Girl Scout Cookie Program | 2024
Table of
About the Cookie Program
Girl Scout Cookie Lineup
Essential Skills Girl Scouts Learn
How the Cookie Crumbles
Getting Ready
Cookie Badges
Online Training Resources
How Much Will My Troop Earn
Proceeds Bonus
Host a Family Cookie Meeting
Calculating Your Initial Order
& eBudde
Logging into eBudde
Placing the Initial Inventory Order in eBudde
Working With Girl Scouts
Working with Girl Scouts and their Families
Care to Share Program
Distributing Girl Scout Cookies
Ways to Sell Cookies
Digital Cookie
Digital Cookie for Girls
Digital Cookie Account Setup
Digital Cookie Rewards
Digital Cookie Notes
Setting Up Troops in Digital Cookie
Setting Up Troop Virtual Booth Links
Digital Cookie Girl-Delivery
Frequently Asked Questions
Cookie Booth Basics
Council Sponsored Booths
Troop Sponsored Cookie Booths
Setting up non council booths in eBudde
Sign Up Dates
Canceling Reserved Booths
Booth Waitlist
Booth Return Policy
Booth Return Policy Tips and FAQ’s
Virtual Booth Sales
Cookie Cupboard Basics
Who Can Pick Up from a Cookie Cupboard
How to Place Pending Orders
Allocating Cookies in eBudde
Allocating Cookies with the Troop Virtual Booth Link
Troop to Troop Tranfser
Cookie Transfers
Booth Sale Reorders
Cookie Exchange
Troop Rewards
Girl Rewards and CheddarUp
Instant Rewards
Program Credit
Other Opportunities for Girl Scouts
Submitting Final Cookie Rewards
Cookie Finances
Problem Collection Form
Unpaid Debt Consequences
Cookie Resources
Contact Info
Without dedicated and generous volunteers like you, our girls
wouldn’t gain the valuable skills they need to be
tomorrow’s leaders.
To support you in this mission, we have provided you with a
step-by-step guide for the 2024 Girl Scout Cookie Program.
Welcome to the
2024 Cookie
Girl Scout Cookie Lineup
Thin Mints Tagalongs Samoas Do-si-dos Toffee Tastics
Lemon-Ups Adventurefuls
All cookies are
The Cookie Program makes
Girl Scouts possible.
When customers buy delicious Girl Scout Cookies, they’re
helping power amazing experiences for girls. Experiences that
broaden their worlds, help them learn essential life skills, and
prepare them to practice a lifetime of leadership.
Cookie proceeds stay local, which means after the costs of
baking the cookies and program logistics (like transporting
them), 100% of the proceeds for each package is reinvested in
Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois!
Essential Skills
Girl Scouts Learn
Girls learn the
impact that
business has
on the world.
Girls choose
how to sell
and use
their funds.
Girls learn
how to plan
and aim for
Girls learn
how to be
Girls learn
how to
and sell to
All proceeds stay in our local council!
62% is invested in girls through programs, properties,
volunteer support & training, nancial assistance,
and council services.
So, what exactly does your Thin Mint do?
council services
& camps
& rewards
How the Cookie Crumbles
Supports troop activities and service projects that
benet their communities.
Keeps Girl Scout Camp and other programming
available and affordable.
Provides nancial assistance, so that Girl Scouts is
accessible for all families.
We hope you’re excited!
As troop product manager, you have a big role; but we truly believe the
benets of helping girls learn new skills and grow their condence is just
as big of a reward.
Your main responsibility is to oversee the Cookie Program for your troop.
That means running what is known as a family cookie meeting, helping to
set goals, assisting with inventory management, and distributing rewards.
We also recommend visiting for additional resources,
such as step-by-step tutorials. Feel free to reach out to your volunteer
service unit product manager—they are here to help you along the way!
You’ll receive the newsletter, Cookie Bites, via email on a weekly basis.
This publication contains all the timely information you need, when you
need it. We recommend that you read it in entirety when it lands in your
inbox for reminders, alerts, and inspirational stories to keep you going.
The Cookie Business badges are the best way for
girls to develop business skills and learn to think
like entrepreneurs as they run their own business.
Earning a Cookie Business badge gives girls a chance
to reach new heights and unleash their potential
as they work together with their troop to achieve
team goals. For more information on all cookie
badges and pins girls can earn, visit
CookieBadges or scan the QR Code.
Bring the whole family together for tons of fun and
learning with our Girl Scout Cookie Program pin
Getting Ready
Cookie Badges
Online Training Resources
This year, Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois will offer convenient
training options that can be completed from the comfort of your own home!
All training resources can be found in gsLearn. Simply log in to MyGS and you will
nd everything in one place.
1. Complete all sections of the 2024 Cookie Program Training in gsLearn.
Training will be available on gsLearn starting December 1, 2023.
2. Fill out the troop product manager agreement form in gsLearn.
3. Log in to eBudde to set up your account.
Who couldn’t use a little eBudde refresher a few weeks after you complete online
cookie training? In 2024, we will be providing brief online training videos weekly on
both Cookie Bites and on social media, covering topics relevant to the timeline of
the program.
Cookie Program Materials
Cookie Program materials (order cards, envelopes, etc.) will be shipped directly
to the troop product manager! Materials begin shipping the week of December 1,
2023. If you are short on items, please contact your service unit product manager.
Cookie Service Unit Meeting
Your service unit will hold a cookie meeting in December or January. It is very
important to attend this meeting in order to hear about service unit specic
information, such as delivery, cookie rally, and to pick up a sample box of the Girl
Scout S’mores cookies to share with your troop!
Cookie Bites Weekly Email
Starting January 10, 2024, we will be sending out Cookie Bites, a weekly email with
tips, reminders, trainings, and other tidbits to help you along the way!
Complete Training Online (Avaliable December 1)
You will complete the online training in gsLearn. Cookie training will consist of:
1. A required section on the Cookie Program and troop nances for all troop
leaders to complete in December.
2. An optional training section for new troop leaders to be completed in
December or January.
Troops earn a minimum 70¢ per package sold. Cadette, Senior, and
Ambassador Troops who opt out of rewards for higher troop proceeds
earn 8 per package sold. Troops that opt out of rewards will still qualify for
all patches, Troop PGA T-shirt reward, Troop Adventures, Program Credits,
and the Super Seller Club rewards.
Troops have the opportunity to earn an additional proceeds bonus per
package sold if they reach a certain per girl average (PGA) during the Cookie
Program. Take the total number of packages sold by your troop, divide
that number of girls selling, and plug that into the chart to determine how
much your troop will earn per package sold. You can also nd your troop
PGA in eBudde on the total sales report or the nal rewards page – already
calculated. Girls not selling do not count toward your troop PGA.
Per Girl
Rate Per (PGA) Package
With Rewards
Opt Out of
1-249 $0.70 $0.80
250-299 $0.75 $0.85
300+ $0.80 $0.90
How Much Will My
Troop Earn?
Proceeds Bonus
Calling all Cookie Captains!
Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts can complete online training to
become a 2024 Cookie Captain! Cookie Captains are experienced cookie sellers
who can use their expertise to assist at rallies, troop meetings, and cookie
booths. They can even earn extra program credit by participating!
