Yes, troops have the opportunity to earn an extra 25 center per package sold if they complete and are
eligible for the Troop Bonus. Troop Bonus can be earned in 5 ers at 5-cents per er, up to 25 addional
cents per box (on top of base proceeds of 70 cents). JCSA troops can earn an extra 5-cents per package if
they choose not to earn recognion items. Those troops can earn up to $1.00 in troop proceeds.
For the Family Meeng requirement, are there any steps that need to be completed to nofy you that
we hosted a Family Cookie Meeng?
No, that is an "on your honor" checkbox on the Troop Bonus form.
If a Girl Scout only parcipates in cookie booths, is she sll considered to have "parcipated" in the
Cookie Program for the 90% parcipaon requirement?
Yes, girls are counted as parcipang if they have cookies allocated to them in the system. So as long as
booth cookies are allocated, that Girl Scout will be counted as parcipated.
How many Cookie Booths does a troop have to do to be eligible for Troop Bonus?
Troops must host at least two cookie booths (entered and approved in Smart Cookies).
If the service unit hosts a troop training, does the troop sll need to complete the training on gsLearn?
At least one troop volunteer must complete the training on gsLearn for that troop to qualify for the
Troop Bonus.
In regard to the Troop Bonus, do online girl delivered orders count towards the 225+?
For the Tier 5 of the Troop Bonus, the troops total online sales only refers to direct ship orders.
If a troop has girls on the ineligible list, will those girls count towards their 90% parcipaon?
The 90% parcipaon requirement for the Troop Bonus will be calculated based on the number of girls
eligible to sell in the troop.
Adding a new girl to our troop will impact our Troop Bonus—why are you recruing now?
We are a membership organizaon—we recruit year-round to give as many girls as possible the
opportunity to parcipate! Our goal will never be to penalize troops for being welcoming and inclusive to
new members. We try our best to calculate the Troop Bonus based on numbers of girls parcipang. If a
new girl joins the troop and does not parcipate in the Cookie Program, it should not impact the Troop
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Frequently Asked Quesons
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Proceeds and Rewards – Other
What if my troop only has 1 girl interested in the 5-Cent Opon and the rest want rewards?
All girls must agree to the 5 Cent Opon. It will be a troop decision.
For the Sock Panda recognion, will girls receive 4 sets of socks?
Yes, if a girl does earn the Sock Panda recognion at the 600+ packages level, they will receive 4 sets of
Can a girl use her Cookie Credit to aend the Travel Reward Opon?
Yes, if a girl doesn’t earn the Travel Reward, she can choose to help pay her way with any Cookie Credit
she has earned.
Once a girl and their adult choose their recognion items, will that appear in Smart Cookies?
When an adult enters their girl’s recognion choices in Digital Cookie, this does not automacally
transfer into Smart Cookies. Troop leaders must pull the Rewards report found on their troop dashboard
in Digital Cookie and enter those choices for each girl in Smart Cookies.
Inial Orders and Deliveries
NEW: Is there a way to change the inial order dates to give us more me?
No, it is not possible to change these dates. Our Cookie Season dates are set months in advance to
coordinate all the moving pieces. However, the Service Unit Chairs and the Cookies+ Team are here to
help! The Service Unit Chairs have January 20-21 to review their troops, and then the Cookies+ Team
reviews everything on January 22 before nal submission.
NEW: What are delivery staons for our inial orders? Why do I see someone’s home and not the
For Inial Orders, those cookies get delivered directly to the Service Unit—no traveling to a Cookie
Cupboard! A Delivery Staon is the exact address of delivery set up by the Service Unit Cookie Chair, and
is somemes (but not always) their home address. Before a Troop can submit their Inial Order in Smart
Cookies, the Service Unit Delivery Staon must be entered in Smart Cookies by the Service Unit Cookie
Chair (deadline of January 17).
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Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 7
The Cookie Scoop states the end of the inial order period is January 5-19, however, there is also a
date of January 21. Can you explain the dierent dates?
Girls can start taking orders by going door-to-door with their Order Cards beginning on January 5. They
have unl January 16 to enter/submit their inial orders in Digital Cookie. troop leaders have unl
January 19 to make any edits to the troop inial order before it goes to the Service Unit Cookie Chair to
review. The Service Unit Cookie Chair has unl January 21 to review the inial orders.
Where does the troop enter their inial order?
Troops will enter their inial order in Smart Cookies. Girls are the only ones who will enter an inial
order in Digital Cookie. The cookies girls enter will populate in Smart Cookies. This will allow troops to
review, add booth cookies, and submit the order.
