Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Troop Cookie Manager
You’ll show them the way.
They’ll have the condence to succeed.
Girl Scout
Cookie Program
2 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Table of Contents
Cookie Season Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Cookie Program At-a-Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
How the Cookie Crumbles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Inspire Cookie Entrepreneurs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Market Their Business Online . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Gift of Caring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Proceeds and Rewards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Troop Rewards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Goal Getter Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Digital Cookie Facts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Cookie Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Booth Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Booth Guidelines for Troop Cookie Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cookie Cupboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Girl Allocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Inventory Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Financial Responsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Automated Clearing House (ACH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
How to Handle the Money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Troop to Troop Transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Wrapping Up the Cookie Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Cookie Season Terminology
Girl Scouts has a unique language, and the
cookie program is no exception. Here is a
summary of the more common terms we use
on a daily basis that can be confusing until
you know what we mean.
ACH DEBIT—an eBanking transfer from
one bank account to another. ACH stands
for Automated Clearing House which is the
federal system of sending funds electronically.
Girl Scouts GCNWI gives instructions to our
bank to ACH Debit the troop accounts and
deposit funds into the councils bank account.
Allocations—a process that takes packages
that have been signed out to a troop and gives
credit for their sale to individual Girl Scouts.
The total of cookie packages and Gift of
Caring sales determines each Girl Scout’s nal
sales quantity and her reward level.
Booth Sitethe process where Girl Scouts
sell cookies to customers in a face-to-face
transaction at an approved council booth
site. Troops will host booths based upon
the motivation levels of their Girl Scouts
and in direct relationship to their goals. The
average troop hosts four booths, but many
large troops will have dozens of booths every
weekend and even each day of the cookie
Booth Chair—a service unit volunteer who
manages the relationship of host businesses
and who also grant written permission for
troops to booth on their private property.
Booth Scheduler—a function that allows
troops to sign up for available booth sites and
Cookie Entrepreneur Ofcer (CEO)—a
Girl Scout in business for herself, learning
transferable life skills, while building self-
condence and having fun with her other
troop members.
Cookie Cupboard—locations throughout the
council where cookies are warehoused and
troops are able to pick up product during
designated days and hours.
Cupboard Manager—a volunteer or Girl
Scouts GCNWI staff person who manages the
local cookie warehouse.
Delivery Site—a special location within each
service unit where initial orders are sorted and
distributed to troops.
Digital Cookie—an online sales platform
that can be used by Girl Scouts of all ages. Girl
Scouts send emails to family and friends to
invite them to visit their personalized site and
purchase cookies with a credit card for girl-
delivered. Customers also can donate cookies
to Gift of Caring.
eBudde™—internet-based product sales
software used by troops to track sales,
inventory, booth sites, booth scheduling,
rewards, and payments. Every facet of the
cookie program is managed within eBudde™.
Gift of Caring – council-wide troop service
program where other partnering non-prots
receive cookie donations toward their mission.
Girl-Delivered – orders placed and paid for by
customers online through Digital Cookie for
delivery in person by the Girl Scout.
4 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Girl-Delivered after Initial Order – girl-
delivered orders that come after the Initial
Order (IO) and are lled with extra cookies
from the troop and credited to the Girl Scouts
by the troop cookie manager (TCM)
Girl Order Card – customized form that is
used to record customer orders. It contains
information about the cookies for the
customer and details of the reward plan for
Girl Scouts.
Phase One – Initial Order Period – the rst
phase of the cookie program which typically
runs from December 15 through the end of
Little Brownie Bakers (LBB) – the council
cookie bakery partner located in Louisville,
KY. Only two bakeries produce all Girl Scout
Cookies in the USA. The other baker is
ABC Bakers.
Opt out – Junior level and above troops
can elect to waive the rewards they would
otherwise earn, and instead receive an
additional $.10 per package sold in proceeds.
Opt out troops still receive patches and
charms only.
Parent/Guardian Permission and
Responsibility Agreement – form that
parents or guardians sign to grant permission
for their Girl Scout to participate in the cookie
program and accept nancial responsibility
for all cookies their Girl Scout takes
possession of based on signed receipts.
Phase Two - the second phase of the cookie
program which typically runs from the end of
January through the end of May and includes
booth sites, loop sites, the Goal Getter
program and rewards.
Product Program Team (PPT) – Girl Scouts
GCNWI staff members who have primary
responsibility for working with volunteers in
the council to deliver the cookie program.
Reward – a comprehensive term that includes
all items received by a Girl Scout, a troop,
or a service unit such as recognitions, troop
proceeds, and program credit.
Service Unit (SU) – a geographic area set
by Girl Scouts GCNWI to create manageable
groups of troops. Boundaries can be set by
town lines, school districts, roadways, or
other demarcation.
Service Unit Cookie Manager (SUCM) – a
volunteer who coordinates the cookie program
for the service unit. Chosen by the service
unit manager, and appointed by Girl Scouts
GCNWI, this position trains and supports the
troop cookie manager.
Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) – a volunteer
who coordinates the cookie program at the
troop level. Chosen by the troop leader, and
appointed by Girl Scouts GCNWI, this position
trains and supports Girl Scouts and parents
through the cookie program.
Troop Proceeds –monies earned by a troop
on their total cookie sales, including opt out
Troop-to-Troop Transfer – the exibility
to move cookies (and their nancial
responsibility) from one troop with an excess
supply of cookies to another troop with a
demand for those cookies. This can be very
helpful at the end of the program when a
troop would otherwise be left with excess
inventory and few prospects to sell them to.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Cookie Program At-a-Glance
Hold a troop meeting and explain the cookie
program to Girl Scouts and their families.
During the meeting, encourage Girl Scouts to
set challenging yet attainable goals for the
cookie season.
November 30: Troop Cookie Manager
Training (virtual), 6:30  CST.
Loop Site Guidelines available on the cookie
resource page (December).
December 1 : ACH Form due *If you
completed an ACH form for the 2023 Fall
Product Program or the 2023 Cookie Program,
you do not have to submit a new form.
December 4: Digital Cookie Webinar for
parents and leaders, at 6:30  CST. Both
trainings will be sent out via email by our
GCNWI council.
A recorded version will be available in December. Troop
leaders are encouraged to attend their service unit cookie
training session in November/ December.
December 9: Troop leader receives welcome
email from Girl Scout Cookies and gains
access to eBudde™ to view girl information.
December 9: Be aware that girl households
will receive an email from the Girl Scout
Cookie Program/Girl Scouts USA with the
subject, “Register for the Digital Cookie
December 15: The Girl Scout Cookie
Program begins.
December 15January 15: Initial order
taking period.
January 2-4: Loop Site Commitment form
online submission period.
January 3: eBudde Overview for Troops
Training, 6:30  CST.
January 6: Attend the Cookie Rally! (Details
at girlscoutsgcnwi.org/cookie-rally).
January 7: Council Booth Site Sales sign up
begins at 7:00  CST (troops can register
for up to two time slots only).
January 9: TCM can add Girl Scouts into
January 14: Council Booth Site Sales sign up
(round two) begins at 7:00  CST (troops can
register for an additional two time slots only).
January 15: New! Families can enter their Girl
Scout’s in-person order (order card orders) into
the Digital Cookie site through January 15 at
11:59 .
The troop leader can enter in-person orders
into eBudde if the parent or guardian has not
entered the order into the Digital Cookie site
through January 15 at 11:59 .