Find out more at
Troop T-Shirt
Host a Family Cookie Meeting
Family Cookie
Meeting Checklist
Review the Cookie Program
permission form and the family
guide (received in the mail) and
open the meeting up to questions
and clarications.
Discuss all methods of selling and
which methods work best for the
troop and families.
Share the rewards on the yer with
the Girl Scouts - you know they’re
Set troop and individual goals. How
much money would the Girl Scouts
like to earn? Is there a special
trip or service project the troop is
interested in? How will the troop
track their goals?
Discuss volunteer opportunities
with caregivers such as initial order
pick up, cookie sorting, and cookie
booth supervision.
Share important dates, review the
program calendar and rally info.
Establish a calendar of when orders
will be due and when cookies will
be available for pickup.
Log in and discuss Digital Cookie.
Discuss the initial inventory order
– how will the troops initial
inventory order be placed?
Family Cookie Meetings are critical
to the success of the program!
They help provide a foundation of
understanding and agreement for
both volunteers and families.
We recommend hosting a meeting
1-2 weeks before the Cookie
Program start date. At the meeting,
Girl Scouts and their families come
together with their troop leader(s)
to talk about the upcoming Cookie
Program to discuss their goals,
share best methods for staying in
contact (i.e. text, phone, email), and
agree on roles and responsibilities.
The Cookie Program differs for
troops based on level and experience.
Because of this, you can nd Cookie
Program family meeting guides for
each Girl Scout level.
Each Cookie Guide
A meeting agenda
Tips for holding virtual meetings
Safety tips
Ways to sell cookies
You can nd a link to your
level-specic family meeting
guide at
Calculating Your
Initial Inventory Order
How do I get my cookies?
With the eBudde online platform, it’s easy to
manage cookie inventory, nd your delivery
location, and transfer cookies to/from
other troops.
Does the initial order matter?
Placing an initial order helps your troop(s) have
the inventory they need on hand for Cookie Go
Day. The initial inventory order is your troop’s
starting inventory. Planning can help reduce
the chances of running to a cookie cupboard for
large-quantity pickups!
How much should I order?
Our recommendation for the initial inventory
order is 75% of your troop’s expected sales for
the 2024 Cookie Program. Since new troops
do not have any average sales from last year,
they will use the New Troop tab on the Cookie
Calculator which calculates the average sales that
your troop level had during the previous year. For
example, if you have a new Brownie troop, the
New Troop tab would give you 75% of the average
sales for all Brownie troops in our council the
previous year. These cookies are not returnable
to council - so order wisely. All cookies are paid
for by the troop bank account.
What is the Per Girl Average?
During the 2023 Cookie Program, Girl Scouts
in our council sold an average of 232 packages
per girl; we encourage Girl Scouts to start there
with their 2024 goal. Those who reach the 232
package goal will experience every benet of
the program, from trying different methods of
selling to achieving some amazing prizes!
Existing Troops:
Your expected sales will be
based on last year’s total
sales and the number of
girls you will have selling.
The cookie calculator will
help you estimate
your order.
We recommend that you
order 75% of your expected
sales; however you can
order any amount you are
comfortable with selling.
New Troops:
Use the Cookie Calculator
to help you to estimate
your order.
Don’t be afraid to ask an
experienced volunteer
or the product program
team at Girl Scouts if you
have any further questions
about what to order.
Cookie Variety
We have 9 varieties of
cookies in the lineup. The
percentages you should
use when calculating your
initial order on the nine
cookie varieties are listed
on the bottom of page 26.
Logging into eBudde
You will use eBudde to place the troop’s initial order, track girl orders, order
initial and nal rewards, order additional cookies, and schedule cookie booths.
We highly recommend you download the eBudde Troop App Plus – you can now
do anything on the app that you can do on eBudde!
Step 1: Log in
Each user will get a welcome email from eBudde that has a seperate link for
logging into the system for the rst time. This link is unique to you, and cannot
be used by others. User receives “welcome email” with login link. Remember to
check your junk folder. Click on the link. This link expires in 48 hours.
At the password screen, enter and conrm personal password. Make sure to
review/enter all additional information. Write your new password on page
39 of this book. If you have forgotten your password, please follow the
instructions on page 39.
Step 2: Set up your troop
Click the Settings tab and Edit button
Enter your troops goal in packages
Make sure the age level is correct
C/S/A Option Only: Check no rewards/additional proceeds if your
troop is opting out of rewards for higher proceeds
Click Save
NOTE: The number of girls selling and registered is automated
Step 3: Conrm Registered Girls
On the Girls tab, which is locked, you can view all of the girls registered with
your troop. This will continue to be updated throughout the sale.
Only girls with cookies assigned to their name in eBudde will count as selling and
used to calculate your per girl average (PGA).
If there are girls missing, rst check your roster via your My GS account to ensure
they are registered. Only your council can verify registration status and
update eBudde.
Placing the Initial
Inventory Order in eBudde
Step 1: Entering the Initial Inventory Order
eBudde allows you to place your initial inventory order by individual girl*, booth
sales, or the entire troop. You can place your order one way – or all three!
To order cookies by individual girls, follow the instructions below.
Click on each Girl Scout’s name
At the bottom of the screen, squares appear where you enter the order
Tab through the columns, entering package order by variety
Click the OK button on the far bottom right
Repeat this process for each Girl Scout
Click Save at top of the screen
You can save and edit the order as many times as necessary.
IMPORTANT: If you do not have cookie orders by individual girls, that’s OK!
Many troops will place an initial order for the entire troop and will distribute
the cookies to the girls at a later time. If you are planning on ordering enough
cookies to reach a PGA of 200 packages, you will need to order at least one
package of cookies for each girl that will be selling cookies, then enter the rest
of the troop initial order under Other or Booth. This will ensure that eBudde
will order a Lottie the Mini Axolotl for each girl selling. Digital Cookie Orders
DO count.
Ordering Cookies in the Other or Booth column:
Go to the initial order tab
Click the Others or Booth line
Enter the number of cookies by package - NOT case
There are 12 packages per case
Your initial order will be rounded up to the nearest case
Remember: Cookies ordered for booths on the Initial Order tab
are not eligible for return
Cookie Delivery:
February 10, 12-15
Each delivery site is different.
Here are the basics:
Arrive at your assigned or chosen
time - no earlier than 15 minutes
prior, and make sure your entire
party is available. Please notify the
station worker if you have multiple
Use vehicles large enough to hold
all of your cookies at once.
When you choose your delivery
site in eBudde, you will see
guidelines for the size of vehicle
you will need to pick up all of the
cookies in your initial order.
Cookies will be counted and loaded
into your vehicle by volunteers
on site. If you need to exit your
vehicle, please be considerate of
You should be given a receipt for
the cookies you pick up.
Make sure you sign it and retain
a copy for your records. If you are
not given one, ask for one.
Contact your service unit product
manager right away if:
Your troop misses cookie
pickup due to an emergency.
If you get home and nd there
is an error with your count.
Step 2: Conrm Reward Order
If your troop ordered a PGA of 200 or more
(check the Sales Report Tab in eBudde), you will
submit an initial rewards order.
