2024 Cookie Manual
for Volunteers
Updated: January 19, 2024
Table of Contents
Cookie Basics
Program Dates
Troop Proceeds
Meet the Cookies
Where Can I Find More Helpful Information?
Make a Splash with Girl Rewards!
Ways to Particiapte
GSNYPENN Sweet Support Program
Teach Girls Safety Guidelines for Selling Girl Scout Cookies
Digital Cookie
Booth Sales
Drive Thru Booths
eBudde Booth Scheduler for GSNYPENN-Organized
Booth Locations
SU/Troop Booths in eBudde
Tips for Booth Sales
Financial Responsibility
Who Can I Contact for More Help?
Step 1: Host a girl & caregiver meeting to set goals!
Step 2: Time to place an initial order!
Step 3: Time to pick up your troops cookies!
Step 4: How to get more cookies!
Step 5: Responsible money management!
Step 6: Closing out the program!
Step 7: Celebrate your achievements!
Cookie Basics
Welcome to the 2024 Girl Scout Cookie Program!
We’re so glad to have you as part of this amazing entrepreneurial opportunity! Let the
fun begin! Use this guide to help you navigate through the program!
Cookie Basics
The Girl Scout Cookie Program® is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the
world! It generates immeasurable benets for girls, their council and the community!
Who can participate in the cookie program?
Girls in grades K-12 registered with GSNYPENN for the 2023-24 member year are
eligible and encouraged to participate. A signed Annual Permission/Health Form is
also required to participate. Girls with dual households should have each household
complete a separate Annual Permission/Health Form.
Any adult registered/appointed with GSNYPENN for the 2023-24 member year is
eligible to participate as a volunteer during the cookie program. If your troop is brand
new in 2024, or if your troop has a new bank account and/or a new bank account
signer, an ACH Form is required to process all cookie payments and refunds. Troops
will need to work with their Membership Support Manager (MSM) to ensure this is
Cookies With A Mission: 5 Essential Skills
What are your hopes for your Girl Scout? Certainly, you want her to make good
decisions. Know how to manage money and how to set and reach goals—like attend
college. The Girl Scout Cookie Program helps her succeed today and prepares her for
future success. There’s a good reason it’s a beloved family tradition. How can you help
your girls use these skills every day?
Goal Setting: Your Girl Scout sets cookie sales goals individually and with her team,
creates a plan to reach them and develops cooperation and team building skills long the
Decision Making: Your Girl Scout helps decide how her team will spend their cookie
money, furthering her critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will help her in
many aspects of her life.
Money Management: Your Girl Scout takes cookie orders, handles customers’ money and
gains valuable and practical life skills around nancial literacy.
People Skills: Your Girl Scout learns how to talk to, listen to and work with all kinds of
people while selling cookies. These experiences help her develop healthy relationships and
conict resolution skills she can use throughout her life.
Business Ethics: Your Girl Scout is honest and responsible at every step of the cookie
sale. Her business ethics here reinforce the positive values she is developing as a Girl Scout.
2024 Cookie Program Dates
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 – Cookie program kicks off,
Digital Cookie opens for customers to purchase cookies
online for girl delivery and donations!
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 – In order to receive cookies
during delivery week, troops must enter any order form
orders into eBudde by 3 p.m. this will also include any
cookies needed for the rst weekend of booth sales. Girls—
reach your goal by using your Goal Getter form to continue
to take customer orders!
Week of February 26, 2024 – Cookies arrive, reach out
to your Service Unit Cookie Coordinator to see when and
where to pick them up! Troops can start selling at booth
sales as soon as they receive their cookie order!
Sunday, March 24, 2024 – Girl Delivery ends through
Digital Cookie.
Sunday, March 31, 2024 – Cookie program and Digital
Cookie (direct ship) conclude. Thank you for all your time
and support!
How the Cookie Crumbles
The cookie program is not a prepaid sale. Girl Scout Cookies are paid for at the time of delivery to the
customer (excluding Digital Cookie orders which are paid for online at the time of ordering). The price
of a package cannot be altered in any way for any reason. As stated on each package of Girl Scout
Cookies, “Baked by authority of Girl Scouts of the USA. This product is distributed and marketed
exclusively through Girl Scout members. Any resale or redistribution is unauthorized.