January 16-17: Open mic nights, 6:00 
8:00  CST. Have questions about entering
troop cookie orders? Need assistance with
— January 16 continue
The Girl Scout Cookie Program consists of two phases. Phase one (initial order period)
encompasses the paper card and digital cookie orders, which are delivered to your troop
or service unit delivery site. Phase two of the cookie program includes booth sites and the
Goal Getter program, which allows Girl Scouts to continue selling cookies to reach their
goals! Girl Scouts can continue taking girl-delivered orders through Digital Cookie and their
paper order card but must contact their troop leader to fulll the order.
Register for all training
webinars by scanning
this QR code.
6 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
eBudde? First time troop cookie manager?
Have a general question about the cookie
program? Members of the product program
team will be available to answer questions in
this open forum.
January 16: Digital Cookie girl-delivered
sales for the initial order period ends at
11:59  CST.
January 17: Submit troop initial cookie order
and initial reward order due in eBudde™ (11:59
 CST).
January 21: Council Booth Site Sales sign up
(round three) begins at 7:00  CST (troops
can register for unlimited time slots).
January 22: eBudde™ transaction tab opens
at 7:00  CST; troops may place cookie
cupboard orders.
January 25–Feb. 4: Cookie delivery. (Check
with your SUCM for your pick up time and
January 28: Troop Sales (My Sales) site sign
up begins.
January 29: Cookie cupboards, including
gathering place cupboards, open for additional
cookie pick up.
January 29: Goal Getter program begins.
February 2: Cookie Booth Sales weekends
February 14: ACH Adjustment Form due.
February 16-18: National Girl Scout Cookie
February 15: ACH Sweep One (50% of initial
order due).
March 11: All online sales will be stopped at
11:59  CST. No more online sales.
March 12: Cookie program, including
Goal Getter, ends; gathering place cookie
cupboards close.
March 13: ACH adjustment and individual
collection (IC) forms due; last day to enter
troop cookie transfers.
March 14: Submit troop/girl nal reward
orders in eBudde™; last day to opt out of
March 15: ACH Sweep Two (100 percent of
remaining balance due).
March 20: Loop Site day one.
March 27: Loop Site day two.
April 3: Loop Site day three.
Your SUCM will notify you when rewards are
ready for pick up. Please count the rewards
you receive and distribute to Girl Scouts in a
timely manner. Report any damaged or missing
rewards to your SUCM.
Cookie Program At-a-Glance— continue d
Watch eBudde training
videos by scanning this
QR code.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Experiences supported by the Girl Scout Cookie Program enable Girl Scouts to build the
courage, condence and character they need to make the world a better place. Each package
costs $6. More than 75% of the purchase price stays local to ensure that each Girl Scout, her
troop and our volunteers have overall rewarding experiences.
Who Benets from Each Cookie Purchase?
Girls ages 5 – 17
Access to a nationally consistent leadership development curriculum.
Local resources, programs and events developed by professional staff.
Financial assistance to remove economic hardships for girls who want to join and engage in activities.
Support for the pursuit of Gold, Silver, and Bronze Awards.
Opportunities to learn The 5 Skills of the Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Maintenance and upkeep of residential camps, day camps, and properties.
Property managers to ensure maintenance, safety, and access.
Operating funds for troop activities.
Adult members, volunteers, and families
Orientation and training to prepare volunteers for their roles.
Background checks and other protocols to encourage a safe environment.
Marketing resources for volunteers to promote membership.
Supplies and programming resources.
Customer service professionals available to answer questions by phone, e-mail, and in person.
Membership and event registration processing.
Data management.
Technology support for website, online training, and communication channels.
What Other Ingredients Are in the Price?
Cookie program and baker costs
Cost of cookies (including market cost for ingredients) from the baker.
Transportation and storage of cookies.
Staff and temporary staff resources to support program implementation.
How the Cookie Crumbles
8 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
The 5 Skills Girl Scouts Build
The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps Girl Scouts develop real-world skills in ve essential areas:
Goal Setting
Girl Scouts learn how to set goals and
create a plan to reach them.
How you can help: Encourage
them to set incremental,
achievable goals. Work
with them to break down
their goals into small,
frequent wins, like
weekly challenges.
Decision Making
Girl Scouts learn
to make decisions
on their own and
as a team.
How you can help: Talk
about how they plan
to spend the troop’s
cookie earnings.
Money Management
Girl Scouts learn to create a budget
and handle money
How you can help: Build on their interest
in learning to manage all facets of the cookie
business, like creating a budget to fund a troop
experience or guring out the percentage of
customers who chose the donation option.
People Skills
Girl Scouts nd their voices
and build condence through
customer interactions.
How you can help: Ask them about
new marketing ideas they want to
try. They can discuss how to tailor
their cookie pitch to achieve
their goals.
Business Ethics
Girl Scouts learn to
act ethically, both in
business and life.
How you can help: Talk to
them about the importance
of delivering on their promise to
customers. They can also consider
offering a cookie donation option.
Good for Girl Scouts, Good for the Planet!
Packages of Samoas
now have reduced plastic
packaging, and cases
of Thin Mints
use 26%
recycled content (and 18%
less packaging material).
Did you know?
100% of our
rewards packaging
is recyclable or
Inspire Cookie Entrepreneurs
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Inspire Cookie Entrepreneurs
Cookie Business Badges
Entrepreneurs can earn these ofcial
Girl Scouts recognitions by completing
requirements that help them develop new
business skills.
Learn more at shop.girlscoutsgcnwi.org!
Getting Families Involved
Families can support their Girl Scouts as
they learn The 5 Skills and think like
entrepreneurs. With the encouragement of
their family, there’s no stopping a Girl Scout!
Inspire families to get involved by
reviewing these resources:
Cookie Program Family Meeting Guides
Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pins
Digital Marketing Tips for
Cookie Entrepreneurs and Families
Safety tip: Girls of all ages should partner
with their parents or guardians to develop a
plan to safely market their business online.
Although your parent/guardian should do the
posting for you if you’re under age 13, all girls
should have a hands-on role in marketing their
cookie business.
Safety tip: Make sure your
marketing materials don’t
reveal your personal contact
information (like your address,
school, or last name) or your
cookie booth location.
1. As you set goals for your cookie business, think about how digital marketing can help
you meet them. Imagine customers in your community who may not know a Girl Scout. Expand
your reach by sharing your secure Digital Cookie or Smart Cookie link to reach them. Be sure to:
The Girl Scout Cookie Program® offers girls unique
opportunities to engage in online marketing and sales as they
learn about ecommerce and how to think like entrepreneurs.
Follow these four steps as you run your cookie business, and
take your marketing efforts to the next level by going online
using your Digital Cookie® or Smart Cookie website and social
media platforms.
• Be honest. Yes, the Girl Scout Law also applies to your sales technique! From your Digital Cookie or Smart Cookie
site to your digital marketing campaigns, be honest, straightforward, and approachable as you write about your
cookie business.
• Create a sense of urgency. After all, Girl Scout Cookie season only comes around once a year! Countdowns to the
last dates to order are a great motivator for driving sales. Use language that will
encourage potential customers to buy from you right now.