UPDATED: When will the inial order cookies be delivered? When will we receive our schedule?
Inial Order Deliveries will take place between February 7 to February 16. Geng these dates out
quickly is a priority. We submied our Inial Order to ABC on January 23. From there, our delivery agents
take those numbers and addresses and map out their delivery route with the trucks and workers they
have available. Typically, this takes at least a week. We're hopeful to have those dates by February 1. It is
a priority to get delivery dates as early as we can this year—if your service unit has specic needs, please
contact the Cookies+ Team via info@girlscoutsmoheartland.org.
Will Ranger Drops be an opon for the 2024 Cookie Season?
Ranger Drops (deliveries scheduled outside of the Delivery Agents deliveries) will not be necessary for
the 2024 Cookie Season. Deliveries will be completed February 15/16 and the Direct Sales Period begins
Friday, February 16—every service unit should have their cookies prior to the opening of Cookie Booths.
Cookie Booths
Do we secure Cookie Booths in Smart Cookies or Digital Cookie?
Troops will sll be securing all Cookie Booths in Smart Cookies. Once a booth is secure, that informaon
will be transferred over to Digital Cookie.
Are we able to host a booth out of council?
No. We are only allowed to host Cookie Booths within our council jurisdicon, out of respect for the
surrounding councils.
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Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 8
Do troops need to stay within their service unit when securing/scheduling Cookie Booths?
If a booth is available in Smart Cookies, it is available to all troops. Troops are able to sign up for and/or
secure Cookie Booths anywhere in our council. Troops can also secure their own booths at any locaons
not on the community partner list.
Are troops allowed to reserve booths outside their county?
If a booth is available in Smart Cookies, it is available to all troops! Troops are able to sign up for and/or
secure Cookie Booths anywhere in our council. Troops can also secure their own booths at any locaons
not on the community partner list.
Are we limited to whatever booth spots are listed in Smart Cookies?
Troops can also secure their own booths at any locaon not on the community partner list. Our
community partners do not take calls from individual troops.
Do Cookie Stands need to be entered in Smart Cookies?
Cookie Stands are an individual girl Cookie Booth with their designated adult. Cookie Stands should not
be entered in Smart Cookies. Full guidelines for Cookie Stands are on page 25 of the Cookie Scoop.
Are volunteers able to reach out to stores to secure Cookie Booths?
Troop leader and service unit volunteers are able to reach out to stores, as long as they are not on the
Cookie Booth Community Partners list found here.
Do Service Unit Cookie Chairs have the ability to enter Cookie Booths in Smart Cookies for troops?
Yes, Service Unit Cookie Chairs have the ability to enter in Cookie Booths troops.
Cookie Cupboards
Where are the Cookie Cupboards for the 2024 Season?
We currently have Cookie Cupboards secured in the following locaons: Ashland, Camdenton, Cape
Girardeau, Columbia, Dexter, Frontenac, Houston, Jeerson City, Joplin, Lamar, Mone, Rolla, Sedalia,
Sikeston, Springeld, and Waynesville.
What if we don’t have a Cookie Cupboard near us?
We work with and rely on volunteers to secure Cookie Cupboards each year. If you are interested in
hosng a Cookie Cupboard, please send a case to info@girlscoutsmoheartland.org and the Cookies+
Support Specialist will reach out to you.
2024 Cookie Program
Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 9
Digital Cookie
For the most updated FAQs released by GSUSA, please visit the DC24 Cloud FAQs.
To review the known issue tracker and release notes, please visit the Digital Cookie Issue Tracker.
Are Digital Cookie online sales really safe?
We can assure you that the Digital Cookie plaorm emphasizes the safety of both girls and customers.
Before girls are allowed to set up their site, they are required to learn about Internet safety and take an
Internet Safety Pledge and adults agree to our Terms and Condions before using the web-based
plaorm. No addresses or personal informaon is shared that compromises safety, and
parents/caregivers approve all girl delivery orders (and can even deny orders when the customer is
If a girl has mulple households, how does Digital Cookie work? Can girls be listed under mulple
Girls can only have one login to Digital Cookie. This is a system limitaon that we cannot change. For girls
with mulple caregivers, they will both need to complete a Permission and Adult Responsibility form,
and then need to share access to their Girl Scouts Digital Cookie site.
We are not receiving conrmaon or approval emails for Girl Delivery Orders. Is this normal?
New this year, Digital Cookie does not send conrmaon emails for every order. Conrmaons by
parents are now done on Digital Cookie, not via email. However, if a girl has any unapproved orders, the
system will send one email each night as a reminder.