100% of the proceeds from the cookie program, after payment to Little Brownie Bakers, stays local
within GSNYPENN to help support Girl Scouting in the 26 counties served by our council! Research
from Little Brownie Bakers shows that customers purchase cookies to support Girl Scouting. They
want to invest in helping girls achieve their goals and develop those essential leadership skills we all
know are so important.
New Troop Proceed Levels
1-227 =$.90 per package
228-287=$1.00 per package
288+=$1.05 per package
Opt Out:
Junior level (and up) troops can earn an
extra 5 cents per package by opting
out of rewards.
228-275 = $1.05 per package
276+ = $1.10 per package
Be sure to complete the required
Opt Out form due by March 8, 2024.
Find our full list
of program dates on our
Cookie Resources page!
30% - Little Brownie Bakers
cost to produce and
transport cookies
50% - Member Services
Council services, shops, and camps, council-sponsored
programs and events; camperships and nancial
assistance for membership and uniforms; new troop
funding and resources; volunteer training and materials.
3% - Rewards
patches, girl and troop
rewards, experience credits,
additional experiences, etc.
17% - Troop Proceeds
funding to directly support
troop activities
2024 Girl Scout Cookies
Reminder: Girl Scout Cookie Program Pricing Changes for MY2024
After careful consideration, review and planning, our council has decided that the 2024 Girl Scout
Cookie season is the optimal time to increase the price of cookies by $1 per package, from $5 to $6 for
both core and specialty varieties.
This price increase is based on high production costs from the baker, troop needs and increased
expenses to provide an outstanding Girl Scout Leadership Experience. It will allow us to maintain and
expand high-quality programming and services for our girl and adult members.
Looking at national cookie trends and consulting with industry experts, it was the recommendation
to increase by $1 per package to stay in alignment with Girl Scout Cookie pricing across the country
and avoid multiple price increases in the future.
With this price increase, Girl Scouts and their troops will also earn more to power their Girl Scout
experience. The PGA will be lower, troops will be able to earn up to $1.05 per package before opt-out,
additional reward levels have been added for individual sellers and Service Units will receive a per-
package bonus.
We will provide our membership with FAQ information, in addition to issuing planned customer
communication shared through our regional media outlets, closer to the January program start date.
For now, please consider this information embargoed and condential to GSNYPENN members.
We expect our councils Girl Scout Cookie Program to continue to be successful in 2024 and beyond.
Thank you for your continued support and participation!
REMEMBER: Money from customers is collected when cookies are delivered, except for
Digital Cookie orders, which are paid for online at the time of the order.
$6 Per
Cookie Finder: girlscouts.org/en/cookies.html
Customers visit this site to locate booth sales in their communities to help support
girls. When troop booth sites into eBudde, they are uploaded here!
2023-2024 Cookie Season YouTube Playlist: bit.ly/3TtuVai
Learn everything you need to know to have a successful program! This YouTube
playlist includes trainings and promotional content to share with customers.
Where Can I Find More Helpful Information?
Scan or click on the QR Codes below to visit each link!
GSNYPENN: gsnypenn.org/cookies
Customers visit this site to locate booth sales in their communities to help support
girls. When troop booth sites are entered into eBudde, they’re uploaded here!
Caregivers and volunteers alike can also nd a ton of helpful program information!
Digital Cookie: digitalcookie.girlscouts.org/login
Digital Cookie is an excellent way for girls to take their cookie program to the next
level! Digital Cookie allows girls to email friends and family and ask them to purchase
Girl Scout Cookies online. Customers will have the convenience of paying for cookies
online and cookies will ship directly to the customer within days! Don’t forget!
Use the help button at the bottom of the page.
Little Brownie Bakers: littlebrowniebakers.com
The Little Brownie Bakers website has videos and learning opportunities, along with
sales tips for a GREAT cookie season and easy recipes using our delicious cookies!
Plus, download delightful graphics and suggested captions to help your Girl Scout
market her cookies on social media. Perfect for volunteers, families and troops.