• Make an impression. Use clear, eye-catching photos in your marketing
materials. This may include pictures of the different cookies you’re selling,
yourself in your Girl Scout uniform, or something tied to your goal. If you plan to
use your cookie earnings to go camping, tell your customers about it to show
that the cookie program powers amazing girl-led adventures!
• Highlight special features or products. Share the top-selling cookies in your
lineup or any special varieties. Do you have a new avor available for purchase?
How about a gluten-free option? Do your customers know that Thin Mints are made with vegan ingredients?
• Use a clear and prominent call to action. Share your goal and exactly what
your customer can do to help you achieve it.
©2021 Girl Scouts of the USA. All rights reserved
Check off the boxes as you complete each activity with your family—
you can earn a different pin each year! Adults, look for the throughout
for special ways you can help!
Junior Pins
1. Strategize your sales. Talk with your family to gure out a
realistic goal of how many cookies you think you can sell, then set a
second goal focused on your sales method—like how many packages
you’ll sell digitally or how many customers you can upsell.
My t roop goa l is __________ p acka ges so we c an _________________________
My personal goal is _________ packages, and my strategic goal is __________.
2. Learn from the past. If you’ve sold Girl Scout Cookies
before, think about what worked and what could have gone better. If this
is your rst time, ask a Girl Scout who knows the ropes to tell you about
her experience. Make an “action plan” that includes everything you’ll
need to run your cookie business.
The path to success.
Goal setting isn’t only about
numbers—it can also be about
sales strategy. Help her think
through all the different ways
she could make a sale, then
create a goal for one of them.
Step back. Girls feel the greatest
sense of pride when they have
ownership over their sales and get to
ex their decision-making skills. So feel free to
give feedback, but make sure you let her come
up with the plan herself.
Cookie Goal Tracker
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_______________ pac kag es
_______________ pac kag es
Cookie Family Connection Guide
Cookie Program Guide for Parents, Caregivers, and Families
Welcome, families!
The cookie program gives your Girl Scout the ability to power unique opportunities and adventures
for herself and her troop while learning to think like an entrepreneur. And you’re key to her success.
With the support, assistance, and encouragement of her family, there’s no stopping a Girl Scout!
Why should my Girl Scout participate in the Girl Scout Cookie Program?
Have an entrepreneurial
Interested in being
an entrepreneur
Girl Scouts
Non-Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts have an entrepreneurial edge when it comes to mindset and interest!
Junior Cookie Program
Family Meeting Guide
For Troop Cookie Managers and Troop Leaders
Your go-to guide for engaging girls and families
in their Girl Scout Cookie Program® experience
10 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Market Their Business Online
Your #1 Strategy
Find Ready-Made Graphics,
Announcements and Other
Digital Resources:
Safety Resources
Girl Scouts and their caregivers must read, agree to and abide by the guidelines linked below
before engaging in online marketing and sales efforts through the cookie program. You can
also ask your council about the Volunteer Essentials and Safety Activity Checkpoints. These
include basic facts, forms, tips and more!
Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge
Digital Cookie® Pledge
Find inspiration on social! Follow and share
posts to kick-start a digital campaign.
Girl Scouts
Little Brownie Bakers
Plan your
content with
the Digital
Girl Scouts can expand their customer base
by promoting their cookie business online.
Here are a few ways they can take their
digital marketing to the next level.
Digital Cookie
: Personalize their site by
uploading weekly videos. Offer cookies
through direct shipping or in-person
Social Media: Create a digital marketing
campaign to stand out and spread the
word to far-away family and friends.
For tips and best practices, visit Digital
Marketing Basics on LittleBrownie.com.
Text or Call: Reach out to customers
who may not be online and follow up for
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Gift of Caring
Instead of purchasing a package of cookies to take home, customers may make donations that
gives cookies to individuals in the Armed Forces as well as their families, and to community
organizations. The council is responsible for the distribution of Gift of Caring (GOC) cookies.
Girl Scouts take orders and collect payment for donated cookies during the initial order phase and
beyond. The council will deliver all donated cookies to the USO, Soldiers Angels, essential workers,
and community organizations.
This year GOC will be taken three ways: on the order card in the rst column, in a the Goal Getter
transaction, and online donations through Digital Cookie™.
Donations made through the Digital Cookie™ program will count towards whatever portion
of the program it is placed. Troop cookie managers (TCMs) must NOT allocate any online GOC
transactions. Many troop order mistakes happen here, so be careful!
Donations to Local Organizations – Troop Projects
Troops can collect packages of cookies during their booth sales and deliver them directly to a local
organization of their choice, such as a food pantry, shelter, military organization, nursing home,
etc. Troops participating in their own cookie donation service project are responsible for payment
of the packages and delivery to their organization of choice. Packages collected for troop projects
should not be delivered to the gathering places and are not part of Gift of Caring.
At the end of the program, the troop cookie manager will count the number of packages
remaining, match with donation money and allocate those varieties directly to the Girl Scouts in
the troop. The money is then deposited into the troops bank account.
Final Gift of Caring
All GOC donations, whether they happened during the initial order period or during booth sites,
need to be reported and allocated at the girl level. These donations count toward the Girl Scouts
rewards AND overall sales level. All donations received by the troop should be converted into GOC.
At the end of the program, any donation money remaining after troop projects and last minute
orders should be converted into Gift of Caring packages. These new GOC packages are allocated
directly to individual girls in eBudde™ and the money is deposited into the troops bank account.
Gift of Caring Business Support
This is a great way for a business/organization to support more than just our Girl Scouts. If a Girl
Scout reaches out to a business that is willing to participate, she receives a patch and the business
receives recognition from our council, as well as visibility on our website. In addition, this adds
to the Girl Scouts’ rewards and to the troops bottom line. All Gift of Caring Business Support
donations must be submitted to the council for the business to receive recognition. Council will
handle the transaction to credit the Girl Scout. For more information, visit girlscoutsgcnwi.org/
12 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Proceeds and Rewards
Troop Proceeds and Opportunities for Girl Scouts
All troops will earn a minimum of $1.05 per package sold.
Daisy and Brownie troops must take rewards with the $1.05 proceeds per package sold.
Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors may choose to opt out of rewards. They
will then receive $1.15 in proceeds and no rewards except patches and charms.
Opting out of rewards must happen prior to March 14, 2024. Once nal rewards are
submitted, the proceed plan cannot be changed.
NEW FOR 2024: Troops who sold $1,000 or more in the 2023 Fall Product Program will
receive an additional $0.05 per package sold.
Service Unit Incentive
Service units that reach 100% of their 2024 cookie goal will receive $0.12 per case for
every case sold.
Service units that reach 105% of their 2024 cookie goal will earn $0.25 per case.
Service units that reached 100% of their 2023 Fall Product Program goal and 105% of
2024 Cookie Goal will receive $0.35 per case of cookies sold.
All troops will be automatically opted into rewards. If your Junior, Cadette, Senior, or
Ambassador troop decides to opt-out of rewards to receive cookie proceeds, you must change
the setting in eBudde™.
Troops who choose additional proceeds do not receive any category of rewards, only patches
and charms.
Girls can earn a variety of rewards for their achievements in the Girl Scout Cookie Program. Be
sure to check out the cookie order card to learn more about what girls can earn.
Rewards are cumulative. There are no substitutes for any of the rewards offered. If a Girl Scout
cannot attend a reward experience with a specic date, she can transfer the reward to another
Girl Scout.