Open the Rewards Tab
Click Fill Out next to Initial Reward Order
Click on each girls name to verify she
earned the reward
Click Submit Girl Order
Repeat for each girl as needed
Submit troop order
Click OK in the pop-up box to conrm
your submission
Once the girl rewards are submitted,
no changes can be made
Step 3: Conrm Delivery
You must conrm your delivery station in
eBudde. If you skip this step, you will not
receive cookies on the scheduled delivery
day for your area. Your service unit product
manager will conrm your delivery location.
Here is how to conrm your delivery location
in eBudde.
Delivery Tab
Click drop down arrow and select
applicable delivery station
Click the Submit My Info button
Click OK
Click View Conrmation button
Click PRINT button
The system will conrm that your delivery
information was updated. You can print the
delivery conrmation for your records.
Working with Girl Scouts
and Families
The best part of being a troop product manager is that you work with Girl Scouts
directly on achieving their goals and developing business skills. The Girl Scout
Cookie Program trains Girl Scouts with the essentials, but sometimes tough
decisions go along with running a business. Managing their inventory, knowing
when to pass that inventory along to another Girl Scout or troop, and seeing if a
Girl Scout is capable of taking on additional inventory is a large part. See some tips
below for coaching girls and families along the way.
Tip #1
Share the experience you had
when you were a Girl Scout
selling cookies or something
similar you had to do at your
job. Girl Scouts will see the
connection between the Cookie
Program & their future careers.
Tip #2
Hold a Cookie Round-Up on
the weekends with families so
that families are in the loop.
Host a Google Hangout, or ask
caregivers to text you during
the week.
Tip #3
Assist in moving inventory
between Girl Scouts.
With your point of view,
you’ll know what the best
connection to make between
families to get every Girl Scout
to her selling goal.
Girl Scouts have a long tradition of making the world a
better place, knowing the importance of community
service, and the value of giving back! During the Cookie
Program, this can be achieved through our Care to
Share program.
Care to Share encourages Girl Scouts to ask customers/
businesses to donate as little as $6 so that cookies can
nd their way to those serving in the military, through a
council-sponored program. Cookies purchased go directly
to Iowas Bravest and Soldiers Angels - military support
organizations that send care packages to our troops.
Cookies may also nd their way to local community
organizations, like rst responders. In 2023, Girl Scouts of
Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois collected donations of
24,340 packages for the Care to Share program!
Care to Share Program
Notify caregivers of the date, time, and location they can pick up
their order. Give yourself enough time to get home, unload the
cookies, and prepare the orders.
Sort all cookies and orders before you let any caregiver pick up
cookies. This will help you identify a problem with your order before
anyone picks up cookies.
Prepare cookie receipts for each Girl Scout. When caregivers pick up,
have them count and verify their order. Complete a receipt for every
cookie transaction. Caregivers must sign the receipt.
Provide each Girl Scout with a money envelope with their balance
and money due dates. Remember, caregivers are responsible for all
cookies for which they sign. Write a receipt each time cookies or
money exchanges hands.
Keep receipts in a safe place with the permission forms!
If you have a Girl Scout who lives in multiple households, be sure
that she picks up her separate orders. A permission form should be
collected from each household.
You should start collecting money from the girls for their initial order
within two weeks of delivery.
Collect any additional cookie cupboard orders from your girls so you
can pick up their orders. Cupboards open the week of cookie delivery.
You can check eBudde for dates and times available to schedule
a pickup.
Distributing Cookies
to Girl Scouts
Follow the list below to ensure successful
deliveries to girls and families.
Ways to Sell Cookies
Door to Door Sales
Hand out door hangers to the Girl
Scouts that came with the cookie
materials. Girl Scouts can leave them
for customers who are not home to
contact them later!
If you run out, check with your local
ofce, service unit product manager,
can print more at
Remember that Girl Scouts should
respect areas and businesses that
have “no solicitation” signs.
Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scouts
must be accompanied by an adult
when selling.
Online Sales
Girl Scouts can advertise their online
cookie sales on social media sites to
friends and family (such as Facebook
and Digital Cookie). Girl Scouts may also
advertise their cookie sales on social
media through SAFE community sites
(such as schools, churches, neighbor-
hoods, etc). Posts on behalf of a Girl
Scout should be girl-led and encourage
girls to be the ones to complete the sale.
Virtual Booth Sales
Create an event on Facebook and invite
customers to purchase cookies through
the troops Digital Cookie Link so they
can pay with their credit card!
Set up a contactless site for customers
to pick up the cookies OR offer
contactless delivery.
Order Taking Sales
Girl Scouts can take orders from
customers before the cookies arrive.
Get their order right away and deliver
them when the cookies arrive. Order
taking sales can take place during the
entire sale.
Workplace Sales
Girl Scouts may leave an order card
at a parent workplace, with employer
Girl Scouts should play an active role
in the sale by creating a display or
marketing piece with the order card as
well as help with distribution of orders
and collection of payment.
Some companies may also be interested
in purchasing cookies as gifts, making
charitable contributions to the Care to
Share Program, or matching collected
donations during troop sponsored
cookie booths. These are booth
locations set up by the troop product
manager or troop leader.
Cookie Booths
Commercial booth locations have
specic dates and times secured
by Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and
Western Illinois.
Troops can also secure their
own booth location in their local
community. Contact your local
businesses, churches, schools, or
events. Think outside the box!
Enter your cookie booth in eBudde to
be included in the Cookie Finder.
Mobile Sales
Mobile sales involve selling Girl Scout
Cookies in a public space while moving
about (i.e., selling from a cart, wagon,
or sled). They can happen any time
during the Cookie Program, and do not
need council approval.
To make things even easier for
customers, girls can download the
Digital Cookie mobile app and process
customer payments using credit cards!
Cookie Partner Program
Troops that join the Cookie Partner
Program will have the opportunity
to partner with local businesses that
are interested in purchasing Girl Scout
Cookies! Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa
and Western Illinois will have a list of
area businesses that are interested in
participating in this program.
For more information, visit
Drive-Thru Booth Sales
Contact local businesses about setting
up a drive-thru Cookie Booth sale in a
parking lot.
This could include churches, schools, gas
stations, etc. Make sure you nd a safe
location away from heavy trafc.
Ways to Sell Cookies
Digital Cookie for Girls
Did you know that, on average, Girl Scouts who use the Digital Cookie platform
sell 3 packages more per order than they do with in-person sales? In fact, Girl
Scouts who paired Digital Cookie with traditional sales on average sold 76% more
cookies than Girl Scouts who did not sell cookies online at all. Needless to say,
Digital Cookie is the perfect tool to help your girls run their 21st century cookie
Through the Digital Cookie platform, Girl Scouts can conduct credit card and
online transactions, reach out to potential customers, and track their progress
digitally. Best of all, you can customize the way Girl Scouts learn and earn, using
technology in new and engaging ways, all while earning cool cookie business
badges along the way!
Here are some tips for your girls to be successful with Digital Cookie and use the
platform to its full potential. Round up your Girl Scouts, put your #cookieboss hats
on, and let’s dive in!
Setting Up your
Digital Cookie Account
Step 1: Register
To set up and to use the Digital Cookie platform, caregivers should keep an
eye out for the registration email, coming on January 10, 2024. Emails will be
sent to all registered members.
Step 2: Set up your site
Girls can set goals, share cookie stories, and upload a fun picture or video.