Blog: blog.LittleBrownieBakers.com
Check out exciting goal setting games and activities for girls!
eBudde: ebudde.littlebrownie.com
Troop website for ordering cookies and rewards,
scheduling booth sales, keep track of sales and access
your troops cookie invoice (Sales Report), and much more!
eBudde Troop App for volunteers:
Every Troop Cookie Manager should have this app on their phone! This app allows
troops to manage cookie orders in real time and on the go! Troops can also place
additional cupboard orders, sign up for booth sales and much more!
Help Center: ebudde.LittleBrownie.com/help_nodes/
The help center is designed to guide you through the basics and help
you overcome any special challenges that may come your way!
Troop Reward Bonuses!
Initial Order Rewards
Girls who sell 228+ packages during the Initial Order period
will earn an Own Your Magic Crossbody bag!
Troops that achieve 228+ Initial Order Selling PGA will earn
two Own Your Magic Crossbody bags for troop volunteers.
Troop Final Reward Bonuses
Troops that have a 276+Final Selling PGA will earn an Own Your Magic
T-Shirt for each selling girl plus a t-shirt for two troop volunteers.
Be sure to add tee sizes to eBudde by 3 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2.
Her Cookie Business = A Family Affair
Meet the Cookie Entrepreneur Family Pin! The year-by-year pin collection
is the latest addition to the Girl Scout Cookie Program—and was inspired by
and designed for families just like yours! It’s never been easier to support
your girl as she develops business skills, makes amazing memories and
earns a different pin for her uniform every cookie season. The simple, age-
specic guidelines have been tailored for her developing skill set, making
success a snap. Visit girlscouts.org/en/cookies/just-for-cookie-sellers/
Make A Splash With Girl Rewards!
Axolotl questions” of your girls! Have them circle their favorite rewards!
Girls can earn amazing rewards as shown on her order form. Rewards earned are based on a girls
personal sales. Some rewards are earned as a troop when they work together to reach a common goal!
Girls who sell at least 36+
packages throughout the
program will earn this
year’s theme charm patch!
2024 Own Your Magic with Patches & Charms
Earned Cookie Program Patches
Earn charms
to add to your
charm patch!
Techie Charm
18+ emails sent
Cookie Heart
24+ packages
for GOC
Cookie Booth
24+ packages at
cookie booths
Own Your
Magic Charm
60+ packages
Cookie Boxes
96+ packages
Samoas Charm
456+ packages
Frog Charm
600+ packages
Facebook and Other Social Media Sites
Please remember, Facebook and other social media
sites are a great and effective way to promote the
cookie program. Girls can receive order commitments
through these networks when shared with their
friends and family, however, sales may not be
transacted on the internet (including, but not limited
to: eBay, Craigslist, Facebook Yard Sales, etc.) Digital
Cookie (and in the fall, the Treats, Reads and More
online program) are the exception for online sales as
these sites are secure and developed specically for
Girl Scouts with girl safety and girl experience in mind.
Having issues with Digital Cookie? Click the HELP
button to connect with Digital Cookie Customer
Service through an online chat! You can also check out
our council website for Quick Tip Guides to help you
through the system!
Sweet Support with the
GSNYPENN Gift of Caring Program
Making a world of difference...one cookie package at a
For many years, Girl Scouts across the country have
used Girl Scout Cookies to show their appreciation
for men and women in uniform or to support those
in need. Council chooses an organization they want
to benet and give customers the opportunity to
purchase cookies as a donation.
For various reasons, some customers do not want to
buy cookies for themselves. With the Sweet Support
Council Gift of Caring Program (CGOC), they have a
chance to give to others while supporting Girl Scouting
at the same time.
Ways to Participate
1. Expand Your Audience
with Digital Cookie!
2. Paper Order Card
& Goal Getter Form
3. Booth Sales
Girls who sell 24+ packages Sweet
Support packages will earn the
Sweet Support Cookie Heart Charm
Girls who sell 36+ packages Sweet
Support packages will earn the
Own Your Magic DIY Playing Card
Sweet Support with GSNYPENN’s Gift of Caring!
Donations received during the cookie program go
towards GSNYPENN Sweet Support with Gift of
Caring. Donations can earn you exclusive rewards!
This year’s Sweet Support recipients include (but are
not limited to): Food Bank of CNY and Food Bank of
Southern Tier!