Cookie Dough cannot be substituted, or used to purchase cookies or fall product. Cookie Dough
may be used towards membership dues, program fees, camp registration, shop merchandise
(including cookie badges, patches, pins and other awards) and Girl Scout travel opportunities.
Cookie Proceeds
Girl Rewards
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Troops with a per-girl average (PGA selling as indicated on the sales report in
eBudde™) of at least 175+ packages at the end of the program, all Girl Scouts
selling will receive a “Bandana. Troops with a per-girl average of 200+ packages
at the end of the program, all Girl Scouts selling will receive a “T-shirt.” Size
required. In addition, troops with a per-girl average of 200+ packages at the
end of the program, the troop cookie manager will receive a “T-shirt” (two per
troop). Sizes must be entered on the REWARD tab under Final Rewards Order.
The PGA is automatically calculated in eBudde™ according to the number of
packages sold by the troop, divided by the number of Girl Scouts selling. eBudde™
only counts the number of Girl Scouts who have recorded sales as participating
and eligible to earn the troop reward.
Troop rewards will be shipped to the service unit cookie manager (SUCM)/
SU reward coordinator in May/June, 2024. Troops should plan to pick up their
reward order during this time. Any rewards not picked up 30 days after the due
date designated by the SUCM or SU reward coordinator will become property of
the council and must be returned to one of the council gathering places by the
SUCM or SU reward coordinator. We cannot guarantee that the troop rewards will
be available at the council after those 30 days. Rewards at the 1000+ package level
and higher will be delivered directly to the Girl Scout.
In the REPORTS tab of eBudde™, print out a list of the girls’ initial order
period and nal reward items.
Inventory all items received prior to separating and distributing to the Girl
Scouts in your troop. Track any overages, shortages or damages.
There are no tickets to pick up for the 500+ package level Signature Party
Cruise on Lake Michigan. Girl Scouts who reach the 500+ package level
will be contacted via email as the 2024 cruise dates get closer.
Troop Rewards
Troop Final Rewards
Troop Reward Delivery
14 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Quick, easy, and convenient! The Goal Getter Program enables girls to fulll orders to the
package. Just follow the ve easy steps below to take advantage of this convenient option:
1. Visit shop.girlscoutsgcnwi.com and select the LOG IN button in the top right corner
of the screen. You will be redirected to a “MY ACCOUNT” page.
a. If you have already shopped on the site, you just need to log in. (You can also register/
create a new account.)
b. If you haven’t or are unsure if you have an account, you can enter your email address
and select “Lost Your Password” and an email will be sent to you to reset your
c. Make sure you check your junk or clutter boxes in your email.
d. If you don’t get the email, contact customer care at
2. After successfully logging in, select GOAL GETTER COOKIES from the main
3. Complete the Goal Getter information page where you will enter the troop number,
Girl Scout’s rst and last name, parent/caregiver rst, and last name, and phone
4. Enter the quantity for each cookie variety you wish to order and proceed to checkout.
If you chose Gift of Caring Cookies, you will not receive those cookies but rather
they will be delivered by our council to military, essential workers and community
organizations. Council will handle the allocation of cookies to the Girl Scout.
5. Select the pickup location, date and time, and proceed to payment. To keep everyone
safe, we encourage one form of payment: debit card, credit card and/or cash.
6. Come back as often as you like!
The Goal Getter process and cupboard locations are subject to change.
Digital Cookie girl-delivered orders should not be fullled through the Goal Getter Program.
Customers have already paid for these cookies and troops have received a payment credit.
Goal Getter Program
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Digital Cookie Facts
Digital Cookie is both a website and resource
developed by GSUSA in conjunction with Little
Brownie Bakers, which allows Girl Scouts to take
online cookie orders. Customers can order and pay
for cookies online and have the option for the cookies
to be directly shipped to them (shipping charges
apply), have the Girl Scout deliver the cookies, or
donate cookies with no additional handling fees.
Over 80% of Girl Scouts cookie sales are through
Digital Cookie. For those unfamiliar, we will host a
Digital Cookie webinar for parents and leaders which
takes place December 4 at 6:30 . CST. Registration
links will be sent via email to applicable participants.
Important Facts
The minimum Digital Cookie order requirement
for shipped cookie orders is four packages. Digital
Cookie orders count towards Girl Scout rewards and
troop proceeds. Special Digital Cookie rewards can
be earned. (Rewards are cumulative).
Participation in Digital Cookie is a Girl Scout/family
How do Girl Scouts/Parents Get Started?
On December 9, 2023, registered
Girl Scout
household(s) will receive an email from the Girl Scout
Cookie Program/Girl Scouts USA with the subject
Register for the Digital Cookie Platform.
Follow the prompts to create a password.
Watch the “Safe Selling for Smart Cookie” video with
your Girl Scout, and read and accept the Girl Scout
Pledge. Upon completion, you will receive an email to
set up the Girl Scout’s Digital Cookie Store.
Parent Initial Order in Digital Cookie. One of the
big enhancements for DC24 is the ability to allow parents/
caregivers to add their Girl Scout’s order card quantities into
Digital Cookie. These orders will then ow over to eBudde
once the parent/caregiver submits the order. Refer parents to
the Digital Cookie Parent Instructions resource available on our
GCNWI website at girlscoutsgcnwi.org/cookie-resources.
How do Troop Leaders Get
Watch your inbox for an email from the
Girl Scout Cookie Program/GSUSA with
the subject, “Register for the Digital Cookie
Platform.” How to get started:
On December 9, troop cookie managers
and leaders will receive that email.
If you are ALSO the PARENT of a Girl
Scout, you will gain access to your
daughter’s site via an email that you will
receive as a PARENT on that very same
day (December 9). Be sure you and your
daughter check out her site together!
Once you register on the Digital Cookie
platform the rst time, even if you have
multiple roles (parent, troop cookie
manager, leader), at your next login you
will see a screen where you can select the
role you want to visit from a drop-down
box. How easy is that!!!
If you select a troop role, you will be
taken to the Troop Dashboard.
No need to log out when switching roles,
simply use the menu at the top of the
The Troop Dashboard is your cookie
campaign headquarters. This is where
you will nd the
Girl Scout
s’ online sales
at a glance, send email blasts to parents,
and view reports. These reports will
be helpful for online purchases/girl-
delivered sales. You can also pull reports
from eBudde.
A recorded webinar and additional tip sheets
will be available on the GCNWI website at
16 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Digital Cookie Facts — continued
Gift of Caring:
You will notice that GOC packages may be automatically assigned to a Girl
Scout and troop without a variety attached. You do not need to supply any inventory or log
any eBudde entries for Gift of Caring; the council is happy to handle these donations!
Direct Shipped:
You will also notice that direct shipped inventory will automatically be
assigned to Girl Scouts and troops. You do not need to do any entry to account for those
In the initial order phase, cookies and payments will automatically be
assigned to your Girl Scouts. In the second phase of the cookie program, there will be no
additional cookie inventory automatically assigned to your Girl Scouts; you will need to
allocate the cookies sold and you will need to ll those orders from troop inventory, troop
to troop transfer, or get them from a cupboard. (Money, however, will be automatically
allocated.) You can lter a report in Digital Cookie to help you see what cookies you
will need.