Step 3: Invite your customers
Manage your cookie customer list and easily send readytouse emails.
Girl Scouts can also promote through a personalized cookie site link on
Facebook with friends and family.
Step 4: Track your goals
See how close you are to reaching goals by tracking the numbers of packages
sold online and orders placed, as well as sales by delivery type and cookie
variety. Girls can even add their ofine sales to track their total progress.
100+ Packages
Cookie Techie Patch
Digital Cookie Notes
Girl Scouts can use the Digital Cookie app to take in-person credit card payments
for cookies in hand or for shipped orders! Troops will need to order and fulll
any girl delivery orders – this includes the initial order and orders after the initial
order. Girls can add ofine sales to Digital Cookie to track their total sales.
Note that ofine sales entered by the girls are not entered by variety.
The Digital Cookie system sends notication emails to caregivers to approve orders
for the girl deliveries as they come in. This can cause confusion for customers since
once the order is approved, the customer starts getting automated emails regarding
their order. Here are some recommendations for caregivers to follow regarding girl
delivery orders.
Caregivers and Girl Scouts should...
Check cookie inventory before they approve an order. If they don’t have enough
inventory on hand, they should check with their troop product manager.
Communicate with customers right after approval about the timeline for
cookie delivery.
Double check that customer orders are correct as they are prepared for delivery.
Contact customers before delivery to make sure they can plan to be home when
the cookies are delivered.
Include a thank you note signed with Girl Scout’s rst name and email address
in case the customer needs to reach out.
Digital Cookie Rewards
100+ Packages
Cookie Techie Patch
200+ Packages
Cookie Techie Charm
Watch your email:
Watch for your registration email
on January 8, 2024, from the Girl
Scout Cookie Program (email@email.
In the email is a “Register Now”
button to take you to the Digital
Order Card registration site.
Create password:
Once you click the link, you’ll be on
the Digital Order Card site.
You’ll need to create your password.
Log in:
Use your new password to log in.
Remember to use the same email
address where you received your
registration email.
Watch safety video:
If you are also the caregiver of a
Girl Scout under 13 and caregiver
registration is open, watch the quick
Safe Selling for Smart Cookies”
safety video. Note: You can’t proceed
any further until the video has
been watched.
Terms and Conditions:
Read and accept the Terms and
Conditions-Volunteer. If you are
also a caregiver, you will need to
read and accept the Terms and
Conditions for parents when parent
access opens.
Caregiver Access:
If caregiver registration has opened
in your council and you are also a
caregiver of a Girl Scout under 13,
you will see the girl pledge appear.
If parent access has not opened,
you will see it appear on your next
login once parent access begins. See
the “Site Registration” tip sheet for
more information on the pledge.
Role Selection:
If you have roles in addition to troop
leader, you will be taken to a “role
selector” screen once parent access
opens. Once parent access has
begun, if you have additional roles
and aren’t taken to this screen OR
all of your roles do not show up on
the drop down, please contact
Setting up Digital Cookie for
Troop Product Managers
Setting up Digital Cookie for
Troop Product Managers
Digital Cookie for Troops
Digital Cookie isn’t just an important sales tool for Girl Scouts in your troop, it can
be used to enhance cookie booth experiences and boost overall troop sales!
The rst step is to set up your troop account in Digital Cookie. Troop leaders will
receive their registration email by January 8, 2024.
Troops will be able to set up a Digital Cookie link for customers to purchase
cookies directly from the troop! This troop link will be connected to GSUSAs
Cookie Finder app, and troops will be able to accept direct shipped and donation
orders. Troops can also use the Digital Cookie app to accept online payments
from customers at booth sales at no extra cost to the troop.
Cookie Booth Pick-ups
Troops will be able to schedule cookie pickups for customers through Digital
Cookie for cookie booths they have scheduled in eBudde.
Your Digital Cookie Dashboard has information that helps you support your Girl
Scouts and their parents in their Digital Cookie sales. All appointed troop leaders
and cookie volunteers for the troop should have access to this Dashboard when
they log on to Digital Cookie. There are six tabs on your troop dashboard:
My Troop
My Troop Orders
Troop Cheers
Virtual Booths
If a Girl Scout sells cookies through Digital Cookie for girl delivery and they were not already
added to her eBudde account, you must add them when she picks up the cookies, just as
you would any other transaction. Once a caregiver tells you they need additional cookies
to fulll a girl-delivery order from Digital Cookie you will need to allocate them to the
girl under the appropriate cookie variety. Enter the details of the transaction i.e. “DC girl
delivery 3/10.” When nished, click Save.
Do not mark a payment for these packages. A nancial transaction will already be listed
under the girls name from Digital Cookie as being paid.
Digital Cookie Girl-Delivery Cookies
Note: You can nd tip sheets for each of these tabs on A very important section on the
Dashboard tab is Troop Virtual Booth Info.
Troop Virtual Booth Links
Troop links allow you to use the Digital Cookie app to process
payments at booth sales with NO FEES and to take orders from
customers at the troop level instead of the girl level. See page
21 for instructions on how to set up your Troop Virtual Booth
Setting Up your Digital Cookie
Troop Virtual Booth Links
Your Troop Virtual Booth links will help your troop make sales online instead of, or in addition
to, your regular cookie booths. When you set up your Troop Virtual Booth site, there will be
two links that you can use.
Setting up your Troop Virtual Booth Site
Step 1: The rst time a troop product manager logs in to their volunteer role in Digital Cookie,
they will see a place to begin the process to have a troop virtual booth link. To begin, click the
Start button.
Step 2: You will be asked to enter a zip code for your troop. Enter one that is representative of
the majority of Girl Scouts in your troop. You will also select a name from the drop down of
one of the volunteers from the troop to serve in the role of troop site lead. The troop site lead
will be responsible for working with the Girl Scouts in the troop to set up the troop site and
approve orders. Once the rst volunteer for the troop has made those selections, everyone will
see the selections that have been made and can change them if needed.
Step 3: If you assigned yourself to be the troop site lead, your dashboard will be updated with
a set up your site button. If you have assigned another troop cookie volunteer to be the troop
site lead, the next time they log in to Digital Cookie they will see the new role in their selector
drop down. The site lead will then need to complete the registration process as if the troop
were a new Girl Scout by watching the safety video and accepting the terms and conditions of
the Girl Scout pledge, plus activating the account. The troop site lead will use the site setup to
work with the Girl Scouts in the troop to create their message and photo/video.
It functions the same way as the Girl Scouts site setup.
Once the site is published and the councils sale is live, the troop will have two
links to use if they wish for the cookie season.
Link One: The Troop Cookie Link
This link does it all! Customers can order cookies for local delivery by girls in your troop or
have cookies shipped. For local sales within your troops delivery area, customers place their
order, and the troop delivers the cookies to the customer’s address with support from an
adult. Use this link to take preorders that allow customers to pre-pay and pick up at a troop
designated location. This designated location could be an existing cookie booth, a drive-
through location, or another public location designated by the troop.
Link Two: The Troop Shipped Only Link
Use this link when selling outside of your troops delivery area. Customers can purchase
cookies that are shipped directly to a recipient or donated to the Care to Share Program and
credited to your troop. Once your troop sets up this link, it will be connected to the Girl Scouts
of the USA Cookie Finder, and customers from anywhere can use your direct ship link to buy
cookies that support your troop. The cookies are shipped directly to the customer, and the
troop shares the sales with all the girls in the troop at the end of the season.