Teach Girls Safety
Guidelines for
Selling Girl Scout
The following safety tips
are adapted from Girl Scout
publications Volunteer
Essentials, Risk Management
at Girl Scout Councils and
Safety Activity Checkpoints.
For more detailed information
on these and other safety
practices and procedures,
please refer to the
aforementioned publications.
These safety tips should be
shared and discussed with
all girls prior to any product
sales. They should also be
reviewed periodically with the
girls, as necessary.
1. Show You’re a Girl Scout: Wear a Girl Scout membership
pin, uniform or Girl Scout clothing (e.g., a Girl Scout t-shirt) to
identify yourself as a Girl Scout.
2. Use the Buddy System: Always use the buddy system. It is
not just safe; it is fun.
3. Be Streetwise: Become familiar with the areas and
neighborhoods where you will be selling Girl Scout products.
Contact your local police department if you are unsure about
an area or neighborhood.
4. Collaborate with Adult: Adults must accompany Daisies,
Brownies and Juniors when they are taking orders, selling or
delivering product. Girls in grades 6-12 must be supervised by
an adult when selling door-to-door and must never sell alone.
Adults must be present at all time during booth sales.
5. Plan Ahead: Be prepared for emergencies, and always have
a plan for safeguarding money.
6. Do Not Enter: Never enter the home or vehicle of a person
when you are selling or making deliveries. Avoid selling to
people in vehicles (except at designated drive-thru cookie
booths) or going into alleys.
7. Sell in the Daytime: Sell only during daylight hours, unless
accompanied by an adult.
8. Protect Privacy: Girls’ names, home addresses or email
addresses should never be given out to customers. Protect
customer privacy by not sharing their information except as
necessary for the product sale.
9. Be Safe on the Road: Always follow safe pedestrian
practices, especially when crossing at intersections or walking
along roadways. Be aware of trafc when unloading product
and passengers from vehicles.
10. Be Net Wise: Girls must have caregiver permission to
participate in all online activities and must read and agree to
the GSUSA Internet Safety Pledge before conducting any online
activities. Additionally, in order to participate in Digital Cookie
girls must read and abide by the Girl Scout Digital Cookie
Pledge and caregivers must read and abide by the Digital
Cookie Terms and Conditions for caregivers.
Digital Cookie
Expand Your Audience with Digital Cookie!
Digital Cookie is an excellent way for girls to take their cookie program to the
next level! Digital Cookie allows girls to email friends and family and ask them
to purchase Girl Scout Cookies online. Customers will have the convenience of
paying for cookies online and cookies will ship directly to the customer within days!
Digital Cookie is a great experience for girls! They can customize their own
Digital Order Card with additional photos, videos and goals. They can create
and send marketing emails to customers and track their sales with a real-time
dashboard and have the opportunity to analyze their sales!
Starting on Friday, January 5, girls will gain access to Digital Cookie to set up their site, add emails and
learn how to navigate the site. Emails will not go out to customers until the rst day of the program on
Tuesday, January 9. Encourage all registered girls to get in and join in on the fun!
How Does Digital Cookie Work?
Any Girl Scout registered with GSNYPENN for the 2024 member year is
eligible to participate. Participating girls MUST have a valid caregiver
email address included in their girl registration.
Caregivers will receive an email from “Girl Scout Cookie Program” with
the subject line: Ready. Set. Register for Digital Cookie. This email will
provide a link and instructions on how to access the system and start-up
their Girl Scout’s account. Be sure caregivers check their junk mail, SPAM
and/or promotions folder.
Orders placed through Digital Cookie will be paid for online. All payments
and post-initial orders will ow directly into the eBudde system. No
additional paperwork needed! It’s quick and easy. Encourage your girls
to participate!
NOTE: Any orders
placed through
Digital Cookie
between Jan. 31-
Feb. 6 may not push
through to eBudde
for the Initial Order
cut off! These
orders will push
through after Feb.
10 to count towards
nal rewards.
Girl Delivery Option with Digital Cookie
The girl delivery option will be available through Sunday, March 24.