Here are three ways to get cookies to fulll Digital Cookie girl-delivered orders in
the second phase of the cookie program:
1. Use remaining inventory from the initial order period.
2. Exchange cookies/use troop-to-troop transfer with another troop in our council.
3. Fulll the order through a transaction in eBudde from one of our gathering place
cookie cupboards.
Girl Scout Digital Cookie girl-delivered orders will be approved by parents. Please
communicate with your Girl Scouts’ parents to coordinate this.
Set a date each week to receive cookie orders and a corresponding date to collect
packages from a cookie cupboard.
Enter the order in cases and/or packages as a transaction in eBudde.
Allocate cookies to the Girl Scouts after picking them up. Don’t forget the customer
already paid for these cookies and Digital Cookie girl-delivered orders are not the
same as Goal Getter orders.
Note: Failure to deliver cookies for a girl-delivered online order will result in a Council DOC
Cupboard transaction. The nancial responsibility of these cookies will be moved to the troop.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Visual learner?
Theres a video for that on the Little Brownie
YouTube channel! Check out this
playlist for step-by-step eBudde training videos.
A must-have for Girl Scout Cookie
The eBudde cookie management system offers calendar reminders, reports, training and much
more — on either your desktop or mobile device. It’s also where sales are recorded so Girl Scouts
get full credit for their hard-earned rewards.
Download the eBudde app
Once you've been added to
the system, you will receive
an email with a link and login
information from do_not_reply@
Set up your troop — review your
roster, enter your troop's package
goal and individual goals, and edit
your troop's reward settings
Explore the dashboard on both
the desktop and app versions,
where you’ll nd messages, links
to tools and resources you’ll need
throughout the season
Visit the eBudde Help Center for
any questions related to tech and training
Quick tips to get you started:
18 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Cookie Delivery
Cookie delivery will take place January 25–February 4. Your SUCM or SU delivery coordinator
will communicate the details to you. Troops pick up at the designated delivery site. In preparation
for the delivery, you will need to take a total count of your initial order to determine how many
vehicles are needed to pick up the troop order. Have your vehicles empty and ready to be loaded.
Service Unit Delivery Station Sites
TCMs must verify the troops order at the delivery site. Bring a print out of the troop order to
verify case counts.
A receipt must be signed by the TCM and the SUCM stating that the troop order was received
in its entirety.
If the order was not received completely, the missing cases must be noted on the receipt by
the SUCM.
The SUCM is responsible for locating the missing cases.
Once the receipt is signed, no corrections will be made.
Drive-Through Delivery Sites
A minimum of two volunteers per vehicle is required.
One volunteer stays in the vehicle to drive.
One volunteer veries the case count BEFORE it is loaded into the vehicle.
A receipt must be signed by the TCM and the SUCM stating that the troop order was received
in its entirety.
If the order was not received completely, the missing cases must be noted on the receipt by
the SUCM.
Once the receipt is signed, no corrections will be made.
Product Distribution to Girl Scouts
Sort each Girl Scout’s order before you schedule a pick up time.
Prepare a receipt for each Girl Scout.
Girl Scouts and their families must verify the order and sign a receipt stating that the order
was lled completely and accurately.
Give the family the yellow copy of the receipt.
Once the receipt has been signed and the product is in the family’s possession, the parents
agree that the order has been lled correctly and in its entirety; no corrections will be made.
A receipt should be lled out and signed by the TCM and the parent. The Girl Scout and
her family are responsible for product distribution and payment collection from their
customers and payment in full for all product received from the TCM in full for all product
received from the TCM.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
How many cases can my car carry?
Use this guide to approximate how many cases of cookies will t in your vehicle. The
amount is calculated with the assumption that the car will be empty except for the driver
and uses all space except the driver’s seat. Safety note: avoid carrying cookie cases and
children in the passenger area of a vehicle at the same time.
Car Type Number of Cases
Compact Car 23
Hatchback Car 30
Mid-Size Sedan 35
Sport Utility Vehicle 60
Full-Sized Station Wagon 75
Full-Sized Van (with seats) 75
Pick-up Truck (full bed) 100
Full-Sized/Cargo Van 200
How it Works
Cookie booth sites are
Girl Scout
opportunities for customers to purchase cookies
from troops. All Girl Scout levels may participate
in booth sites and will gain valuable experiences
during the process.
Cookie booth site sales provide Girl Scouts
opportunities to develop The 5 Skills, such as
people skills, when they directly interact with
customers, and money management when they
collect payments and make change. Booth site
sales also help girls reach their goals, so we
encourage them to consider participation in cookie
booth sites as part of their cookie program.
Girl Scouts, parents, and other volunteers are
reminded that participation in a booth site is a
privilege provided to them by merchants and
business owners. Everyone who participates
is representing Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago
and Northwest Indiana, and everyone must
always display proper manners and exceptional
behavior and follow all merchant rules and council
guidelines. We should always respect authority,
respect ourselves and others, and leave the booth
Booth Sales
site better than we found it.
At cookie booths, Girl Scouts
should be able to
Discuss troop goals,
Count accurate change,
Be comfortable speaking with customers,
And know their product.
As an adult, you should
Choose booth locations that are safe,
secure and appropriate for girls’ ages,
Provide adequate and attentive adult
And supervise money handling. It’s
always helpful to have a calculator and
cash box handy!
Check out our
website for cookie
booth site tips!
20 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Booth Guidelines for Troop Cookie Managers
The SUCM/booth coordinator secures booth
site solicitation permits (where necessary).
Request a copy of the permit from your
SUCM/booth coordinator.
High-rise buildings in downtown Chicago
are reserved exclusively for Loop Sites Days
and will be secured by council.
If you have a personal connection to a
high-rise building in downtown Chicago,
you may be able to secure that building for
your troops use. Please coordinate that
opportunity with Susan Rakis at srakis@
girlscoutsgcnwi.org before January 1, 2024.
Walmart and Jewel-Osco locations will be
secured by the council. Do not approach
these stores. As approvals are received, they
will be added to eBudde™. You can assist
your service unit by volunteering to help
secure council booth locations!
All malls in and around Greater Chicago
and Northwest Indiana will be secured by
council. Please do not approach them. As
approvals are received, they will be added
to eBudde™.
Many businesses notify their customers
that Girl Scout Cookies are coming! Once
you sign up for a cookie booth, that booth
site is uploaded into the Cookie Finder™ app
for customers looking for cookies.
Cookie booths must always be attended
by two adults and no more than four Girl
Scouts at any given time. (a business may
require a maximum of two or three Girl
Scouts. Please adhere to their requests).
You must remain at your booth site sale for
the duration of your scheduled time. Please
ensure that you have an adequate number
of cookies. If you leave early, customers who
found you on the Cookie Finder app might
show up to an empty booth, and that’s not
good customer service.
Only plan to stay at your location for the
time you are scheduled. There may be other
troops that are scheduled at that location
before or after you.
If there is a conict or error in scheduling
troops, the troop with their conrmation in
eBudde™ has priority. It is important to note
that conicts among volunteers and parents
is unacceptable in front of Girl Scouts, the
public, and store management. If necessary,
please call 855-456-8347, ext. 6722, for
If you must cancel, be sure to remove your
troop from the booth slot in eBudde™.
This will open that slot for other interested
Girl Scouts should wear Girl Scout apparel
or display their Girl Scout pin on their coat.