Setting Up your Digital Cookie
Troop Virtual Booth Links
Frequently Asked Questions
What about Girl Digital Cookie links?
Girls should still use their individual links to promote to their customers.
Troop Virtual Booth links are just another way the troop can work together
towards their goal, reach new customers, and track their progress.
Can we decide to use the links later?
The links are available for your troop to use at any point once your troop
sets up their troop site and your council is selling cookies.
Do we need these links?
That is up to the troop! You don’t have to use troop links; they are just
an option to give troops and girls more choices on how they run their
business and safely connect with customers as a team. If your troop wants
to broaden their reach beyond individual girl’s sales, you can leverage the
troop virtual booth link.
When will my troop begin receiving sales generated
from the Girl Scouts of the GSUSA Cookie Finder?
The troop ship only link will appear on the Girl Scouts of the USA Cookie
Finder starting February 16, 2024. However, your troop can begin to use
both links as soon as you set up your troop link site.
Here are some ways to get started:
Share this information with your entire troop of Girl Scouts and volunteers!
Find a troop volunteer who can serve as the troop site lead and manage the
troop links site with leadership from the girls. Ask the troop for ideas on
how to use these links in ways they wouldn’t use their personal link.
Don’t forget to say thanks! Have Girl Scouts design thank you notes that
can be included with their troop delivered/picked up orders. This is a great
way to get repeat customers.
About Troop Virtual Booth Links
Cookie Booth Basics
There are now THREE different types of booth sales you can schedule:
council sponsored, troop sponsored, and virtual!
Starting January 22, you can nd a list
of participating sites in eBudde
Click the “Booth Sales” tab
Click “Find Free Slots
Finding Council
Sponsored Booths
Your troop can set up its own booth
sale, as long as it’s at a location that is
not listed in eBudde. Think of places
of worship, stores, schools, etc. You
may also contact schools, churches,
or other businesses to use their
parking lots for “Drive-Thru
booth sales!
Troop Sponsored
Cookie Booths
Conrm set up and date with your
business. You must request permission
for this booth at least 48 hours in
advance in eBudde.
Click on Booth Sales tab
Click on Add/Edit a Troop Booth
Click Add to enter all information
Click Save
Booth will show pending until it
is approved or denied by council
product program department or
your service unit product manager
Green is approved, orange is denied
Setting up a non-council
sponsored cookie booth
in eBudde
Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and
Western Illinois has booth sale
agreements with area businesses.
These booth sales are set up by the
council staff and locations are listed
in eBudde for your troop to sign up.
January 24, 2024 - 7:00 a.m.
Early sign up date for troops that
participated in the Fall Product
Program. Troops can sign up for one
council sponsored booth time slot.
January 26, 2024 - 7:00 a.m.
First round: Sign up for one
time slot.
January 27, 2024 - 7:00 a.m.
Second round: Sign up for two
additional time slots.
January 28, 2024 - 7:00 a.m.
Unlimited reservations and all
remaining time slots are open.
Sign Up Dates
for Council Sponsored Booths
You can be put on a waitlist for a booth
location for a specic date. Click the
Notify Me if Slots Open button. eBudde
will then send you an email if any one
or more of the slots become available.
It is a rst come, rst served for
signing up for the slot. There may be
several troops that get the email. You
will need to go into eBudde or the
Troop App to claim that slot. There is a
possibility that someone else got there
rst to claim it.
Booth Waitlist
All booth information in eBudde
feeds directly to the Cookie Finder on
the GSEIWI and GSUSAs websites.
Keeping it up to date is critical. If you
cannot fulll a booth, you MUST
release the booth in eBudde so
that another troop can take the spot,
and so that customers do not go to a
booth and not have a troop there.
Go to calendar on dashboard
Click on booth date to be released
Hit release button
Cancel a Reserved Booth
Booth Return Policy
Per GSUSA food safety protocol for Girl Scout Cookies, cookie cupboards may
accept returns of UNOPENED cases of cookies only – NO EXCEPTIONS! –
within 48 hours of the booth sale. This only applies to cookies checked out
from a cupboard, NOT booth cookies ordered from the initial order.
Those cannot be returned at all.
Booth Return Policy Tips and FAQs
You may still check out individual packages of cookies from cookie cupboards.
You will not be allowed to exchange individual packages of cookies with
cookie cupboards. You may exchange full, unopened cases of cookies.
Don’t over-order the less popular varieties – such as Do-si-Dos, S’mores,
Toffee-tastics, and Trefolis.
Contact your cupboard manager or service unit product manager for help
placing your order.
If you have leftover packages that you are not able to return, hold another
booth sale, give them out to the girls in the troop to sell door- to-door, or hold
a text-a-thon at your next troop meeting where girls will text as many friends
and family members as they can in one hour.
Use eBuddes Cookie Exchange to trade cookies with other troops.
Dos and Don’ts of
Virtual Cookie Booths
Use Facebook Live to stream
your virtual cookie booth.
Accept online payments via
Digital Cookie, CheddarUp, or
other digital payment options.
Share your virtual booth and
troop Digital Cookie link via
social media, text, and email.
Use Digital Cookie to collect
donations and shipped orders.
Use marketing resources
provided by Little Brownie
Bakers, GSEIWI, and GSUSA.
Sell cookies at a
higher/lower cost.
Post to public selling sites
such as: eBay, Craigslist,
Amazon, Marketplace, etc.
Virtual Booth Sales
Make it personal and fun!
Use Little Brownies virtual cookie
booth graphics, available on You can
also nd information about virtual
booth sales on
Troops will be able to set up their own
link to Digital Cookie! Remember to
distribute the cookies to the girls.
Consider the logistics and
include the details:
How will cookies be delivered?
Will you have a pick up site for
customers to pick up orders- such
as a school or church parking lot?
Will you deliver the cookies?
How will you handle payments?
Invite friends and family
Send event invitations to potential
customers through social media, email,
and text, and promote on social media and
in your community.
Be sure to use #VirtualCookieBooth in all
of your posts, and encourage your buyers
to share a photo with their Girl Scout
Cookies using the same hashtag.
Share your success!
Remember to follow the Girl Scouts
Internet Safety Pledge found on
the “For Cookie Sellers” page on
General Guidelines for
Holding an In-Person
Cookie Booth Sale:
GSEIWI uses reports from the
Booth Recorder to determine the
success of our cookie booths and
locations! This information can
help us to determine if a booth
is successful, the best times to
schedule a booth, number of
cookies needed at a booth, etc.
GSEIWI highly encourages troops
to use the Booth Sale Recorder in
the Troop App!
In 2023, the average number of
cookies sold at a cookie booth for a
2 hour time slot was 65 packages.
This number is based on
COUNCIL-WIDE averages. Please
take into consideration your booth
location, time slot, weather and
other factors when planning the
number of cookies for your booth.
Check out our Cookie Booth Order
Calculator on
How many cookies does
it take to run a booth?