Is Digital Cookie replacing Smart Cookies?
No, we will sll have both plaorms. For the 2024 Cookie Season, girls will only be using Digital Cookie,
they will not have a log in for Smart Cookies. Our troop and service unit volunteers will primarily be using
Smart Cookies for their order and rewards management. However, Digital Cookie will be the home for all
sales—like the troop links that show up in the Naonal Girl Scout Cookie Finder.
Do volunteers need to sign up for Smart Cookies and Digital Cookie?
Yes. Troop leaders will use Smart Cookies for their order and rewards management, and Cookie Booths.
Troop leaders will take credit card payments and acvate their troop sale site via Digital Cookie.
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Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 10
What phone apps are available for the 2024 Cookie Season?
The Digital Cookie app is the only app that girls and volunteers will be using for the 2024 Cookie Season.
Smart Cookies will no longer have an app for any member to use. Volunteers will use the Digital Cookie
App to take credit card payments at Cookie Booths.
UPDATED: What if my girls/parents don’t want to use Digital Cookie?
Digital Cookie is not required to parcipate in the Cookie Program. However, girls that do not set up their
Digital Cookie site will be unable to take credit card payments via their Digital Cookie site and are missing
entrepreneurial opportunies to teach girls about online sales, markeng, inventory management, and
Where can we nd more Digital Cookie informaon?
Digital Cookie informaon can be found on our website. Digital Cookie also has in-app, step-by-step
tutorials and videos that walk you through each step of the Cookie Program.
Needing more help with Digital Cookie? Check out this handy Training Material Index with links to
everything you need to know for the 2024 Cookie Season!
What forms of payment does Digital Cookie accept?
Digital Cookie only accepts major credit cards for payment.
When accepng credit card payments in Digital Cookie, can leaders scan the card or do they have to
enter the card informaon manually?
Through the Digital Cookie app, leaders have the ability to choose to either scan the card informaon or
enter it manually.
How many volunteers will have access to the troops Digital Cookie app to take credit card payments?
There is not a limited number of volunteers who can access the troops Digital Cookie app. Any registered
volunteer in the troop with a Troop Leader, Troop Cookie Chair, or Assistant Troop Leader role can have
access to take credit card payments through the Digital Cookie app. If a troop leader is unable to aend
the Cookie Booth, girls also have the ability to take credit card payments for the troop at Cookie Booths
through their Digital Cookie app.
If a credit card payment is taken through the Digital Cookie app, when will that appear in the troop’s
Orders will generally show up in Smart Cookies within about 15 minutes of the payment being
processed. The payment will not show if the order was not completed.
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Frequently Asked Quesons
(& Answers)
Last Updated January 26, 2024 Page 11
Does the Girl Scout have to send emails to customers or are they sent automacally?
The Girl Scout has to send any markeng/thank you emails from DC24 that they would like their
customers to receive. Emails related to orders the customer has placed are sent automacally.
Can the caregiver edit the email where the approval email will be sent to?
No, the system will automacally send it to whoever is on le as the caregiver.
Can the delivery esmate the customer receives for Girl Scout delivery be customized?
It can't be customized. It is based on the council's fullment date (when the council has cookies) plus
two weeks.
Is there an opon to turn on or o the Girl Scout cookie delivery?
Caregivers can turn on and o In-Person Delivery on the "my cookies" tab.
Do rewards selecons made by Girl Scouts in DC24 ow back to Smart Cookies?
Leaders will need to pull a report of those selecons and enter them into Smart Cookies. There is not a
feed of those selecons currently.
How long does the caregiver have to approve an in-person delivery order?
The caregiver has ve days to approve or decline the order.
If the caregiver declines the order, is the order cancelled?
At checkout for the customer, the “Cancel” choice is pre-selected for the customer, but they have the
opon to change it to “Donate” if their order is not approved by the caregiver.
Will an order auto cancel if not approved? Will the parent get reminders if they don’t approve in a
mely manner?
Parents receive an email every day if there are unapproved In-Person Delivery orders. If the order is not
approved aer ve days it is either cancelled or becomes a donaon, depending on which opon the
customer selected at checkout.
Is it possible to approve part of an order for In-Person Delivery?
Only full orders can be approved. However, troop volunteers can refund porons of an order for a parent
if the council has enabled that opon.
Does a volunteer only need one login to access all roles to include her daughters?
Correct. One login for all roles and all Girl Scouts the volunteer is the caregiver for.