Cookie booths must be a safe distance from
high-trafc areas such as parking lots and
Girl Scouts must always remain close
to their booths; no running around or
approaching people inside the business.
Take away all garbage and empty cookie
cases when you leave your site. Remember,
Girl Scouts always leave a place cleaner than
they found it!
Do not place empty cookie cases in the
establishment’s garbage receptacle. Take
them with you.
Be considerate when the next troop arrives.
Allow 5-15 minutes prior to the end of your
slot to pack up and leave at the appointed
time. Do not wait until the very end of your
time slot to pack up and clean your area.
Let the business manager know when you
are leaving and thank them for allowing
your troop to set up a booth at their site.
Consider donating a box of cookies as
a courtesy; a thank you note is always
Most cookie booth time slots will show
specic information in the notes section
of eBudde™ regarding the location of the
booth within the store, if it is indoors or
outdoors, etc. DO NOT contact booth site
businesses with questions about time slots,
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
direct those questions to the product
program team.
Booth Sign Up
Troops may sign up for booths on the Booth
Site tab in eBudde using the following
January 7 at 7:00 , troops may select
up to two slots.
January 14 at 7:00 , troops may select
and additional two slots for a total of four.
January 21 at 7:00 , troops may select
as many time slots as they choose.
For detailed instructions on
selecting booths
My Sales/Troop Booth Sites
A “My Sale” or “Troop Booth” Site is a
business or location that is requested by a
troop for their use. It is typically a one day
site where one of the troop members has
a personal connection (such as family or a
close personal friend). Locations that are
part of chains or franchises, where more
than one day is given for all of the troops in
the area do not qualify for a My Sale. Do not
contact large chain grocery or retail stores.
All My Sales should be approved by the
service unit cookie manager (SUCM). Many
service units ask troops to contact the SUCM
before approaching any business for a My
Sale to make sure the location is appropriate
and not a duplicate of a location secured by a
service unit or another troop already.
The troop will receive an email reminder
about the date, time and location during the
week before the booth is scheduled.
My Sale” or “Troop Booth” may not be
secured or entered into eBudde™ until
January 29.
Donations at Booths
All donations received by the troop
during the cookie program period are to
be converted into GOC. Every “keep the
change” or direct contribution should
be converted into GOC. Troops should
not keep direct cash contributions
during the cookie program.
Troop Credit Card
Use the Digital Cookie App to collect
payment for credit card cookie orders!
Customers will love the ease of paying
for their cookie order with a credit card,
and troops will benet by offering their
customers a cashless option. Optimal
Character Recognition (OCR) allows for
contactless checkout/scan payment
using the phone’s existing technology
to scan a credit card. Plus, there is a QR
code for purchasing cookies from the
troop site.
Troops are welcome to use other credit
card processors, such as Clover, but
please note that this is the last year that
Girl Scouts GCNWI will cover Clover
credit card fees. Our partnership with
Clover will conclude August 31, 2024.
We recommend collecting credit card
payments with the Digital Cookie App
to avoid fees and to streamline the
process for next year.
Troops are welcome to use other credit
card processors. However, the council
cannot reimburse the troop for those
credit card fees.
22 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Cupboards will open Monday, January 29,
through March 11, 2024. Gathering place cookie
cupboards will be closed on February 19.
At a cookie cupboard, you can:
Bring cookies that were damaged
upon delivery or not up to standard to
be exchanged: Gathering place cookie
cupboards are the only places you can
exchange damaged product. Please note
that exchanges are not for credit and are
only eligible if the cookies were damaged
prior to delivery.
Pick up additional cases or packages of
cookies: Please note troops may pick up
individual packages including packages
for Goal Getter orders from gathering
place cupboards only.
Cookie Cupboards
Our council has several cupboards at our
various gathering places and other spots
around the area.
Be on the lookout in January 2024 for
our conrmed listing of cookie cupboard
locations and hours of operation.
Verify, load, and count your own cookies.
For your records and in the event that any
discrepancies are found, make sure to
keep a copy of the cupboard transaction.
Additional cookies will be charged to your
troop once the transaction is posted in
eBudde. Also, make sure to download and
log into the eBudde app if cupboards are
using electronic transactions.
Initial orders cannot be lled at cupboards.
What to Know About Cookie Cupboards
Pending Order Submissions for Additional Cookies
If additional cookies are needed, orders can
be placed with their cupboards of choice.
This system helps our council stay updated on
inventory so we can make sure all cupboards
are fully stocked.
The TRANSACTIONS tab, where you can
place pending cupboard orders, will be
available at 7:00  CST on January 22, 2024.
Troops will place pending cupboard orders
through eBudde™ with a 24-hour advance
notice, and cupboard managers will use
eBudde™ to process pending orders into
completed orders at the time of troop pick up.
Orders will remain pending in eBudde™ until
they are picked up.
Goal Getter orders should never be entered into
Only TCMs and leaders established in eBudde™
will be allowed to place and pickup orders from
the cupboards.
Troops and their authorized users will be
locked out of eBudde™ and unable to place a
cupboard order if:
1. No ACH information is submitted.
2. The February 15 ACH sweep is not
eBudde™ access will be reinstated after the ACH
information is submitted and/or a payment equal
to the February 15 ACH sweep is successful.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Click on the TRANSACTIONS tab in
eBudde™ to get started.
Click the +Add button
Date: No entry neededthe transaction
date is automatically created.
Receipt #: Automatically assigned.
Type: Select type of transaction.
NormalTransaction with no specic
Booth—Transaction is for a booth sale.
Select “Cupboard.
In the drop-down menu, select the
cupboard location for pick up.
Pick up: Select the date/ time that cookies
will be picked up.
Cookie Order
Product Movement: Select “Add Product”.
Cases: Enter the number of cases you
need for each variety.
Packages: Enter the number of packages
you need for each variety
Save: Save transaction.
Your transaction will appear as “pending”
in eBudde™. This status noties the cookie
cupboard staff to prepare your order. You
will also receive an email indicating you have
a pending transaction. If you do not receive
an email, you may not have saved your order.
Once you have picked up your order the
“pending” status will be removed.
How to Place a Cookie Cupboard Order
Cookie Cupboard Pick Ups
Print out your troops pending order and
bring it to the cupboard. If other volunteers
are assisting you with the pick up, make
sure they have a copy of the pending order
from eBudde™ and know the troop number.
Troops may designate a volunteer in
eBudde™ to pick up cookies from the
cupboard. Troop leaders and TCMs should
NEVER designate themselves as a “Troop
Cookie Pickup-Only User” in eBudde™
because that will confuse their status in
Give your complete troop number (i.e.,
ve digits) to the cupboard staff. Your
pending order will be reviewed with you
and you may have an opportunity to adjust
Do not assist the cupboard staff with lling
the order. Too many hands may result
inaccurate cookie count.
Count, count, count! Verify and sign for
your order before you load your vehicle
and leave the cupboard! You are nancially
responsible for what you sign for, not for
what you take. Orders will not be adjusted
once you leave the cupboard!
Troops are only nancially responsible for
cookies once the pending order has been
picked up and is marked completed in
Tip: Patience and understanding is necessary
as many cupboards are run and/or staffed
by volunteers, and they deserve respect and
There are no returns or exchanges on
any cookies.
Damaged cases/packages will
be replaced through the gathering place
cupboards for the same variety only. All
cookies ordered by the troop will be the
troops responsibility.