Thin Mint 28%
Samoas 19%
Tagalongs 15%
Adventurefuls 11%
Do-Si-Dos 7%
S’mores 7%
Lemon Ups 6%
Trefoils 5%
Toffee Tastic 2%
Stats by Cookie
Having your troop sell at a cookie
booth can be very rewarding! You can
decorate your booth with a theme, have
Girl Scouts work on their sales pitch,
and spend time out in the community.
However, to keep things running
smoothly, here are some general rules:
Remember to abide by the Girl Scout
Promise and Law, and be a sister to
every Girl Scout.
Have two or more adults supervising
(one who is a registered Girl Scout
adult member that can handle the
money on-site).
One adult will need to be female,
according to Girl Scouts of the USAs
Arrive a few minutes early and leave
on time. There may be other troops
that are scheduled at that location
before or after you.
Make sure you leave your booth
space clean. Girl Scouts leave a place
better than they found it.
You can nd a more detailed guide to
booth sales at
Troops that schedule 10 or more
booths by January 29 will earn
a cookie sign to use for display
throughout the Cookie Program!
Cookie Cupboard Basics
Please be considerate of cookie cupboard volunteers and arrive at your scheduled
pick up time. You can pick up cookies from any cookie cupboard listed in eBudde.
There are no returns on cookies unless they are checked out on consignment for a
booth sale – see the guidelines on the next page. Keep your cupboard receipts and
verify in eBudde. If there is an error, contact the cupboard manager. If available,
cookie cupboards can provide exchanges for damaged packages.
Cookie cupboards have limited inventory on hand. If you do not place a pending
order, you may not get the cookies you need.
Who Can Pick Up From a Cookie Cupboard?
Volunteers with permission can pick up cookies from a cookie cupboard.
Any cookies that are picked up are the responsibility of the troop until they are
given to a girl and the receipt is signed.
Click on the Transactions Tab
Click Add and a new Cookie Transaction Window will appear
Click Normal or Booth. This will indicate whether the cookies are
to ll inventory orders or are being checked out for a booth sale
Click the circle next to the cupboard, then select the location of
the cookie cupboard you want to pick up from
Under Pick Up, choose an appointment to pick up from cupboard
The system will only allow pickups to be scheduled on days and
times during which the cupboard is open
Enter your cookie order in cases and/or packages, as applicable
Click Save
Click the Transactions Tab and choose pending to view your order
How To Place a Cookie Cupboard Pending Order
Every package that a Girl Scout sells counts toward their rewards. Girls will
need to be given credit for any cookies sold and picked up after the initial order.
Pending orders that you pick up at cupboards or receive as a transfer from
another troop appear in eBudde under your troop. It is your role as troop product
manager to allocate those cookies down to the girls that sell them so their
rewards calculate correctly, as well as your per girl average (PGA). You need to do
this even if your troop is opting out of rewards. Follow these easy instructions
on how to allocate cookies to the girls for cookies sold post-initial order. You can
allocate cookies each time they are picked up, once a week, or at the end of
the sale.
Click the Girl Orders tab
Click the girls name you want to allocate cookies to
Click +Order
Enter the total packages for each cookie variety or Care to Share order
Enter payment received (if one is received)
You can enter comments about the transaction and mark if the cookies
are for a Digital Cookie (DOC) order, inventory, or booth
Note: if you are not using the booth recorder to allocate cookies to the girls, you
must mark booth in order for the girl to earn the booth patch
Click Save
If you do not have cookies to allocate, but you have a payment to enter,
you can click on +Pay after you click on the girls name
Cookies in eBudde
Click the Girls Order Tab
Click on Troop Site
Click on the transaction that needs to be distributed
Click next to each girl you want to give cookies to
Click distribute
Allocating Cookies to Girls from the
Troop Virtual Booth Link
The Cookie Exchange in eBudde allows you to see what cookies other troops have to
exchange. It also allows you to post what extra cookies you have to exchange.
Enter the extra cookie packages that you have that you would like to exchange. Enter
the quantities in packages in the variety boxes. Click Submit.
If you no longer have all the extras originally posted, change the quantities appropriately
and click Submit. The submission will OVERWRITE the previous submission. There is
only one record per troop in the Cookie Exchange.
To see what cookies are available by other troops, click the blue down arrow to the left
of the variety. eBudde will display the troops that have extra cookie packages. It will
list for you the date posted, the troop number, quantity available, the rst name of the
contact, email address and phone number. You can then contact that person via email/
phone to make the exchange. The troop that is RECEIVING the cookies will still need
to complete the Troop to Troop transfer in eBudde–you should also exchange written
Cookie Exchange
Booth Sale Reorder
eBudde allows you to allocate cookies
and payments to girls participating in
booth sales in one simple step.
Note: You must have already added your
troop booth sale to eBudde or chosen
a council sponsored site to use this
Click on the Booth Sales Tab
Under My Booth Sales select the booth
Click Record Sale
Enter the varieties and packages of cookies
sold at the booth
Click Distribute
You will see a list of girls in your troop
Check mark the girls who were present at
the booth sale
Click Distribute
The cookies and payments will appear in
the Girl Orders Tab
Click Save
Troop to Troop Transfer
You may work with other troops in your
area to help with inventory management.
If a troop has cookies that you need,
swap or transfer with them!
Entering Cookie Transfers
The troop receiving the cookies
is responsible for logging the
transaction in eBudde.
Open the Transactions tab
Click Add
Choose Normal
Enter the Troop Number of the Troop
you are receiving cookies from
Click Save
You can view the transfer by going to the
Transaction Tab
Click All
Note: Troop will show a decrease in cookies
and money dues. Both troops sign receipts
when cookies/money exchange hands.
Troop Rewards
If your troop achieves a PGA* (Per Girl Average) of
200 packages or more on the initial order, all the
girls that placed an initial order will earn “Lottie
the mini axolotl! The clips will arrive with the rest
of the rewards upon completion of the program.
Lottie” the Mini Axolotl
Troop Adventures
If your troop achieves a PGA* of 500 packages or more by the end of the Cookie
Program, your troop earns a ticket for each girl selling plus two chaperones for
a troop adventure of your choice! Troops will determine the dates and times of
travel and will be responsible for transportation to and from the activity as well as
food. The troop adventure location must be chosen by May 31, 2024. If your troop
qualies, a member of the council product program staff will reach out to you
with details. See the reward yer for adventure choices.
If your troop achieves a PGA* of 300
packages or more by the end of the Cookie
Program, all girls selling PLUS two volunteers
will receive a troop t-shirt!
*Troops that qualify will need to place a
reward order in eBudde.
Troop T-Shirt
* The number of packages on your initial order divided by the number of girls
selling on the initial order gives you the PGA – you can also check if you qualify
on the Sales Report Tab in eBudde. You will nd your initial order PGA on the
report. If it is 200 or higher, your troop qualies!
* Troops that qualify will need to place a reward order in eBudde.
120 Packages
Axolotl Charm
80 Packages
Council Decal
450 Packages
Cross Body and Fashion Patches
1500 Packages
Mini Snack Crate OR Budsies OR Capri Spa Day
Certificate OR $100 Program Credit
2000 Packages
3D Printer OR Tablet OR
$100 Program Credit
Instant Reward
300 Packages
Axolotl Pillow
250 Packages
Lucy the Axolotl
220 Packages
Wallet Pouch
350 Packages
Axolotl in my
Pocket shirt
Girl Rewards
1000 Packages
Afternoon with GSEIWI Horses
on May 19, 2024 OR Girl Scout
Build a Bear Experience OR
$100 Program Credit
40 Packages
Own Your
Magic Patch
Instant Reward
500 Packages
Puffy Camp Blanket,
Collapsible Cup and
Weekender Tote OR
$100 Program Credit
Instant Rewards!