When ordering and paying online through Digital Cookie, customers
will be able to choose to have their cookies delivered to them by the
Girl Scout instead of having them shipped! Once girl delivery orders
are approved by her caregiver, the payment will be credited to the
troop, the order will show on a new line under the girl initial order in
eBudde and will be delivered with the troops Initial Order the week of
February 26. Cookies ordered through Digital Cookie after the Initial
Order and March 24 must be added as an additional order by the
troop leader and fullled from the troops extras.
Please remind and encourage your girls to participate in Digital
Cookie. It takes only a few minutes and you will be surprised at how
many orders your girls will get from this simple activity! Cookies
ordered through Digital Cookie will ship out right away! Cookies arrive
within 7-10 business days, depending on the day they are ordered! All
online sales go towards the girls total! Girls who send 18+ emails will
earn this year’s techie charm.
Learn more about
Digital Cookie and
eBudde in this video!
Check out our
2024 Cookie Season
Playlist on YouTube!
Learn more about
your Troop Dashboard
in this video!
Techie Charm
18+ emails sent
Booth Sales
Cookie Booth Essentials
How to maximize your booth experience, interact with
customers, and stay safe!
Girl Scout Booth Sale Ratios
The Booth Sale Rules & Regulations breakdown for the Girl to
Registered Adult ratios for all Girl Scout age levels. These ratios
provide the appropriate adult coverage to ensure adequate
supervision of girls, cookies, money, etc., during a booth sale.
These are in place to ensure that there is adequate coverage in
the event that: the booth needs additional cookies and an adult
will have to run to the car to get more. If a Girl Scout has to use
the restroom, one adult can stay at the table and the other adult
can take her to the restroom. The second adult can also be a witness in the event of an injury. The
second adult can help girls make change, count back money, watch over the cash box and help watch
over the girls. Also consider the attention span, physical abilities and supervision needs of the girls.
Rotate girls and take turns during the booth sale!
Regular booths
PREFERRED & RECOMMENDED: Two registered background checked volunteers
ACCEPTABLE: One registered background checked volunteer + 1 other adult
Girl Plus Caregiver Booths
PREFERRED & RECOMMENDED: At least one adult member with a background check on le
ACCEPTABLE: When it is only a girl and her parent, the adult need not be a registered member.
Booth Sale Reminders
Girl members may not engage in any direct solicitation for money. (Example: a donation jar on a booth
sale table.) Any funds donated by a customer at a booth sale must be used to purchase cookies for the
Gift of Caring Program. It is important to keep cash in a safe place and out of sight during the booth
sale. Deposit cash as often as possible to prevent potential theft or break-in of vehicles.
Helpful Hint: Take a total inventory of your product before the booth sale. This will help at the end
when you need to count money and track inventory. Make deposit ASAP.
Booth Sale Locations to Avoid
Certain locations may be inappropriate for young girls based on the standards of your local
community, may negatively affect the cookie program experience for girls, and/or may negatively
affect our brand in your community. For additional clarity, girls should not sell in or in front of
establishments that they themselves cannot legally patronize. This includes casinos, wineries, bars,
liquor stores, etc.
Credit Cards at Booth Sales
There are many inexpensive devices on the market that will make it easier for troops to collect funds
at a booth sale (Pay Anywhere, Square, Spark Pay, etc.) If a troop decides to use such a device, it will
be up to the troop to set up the program through their troop bank account. Research from other Girl
Scout Councils offering this option to troops and Little Brownie Bakers shows the nancial benets
of offering a credit card to customers outweighs the fees that go along with it. Keep in mind, Troops
can use Digital Cookie, fee-free, to take payments at their booth sales, walk abouts and when
delivering to customers after the cookies arrive!
Drive-Thru Booths
Locations Suitable for Drive-Thru Booths
Empty or Vacant Parking Lots (schools on weekends, places of worship on non-worship days,
seasonal businesses closed for winter, businesses closed on certain days, etc.)
Corners or Sides of Parking Lots (where there are no entrance or exits behind or on sides of troops
parked vehicle)
Parking Lots with Sidewalks or Safe Areas for Girls/Adults (smaller pull-thru lots with sidewalk or
property to pitch a canopy)
Safety Procedure For Drive-Thru Booths:
Girls and volunteers position themselves in a safe place to view trafc patterns (behind cones,
between parked cars, behind tables, under a canopy, on sidewalks, etc.)