Damaged Means:
Crushed packages or cases
Sealed but empty packages
And/or packages returned by a customer
for any reason
24 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
In order to ensure that every package of cookies is accounted for, allocations are an important
part of your responsibilities as a TCM. Even if a troop is opting out of rewards and higher
proceeds, cookie allocations ensure each girl earns the highest number bar patch (100+).
As the TCM, you should record all girl payments in the GIRL ORDERS tab of eBudde™ to
properly account for the amount due from each Girl Scout. eBudde™ tracks each Girl Scout’s
nancial responsibility and helps make your troop collections that much easier.
Girl Allocations
Understanding Girl Troop View
How to Allocate Cookies
Girl Totals—This line displays all the cookies that have been allocated to the
Girl Scout
s. The
goal is to ensure that the overall
Girl Scout
total matches the troop order.
Troop Order—This line includes all the packages of cookies your troop has received for initial
order, troop-to-troop transactions, cupboard pick ups, GOC, etc. This is the total number of
packages that your troop is responsible for and updates throughout the cookie season.
Difference—This line indicates whether you still have cookies to allocate to
Girl Scout
s (a
negative number) or if you have over-allocated the troop order (a positive number). The
goal is that your difference is zero (0) by the end of the cookie program. As you allocate
packages of cookies to
Girl Scout
s, this total will be updated.
In the GIRL ORDERS tab of eBudde™ (select Record Booth Sale).
Select the booth site that you wish to allocate packages or GOC.
Enter the number of packages of cookies sold, by variety.
All the Girl Scouts in the troop will be listed with checkmarks by their names. Uncheck any
Girl Scouts who were not at that booth.
Click DISTRIBUTE and eBudde™ will allocate the cookies and money evenly amongst the
Girl Scouts selected.
Start in the GIRL ORDERS tab of eBudde™.
Here you can allocate packages sold beyond initial order, meaning cookie booth sales and
GOC donations.
Enter a girl record by clicking on a
Girl Scout
s name.
Click +ORDERS.
Add comments, packages sold in each category, and the payment.
Click SAVE.
How to Allocate Booth Cookies
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Balancing your inventory of cookies on hand
is critical. Regularly count the number of
packages/cases in the troop inventory and
compare that to the number of packages/
cases that eBudde™ says the troop should
have in inventory. eBudde™ lists the troops
inventory in the “Difference” row at the
bottom of the GIRL ORDERS tab.
Timely entry of the girl orders (based on
the signed receipts) in the GIRL ORDERS
tab, and entry of the booth sales (using the
Booth Sales Recorder app or the “Record
Sales “ option of the eBudde™ Booth Sites
tab), should make balancing much easier.
Balance the troop inventory on a regular
This will help the troop to know how
many cookies are in inventory (to
determine if more cookies are needed or
Financial Responsibility
Inventory Management
the troop has too many and needs to start
troop-to-troop transfers).
This will make wrapping up the sale so
much easier (no scrambling at the end of
the sale to nd a problem).
If there is a difference, double check the
Recount your actual on-hand inventory.
Compare all girl orders and booth packages
sold have been entered according to the
signed receipts or booth tally sheets.
You can also make corrections to an entry
by clicking on that line and entering your
Conrm cupboard pick ups by reviewing
the TRANSACTIONS tab (Note: if there is
a pending cupboard order, that order will
be included in the TOTAL ORDER row on
the GIRL ORDERS tab).
Troop cookie managers are challenged to motivate Girl Scouts to sell as many packages as
possible AND to keep an eye on the ow of cash, checks, and credit card payments as well
as the cookie product, all at the same time. If TCMs place too many restrictions on how
troop funds ow into the treasury, they risk suppressing the eagerness of Girl Scouts to
sell their hearts out. If no guidance is given for nancial responsibility, the troop can risk
losing the entire cookie season to the careless person who didn’t know how to handle lots
of cash on the kitchen table.
Every TCM should set logical, attainable goals for depositing all funds into the proper
troop bank account as promptly as possible. When in doubt, please ask your troop leader,
SUCM or the product program team for additional guidance.
26 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Troops’ Financial Responsibility
All cookies ordered as part of the initial
order period.
All cookies picked up at cupboards under
the troop number.
Any lost, stolen, or counterfeit money.
TCMs/Troop Leader Financial
All Girl Scouts’ payments received for cookies
and all monies collected at booth sales.
Always complete a receipt whenever a Girl
Scout receives cookies, or a payment is
made to the troop. Both parties should sign
and keep a copy of the receipt.
All Girl Scouts’ rewards earned by the
Be sure to deposit collected monies into the
troop bank account and keep copies of the
bank receipts to turn in with your nancials
at the end of the program.
Automated Clearing House (ACH)
TCMs must distribute all rewards to
Girl Scouts with no outstanding debt
upon receipt.
When distributing cookies for a booth, keep
track of the cookie booth cookies on the
receipt, and cookies and money returned at
the end of the booth sale.
Log receipts on the GIRL ORDERS tab daily.
Any lost or stolen cookies.
Reminder to get receipts for all transactions.
Count, count and count again please!
Each Family’s Financial
All cookies received by each Girl Scout.
All money received from customers.
Get a signed receipt from the troop
treasurer/leader if you give them the money
to deposit into the troop account.
GSGCNWI uses ACH electronic funds transfers for the Girl Scout Cookie Program. The ACH
system uses the troops bank routing and account numbers to identify the accounts to be
credited or debited. This secure system through which funds are “swept,” or electronically
transferred helps make the collection of payments easy for volunteers like you and the council.
Sweep Amounts
ACH Sweep example:
The sweep is calculated by taking the total initial order, subtracting the amount of
proceeds on those cookies, and then subtracting any digital cookie payments made for
online orders. The sweep will then be half of that amount.
Total troop sales — 100 packages X $6 = $600.00 (this amount includes
Digital Cookie orders processed
before initial order placement)
Troop proceeds — $1.05 X 100 packages = –$105.00
Any digital cookie payments dated before 1/17/24 = –$ 30.00
Council proceeds-total amount owed for initial order = $465.00
ACH sweep # 1 50% of amount due to Council above = $232.50
You can quickly and easily check your balance due in the SALES REPORT tab of eBudde™.
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Digital Online Cookie (DOC) payments will be labeled DOC SHIP or DOC DLVR
These payments are deducted from the amount the troop owes council.
Total Pkgs Received—The total accounts for the number of packages your troop is
responsible for and updates throughout the cookie season.
Total DOC Pkgs Received—The total accounts for the number of packages your troop
received through Digital Online Cookie orders.
Total DOC Charity Pkgs ReceivedThe total accounts for the number of Gift of Caring
packages your troop received through Digital Online Cookie orders.
Total DOC Delivered Pkgs Received—The total accounts for the number of packages your
troop received through Digital Online Cookie orders that were earmarked as girl-delivered.
Total Troop Sales—This line reects the total packages received times $6 per package.
Troop Proceeds: This line shows what proceeds the troop has earned to-date in the
current cookie season.
Council Proceeds—This line is the remaining balance that the troop is responsible for
Deposits Made—This section displays all successful payments made to the council,
whether it was through ACH sweeps, Goal Getter transactions, or payments made in-
Balance Due ACHThis is the amount that will be swept from your troop account through
ACH. Payments toward this amount owed can also be made at any gathering place.