For every 250 packages sold, Girl Scouts
are invited to pick out an instant prize at
their local office! Last day to pick up
instant rewards is March 18.
170 Packages
Adjustable Lanyard &
Frog Charm
700 Packages
Two tickets for Adventureland
700 Club Celebration on June 1,
2024 and GSEIWI tote OR Pair
of Crocs Classic Clogs and
Axolotl Croc Charm Set OR
$100 Program Credit
Cheddar Up Card Reader
Has your troop set up a Girl Scout
Troop account with Cheddar Up?
From Girl Scout outings, to payments
from caregivers, to Cookie Program
sales, Cheddar Up makes collecting
money for your troop simple! Money
paid through this app goes straight into
the troop account.
Troops that have an initial order Per
Girl Average (PGA) of 200 and that
are signed up with the Cheddar Up
GSEIWI program before January 29,
2024, will earn a FREE Cheddar Up
credit card reader! You can easily use it
to slide, swipe, or tap at booth sales!*
*Troops are responsible for all fees
associated with using the Cheddar Up
card reader program. Fees include 2.6%
plus a 10 cent per transaction fee.
*Troops must have an active GSEIWI
Girl Scout troop account with Cheddar
Up by January 29, 2024, in order to
qualify. Troops can order a reader and
ll out a form on
for reimbursement from council, or
they can pick one up from their local
Girl Scout Ofce.
Submit forms by March 1, 2024,
in order to receive reimbursement
for your reader.
Have a question?
Our Cookie Crew is a group of
experienced Cookie Program
volunteers who are ready to help!
if you would like to be connected
with a member.
120 Packages
Axolotl Charm
80 Packages
Council Decal
450 Packages
Cross Body and Fashion Patches
1500 Packages
Mini Snack Crate OR Budsies OR Capri Spa Day
Certificate OR $100 Program Credit
2000 Packages
3D Printer OR Tablet OR
$100 Program Credit
Instant Reward
300 Packages
Axolotl Pillow
250 Packages
Lucy the Axolotl
220 Packages
Wallet Pouch
350 Packages
Axolotl in my
Pocket shirt
Girl Rewards
1000 Packages
Afternoon with GSEIWI Horses
on May 19, 2024 OR Girl Scout
Build a Bear Experience OR
$100 Program Credit
40 Packages
Own Your
Magic Patch
Instant Reward
500 Packages
Puffy Camp Blanket,
Collapsible Cup and
Weekender Tote OR
$100 Program Credit
Instant Rewards!
For every 250 packages sold, Girl Scouts
are invited to pick out an instant prize at
their local office! Last day to pick up
instant rewards is March 18.
170 Packages
Adjustable Lanyard &
Frog Charm
700 Packages
Two tickets for Adventureland
700 Club Celebration on June 1,
2024 and GSEIWI tote OR Pair
of Crocs Classic Clogs and
Axolotl Croc Charm Set OR
$100 Program Credit
Rewards in the line-up are
cumulative. Girl Scouts will earn all
rewards up to the highest level that
they sell. You can see pictures of the
reward line-up on the order card,
rewards yer, or online.
Super Seller’s Club
Girl Scouts selling 500+ packages
will become a member of the elite
Super Seller’s Club! Girl Scouts earn a
special bar segment and certicate in
celebration of their success!
Instant Rewards
Rewards for the 80+ and 120+
levels are included with the cookie
materials mailed to the troop
product managers. These rewards
can be distributed to the girls as
soon as they reach that level. Troops
are not given one reward per girl
because not all girls in the troop will
reach these levels. If you have extra
or need more, you can swap with
another troop or contact your service
unit product manager
for assistance.
80+ Packages: Axolotl Decals
120+ Packages: Axolotl Charm
250+ Packages: Girls can stop by a
local ofce & pick up a special 250
Instant Mystery Reward for every
250 packages they sell.
Rewards & Program Credit
Packages Sold Program Credit
200 $5
250 $5
300 $5
350 $5
400 $5
450 $5
Program Credit
Program Credit is an individual girl
reward. It can be used to pay for
camp, council sponsored and service
unit events, uniforms, pins, awards,
and merchandise at the Girl Scout
shop or camp trading posts. Girl
Scout Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors, and
Ambassadors can bank their program
credit in order to use it on troop
trips, travel, or high awards. During
the 2024 Cookie Program, girls will
earn $5 for every 50 packages sold
between 200-499 packages!
Following the Cookie Program,
parents will receive an email at
the email address their Girl Scout
is registered with containing
information about how much
program credit was earned and how
it can be redeemed. Program Credits
earned during the 2024 Cookie
Program will expire May 1, 2025.
Other Opportunities for
Girl Scouts
Girl Executive Club
Join the Girl Executive Club! Girls
that sell 1000+ packages of cookies
during the 2024 Cookie Program and
have $350+ sales during the 2023
Fall Product Program can join this
exclusive club!
Some of the perks include: a special
patch, sneak peak preview of the 2024
Fall Product Program rewards and the
2025 Cookie Program rewards, and
much more.
Theres a big world out there,
and Girl Scouts are ready to explore it!
Travel credit offers Girl Scout Juniors,
Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors
the opportunity to save funds to use
to travel through the Girl Scouts of
Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois
council trips to New York in 2024 (for
Cadettes) or to Europe in 2025 (for
Seniors and Ambassadors) or they
can save their funds for the Girl Scout
National Convention in 2026.
Please see
for more information.
Travel Credit
Join the CEO Cookie Club
(Girls plus one chaperone) selling
1500+ packages are invited to a
special celebration dinner plus
activities with our CEO Diane Nelson!
A member of council staff will reach
out to girls who qualify with the
details following the conclusion of
the 2024 Cookie Program.
Sister Program
Sisters selling cookies that sell a Per Girl Average (PGA)
of 100+ packages can receive a 2024 Sister patch! Fill
out the Sister Cookie Rewards Request Form available
on to receive your sister patches.
Girls do not have to be in the same troop to be eligible.
Forms are due on March 17, 2024.
Graduating Seniors
Graduating Senior and Ambassador
Girl Scouts that sell 700+ packages
will earn a Lifetime Membership!
Before you can enter nal rewards, you
must nish allocating all of your troop
cookies. Do not complete your nal
rewards selections until this is done, as
allocations can change the rewards.
In the directions below, we suggest
using the "Edit All" feature to make the
selections all on the same page. There
is not a save feature, so if you do use
this, complete all reward selections rst,
or make reward selctions one girl at a
time by clicking on each girl's name.
The Care to Share, Digital Cookie, and
Booth Sales rewards will be ordered for
the troop automatically based on how
cookies were allocated in eBudde.
Click Rewards
Click Fill Out next to Final
Reward Order
Click on each girls name to
enter reward choices if applicable
Click Submit Girl Order
Repeat for each girl as needed
If your troop has a nal PGA of 300+
packages, you will need to enter two
troop leader sizes for the troop tee
under Troop Order
Submit troop order
Program Credit does not need to
be ordered; it will be calculated
After this point, you cannot make any
edits. If you need to make changes,
contact your service unit product
manager immediately.