Understanding the Sales Report
28 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
How to Handle the Money
Girl Monies
All participating Girl Scouts must be
registered with GSUSA and have a signed
Girl Scout Permission and Responsibility
Form turned in to the TCM prior to
participating in the cookie program.
Girl Scouts may accept cash and/or checks
made payable to “Girl Scout Troop XXXXX-
GCNWI” as payment for cookies. Girls
should only accept preprinted checks with
the issuer’s address.
Cookie funds should be collected from
Girl Scouts and safeguarded by parents
immediately. If the money and/or product
is stolen, a police report needs to be led
and the council needs to be notied
Additionally, the loss needs to be
reported to your private insurance
carrier. Ultimately, the individual who
lost the money/product is nancially
responsible to the council. Cookie funds
should be submitted for deposit to
the TCM immediately in their original
form (cash and/or customer checks),
promptly and frequently. Parents must
NEVER deposit cookie funds into their
personal bank accounts. A receipt must
be lled out and signed by the TCM and
the parent any time money and product
are exchanged.
Troop Monies
New this year! Council will roll over
banking information from last year.
However, troop information changes
frequently and we must have the most
current bank information in the system
prior to the ACH sweep. No exceptions!
Please use the online ACH form found at
Troops will be permitted to submit one
(1) request to adjust the ACH Sweep one
to accommodate late girl payments on the
rst ACH Sweep. A minimum sweep of 25
percent of the amount due is required for
a ACH adjustment to be accepted.
Troops must pay the entire balance due
with the second ACH Sweep. In the event
of an outstanding balance, you MUST
submit an ACH Adjustment form and
Individual Collection (IC) form for
that Girl Scout.
Troops that transfer cookies to another
troop must enter the transfer into
eBudde™ a minimum of one (1) week prior
to the last ACH Sweep.
Troops that submit an ACH adjustment
for the second ACH Sweep will delay
the nal sweep for two weeks only. A
nal sweep for the total amount due is
scheduled for March 29.
Troops that do not enter their troop-to-
troop transfers by the deadline will be
responsible for monetary transactions
between troops.
Troops and all their authorized eBudde™
users will be locked out (or remain locked
out) of eBudde™ after rst ACH sweep if:
They have not submitted their
banking information,
They return NSF in the rst sweep,
Or if their sweep returns because of
invalid account information.
Troops and all their authorized
eBudde™ users will be reinstated in
eBudde™ if they make a payment
equal to the February 15 sweep or a
follow up sweep two weeks later is
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Troops should never pay for a Girl Scout’s delinquency; service units should never
pay for a troop delinquency.
If a Girl Scout has placed an initial order but has not paid the troop for that order,
additional cookies should not be given to that Girl Scout until the initial order is
paid. If a troop gives additional cookies to that specic Girl Scout before the initial
order has been paid for, the council will not accept an IC form for that Girl Scout’s
open cookie balance.
Troops may not submit another IC form for a Girl Scout’s open cookie balance if
that Girl Scout was reported as delinquent in previous year.
IC forms for Girl Scout delinquencies and ACH adjustment forms must be
submitted by March 14, 2024.
In the event that a volunteer has a bad debt, the council will attempt to make
contact three times. After three attempts have been made, the volunteer will be
sent to collections and released from their volunteer position. In the best interest of
our Girl Scouts, volunteers and the council at-large, Girl Scouts GCNWI reserves the
right to prosecute if the troop has an unpaid balance.
Troops or parents that have a balance with the council will be sent to collections
after June 1, 2024. No payment plan will be offered.
Returned Checks
Troops will be reimbursed for customer NSF check charges only; bank charges
to the troop due to lack of funds in the troop account when payment is due
will not be refunded. Troops must ll out and submit a Returned Check Fee
Reimbursement Request Form within seven days of receipt. The form can be found
at girlscoutsgcnwi.org/cookie-resources.
Collection and Delinquency Issues
30 Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Troop to Troop Transfers
Troop-to-troop transfers are entered in eBudde™ by the troop who is “transferring away” the
cookies. When cookies are moved from one troop to another, no money changes hands between
troops; cookies are moved in eBudde exactly like cupboards. The inventory and nancial
responsibility moves to the receiving troop.
An agreement must be made between the two troops prior to the cookie transfer.
The council will not be responsible for any discrepancies between troops regarding troop transfers.
All troop transfers must be entered into eBudde™ a minimum of one week PRIOR to the nal ACH
sweep. No exceptions. If they are not transferred in time, it will be up to the two troops doing the
transfer to work out the cookies/payment on their own.
Click on the TRANSACTIONS tab in eBudde™
to get started.
Click +ADD.
Date: No entry.
Pick up: No entry.
Type: Select “Normal.
Second Party: Select “Troop.
Troop Number: Enter the ve-digit troop
number of the troop receiving the cookies
being transferred.
Product Movement: Select “Remove Product”.
Cases/Packages: Enter the number of cases
and/or packages you are transferring for each
This transaction will move cookies from the dispensing troop to the receiving troops sales report and
adjust their debt to council.
If an error is made in posting, simply click the transaction on the listing. Make corrections and resave the
Troop Cookie Manager Guide
Wrapping Up the Cookie Program
If you’ve kept up with everything, wrapping up the cookie program should be easy. Refer to this
list that outlines all the steps required to nish the season.
Make sure that all cookies you received, either
through the cookie cupboard or troop-to-troop
transfers, are accurately posted to the troop.
Allocate packages on the GIRL ORDERS tab
to make sure that every package is allocated to
a Girl Scout. Even if your troop is opting out of
rewards, this is essential to ensuring every Girl
Scout earns the right “Number Rocker” patch.
Make sure all Girl-Delivered orders have
been lled from your troop extras or through
cupboard orders.
Gift of Caring sales from individual orders and
booth sites need to be accounted for on the
GIRL ORDERS tab, because these sales impact
the GOC Rewards and girl overall sales. Record
and allocate all GOC sales to the girl level.
Record all girl payments on the GIRL ORDERS
tab. Stay ahead of this and record every
payment as you receive it.
The nal opportunity for Junior, Cadette,
Senior, and Ambassador troops to opt out
of rewards is March 14, at 7:00  CST. You
can opt out in the SETTINGS tab.
Submit all rewards by March 14 (11:59  CST).
Please note: Troops with an average of 200
packages-per-girl must communicate with
Girl Scouts’ families to gure out what t-shirt
size and selections should be ordered. This is
extremely important, as there are no extras
available because we only order sizes based on
eBudde™ selections. Also, up to two t-shirts
may be ordered for troop volunteers. Sizes are
required at this time. We sincerely thank you
for your help!
Keep a print and downloaded copy of your
sales report, found on the SALES REPORT
tab. This is necessary when completing your
end of year troop nancial reports, as this and
deposit receipts will be requested.
Congratulations to your Girl Scouts is in order!
Plan a celebration for all of the hard work
you and your Girl Scouts put into our cookie
name, mark and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES
and the Trefoil Design, ar
owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Used under authority of Girl Scouts
of the USA. SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOES and SAVABNNAH SMILES are registered trademarks of Kellog NA Co.
RAH-RAH RAISINS and TOFFEE-TASTIC are trademarks of Kellogg NA Co. Copyright®, ™, © 2015-2016 Kellogg NA Co. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensed vendor.