Rewards Reminders
Troops that opt out are still eligible
to earn all patches, nal troop PGA
rewards for 300+ (troop tee) and 500+
(troop adventure), Super Seller rewards,
and initial order CheddarUp
Reader. Even if your troop has opted
out of rewards, you must still allocate
cookies and submit a nal
rewards order.
Rewards will ship to the service
unit product manager in May.
Please allow them time to count
and sort all rewards.
You should collect these rewards and
distribute to the girls within two weeks
of receiving them.
If you are missing items, notify
your service unit product manager
immediately. If you wait too long, we
may not be able to order the items from
Little Brownie.
Submitting Final Cookie
Due March 21, 2024
Girls who send 18 Fall Product Program
emails, sell 10+ online items for the
Fall Product Program, and sell 250+
packages of cookies will earn the Fall/
Cookie combo patch! Girls will receive
their patch in the mail following the
2024 Cookie Program.
If your troop accepted credit cards
from an organization other than Digital
Cookie, the money collected from
customers is deposited directly into the
troop bank account - which is linked
to the credit card account. The troop is
responsible for all fees associated with
accepting credit card payments not
processed through Digital Cookie.
Clearing House (ACH)
February 28, 2024: Council will pull
40% of the troop cookie balance
due to council for troops that owe
$200 or more. This includes pending
orders picked up or checked out from
a cookie cupboard. Pending orders
not picked up are not included. Any
payment from Digital Cookie will
reect as a payment to council.
March 27, 2024: Council will pull the
remaining balance due.
Return Policy
Troops and caregivers who sign for
cookies cannot return them to the
troop or to the cupboards/council
ofce unless a troop has checked
them out for a booth sale. Troops can
return unsold, full cases checked out
for a booth sale within 48 hours of the
booth sale. Damaged packages can be
replaced at any cookie cupboard that
has extra cookies available. This policy is
consistent with councils nationwide.
Collecting Payment
No money should be collected for
cookies until they are delivered, unless
the payment is collected online.
Pre-orders should be delivered within
two weeks of receiving troop cookies.
Collect money from Girl Scouts and
caregivers and deposit frequently.
Do not hold cash or checks - deposit
them immediately.
Once cookie money is turned in to
you, you are responsible for it, even if
it is lost or stolen.
If caregivers have checked cookies
out and they haven’t made a single
payment, request that they bring
payment back before you give them
additional cookies.
Set money due dates throughout the
sale and set the nal date for money
collection a few days before March 27,
2024. You are required to give a receipt
each and every time cookies or money
exchanges hands with Girl Scouts.
Council Payment
To determine how much money
your troop owes, go to the “Sales
Report” tab in eBudde. The bottom
of the report shows the amount
you owe council. Digital Cookie
transactions will reect as a
payment to the council account and
are subtracted from what you owe.
Cookie Finances
Problem Collection Form
In the event that a caregiver does not turn in their cookie money by the due date,
complete a Problem Collection Form (PCF) found on
As the troop product manager, you are required to complete this form for any
outstanding balance - no matter who the caregiver is or the money owed.
Do not pay the past due amount with troop funds. The troop funds should not be
penalized because a parent claims they will pay later. Even if they promise to pay,
you must ll out the form.
As soon as the money is turned in, council staff will end the problem collection
process and there will be no further action. The form must be turned in online
or to a council ofce by March 21, 2024. You must also include a copy of the
permission form and signed receipts. PCF’s missing forms that are turned
in after March 21 will not be accepted.
Unpaid Debt Consequences
Girl Scout Restrictions
Girl Scouts with an outstanding balance may not participate in Product Programs.
Girls will not receive their cookie rewards until the balance is paid in full.
Caregiver and Troop Product Manager Restrictions
Council will attempt to contact the caregiver by email or phone. If the past due
balance is not taken care of, council will pursue legal action. Caregivers with an
unpaid balance cannot hold troop or service unit positions until the balance is
paid in full. The troop product manager who signed the troop product manager
agreement form is responsible for the troop cookie money due to council.
Council will attempt to contact the troop product manager by email or phone.
Leftover cookies that contribute to past due balance can be sold within a month
of the end of the sale. The troop product manager must stay in communication
with council and the service unit product manager. Troop product mangers with
unpaid debt cannot hold a troop or service unit position. Any daughter of the
troop product manager will not be able to participate in product programs until
the debt is paid. Legal action will be pursued.
Order cookies, track girl activity, and order girl
Cookie Resources
eBudde App
Download this free app in iPhone App Store
or through Google Play. Volunteers can
manage their cookie sale through their mo-
bile device. Troop Product Managers must
log in to eBudde on a desktop before they
can use the app.
Find procedures, forms, manuals, training
videos, and other helpful information.
Digital Cookie Mobile app
Parents will receive a personal email to set
up their daughter’s account. Girl Scouts can
set up their own personalized sales pages,
take credit card payments, and ship cookies
directly to their customers.
Find girl activities, marketing ideas, cookie
facts, program resources, and clipart to help
girls prepare for the cookie sale. You can
even use the Built by Me Cookie Planner, to
plan your Troops cookie sale step-by-step!
Forgot Password for
Go to
Click “Forgot your Password.
Enter Email and click “send me reset
password” in instructions.
You will get an email with a new password link.
Click the Contacts tab.
Click Edit next to your contact information to
update your personal information
as needed.
You can now enter your GSUSA ID.
Click “Update my preferences” to update your
Contact Info
Service Unit Product Manager
Name: ________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________
Cookie Cupboard
Name: ________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________
eBudde and Digital Cookie Login
eBudde Login: _________________________________
Password: ____________________________________
Digital Cookie Log In:___________________________
Password: ____________________________________
Key Cookie Program Dates
01: gsLearn training is available.
Attend SU cookie meetings and
cookie rallies.
08: Troop access to Digital
10: Girl access to Digital Cookie
12: Digital Cookie opens and
pre-orders begin
24: Early Cookie Booth sign
up for Fall Product Program
26: Cookie Booth Sign Up #1
One spot
27: Cookie Booth Sign Up #1
Two more spots
28: Cookie Booth Sign Up #3
Unlimited spots
29: Troop Initial reward order
due in eBudde
10, 12-15: Cookie delivery to
service units
11: First Pending Order deadline
8:00 p.m.
16-18: National Cookie Weekend
18: Pending Order deadline
8:00 p.m.
25: Pending Order deadline
8:00 p.m.
28: First ACH: 40% for troops
with a total balance due of $200
and above
3: Pending Order deadline
8:00 p.m.
10: Pending Order deadline
8:00 p.m.
17: End of Cookie Program - all
money due to troop product
21: Problem Collection Forms
(PCF’s) due
21: Troop nal reward order due
27: Final ACH pull
Rewards ship to service units
The 2024 Girl Scout Mascot is
the Axolotl!
The axolotl is a paedomorphic salamander
closely related to the tiger salamander. It
is unusual among amphibians in that it
reaches adulthood without undergoing
Instead of taking to the land like its
salamander counterpart, adult axolotls
remain aquatic and gilled.