Use cones/directional signs to direct approaching cars where to stop
At rst stop, customer scans QR Code and make payment via credit card
Girls then prepare order, car pulls up to loading area, girls load cookies into open trunk of vehicle
Girls hold up THANK YOU signs as customer drives off
eBudde Booth Scheduler for
GSNYPENN-Organized Booth Locations
Troops will have several opportunities to sign up for GSNYPENN booth
locations. At each time, troops will be able to sign up for THREE time
slots on the following dates and times:
Tuesday, January 23 at 9 p.m.
Thursday, January 25 at 9 p.m.
Saturday, January 27 at 9 a.m.
Wednesday, January 31 at 9 p.m.
GSNYPENN-Organized Booth Locations
Certain booth locations are secured and coordinated by GSNYPENN staff and/or
specic SU volunteers (due to GSUSA contracts or requests from the specic locations). Please do
not contact these businesses on your own. Locations and available dates and times will be listed in
eBudde starting in early January. Please note: these locations are subject to change without notice.
Below are a few examples of GSNYPENN-organized booth locations:
Destiny USA and all mall locations throughout the GSNYPENN footprint
All Walmart locations
JOANN locations
Sams Club locations
AmeriCU Credit Unions
How to Sign-Up for a Booth Location in eBudde:
Click BOOTH SITE tab on top navigation bar
Click on LOCATION (e.g., Walmart) & then CITY (e.g., Ithaca)
Click on the DATE desired
If a time slot is full, you will see CLAIMED in that slot
If a time slot is open, click on the available time and your troop number will populate the
Be sure to click on SUBMIT to reserve your slot!
If all times are taken, go to the next date desired and continue on until an open slot is
Locations written in green have openings available
After securing your time(s) and location(s), click on CURRENT SIGNUPS to see your location!
Recommendation: Print and bring your troops signup sheet prior to each booth sale. This print out
will include a date stamp to ensure the correct troop should be at the location.
If you need to cancel a booth sale, please do so ASAP so that another troop can take your slot.
They can be done on the Troop Dashboard.
Learn more about
Booth Sales in
this video!
SU/Troop Booths in eBudde
If your troop has an individual booth location (e.g., collaborating with a small business in your area),
troops MUST add that booth location to eBudde 24 hours prior to the start of the booth sale.
Login to eBudde Click the BOOTH SITE tab on top navigation bar
Click “Add/Edit a Troop Booth
Click “+Add” and ll in the blanks
Only sites approved by your SUCC are permitted for troops to attend
If your troop would like to set up a booth outside of your SU, please reach out to your SUCC to help
facilitate that partnership.
Remember: Troops can order additional cookies for their booth sales when they submit their initial
order in eBudde by Tuesday, February 6 at 3 p.m. Earlier time!
Helpful Tips for Booth Sales
Do not over order–you can always get more cookies!
Thin Mints, Samoas and Tagalongs are the most popular avors (see detailed info on page 18)
All locations differ when it comes to sales—if you have never been to a location before do not over
order, it is better to run out of cookies then to be left with too many!
If you need help determining what to bring, please contact the GSNYPENN Product Sales team—we
can help!
Booth sales are fun! Customers love to hear about troop goals, what the troop plans to do with their
proceeds, etc. So, tell them!
If customers do not eat Girl Scout Cookies…treat them! Always offer the opportunity to donate
cookies to Sweet Support!
Remember: Speak with kind voices! Do not shout at customers asking them to purchase cookies. Do
not approach or chase after customers either.
Money Management & Financial Responsibility
Money from customers is collected when cookies are delivered, except for Digital Cookie orders, which
are paid for online at the time of the order. New this year: At check out through Digital Cookie,
customers can pay for cookies with a credit card, PayPal or Venmo! This is designed to give customers
another option to pay when using a Girl Scout’s or troops link! Be sure to get a receipt every time you
pick up cookies from your troop or make a payment. Keep all receipts for your records. Do not keep
large amounts of cash lying around. Even if you do not have a scheduled troop meeting, set up a time
to turn money into your troop often.
GSNYPENN Check Policy
All checks accepted must be made payable to her Girl Scout Troop #XXXXX
All checks must have the following:
Customer’s name & address printed on check
Customer’s phone number (including area code) printed or written on check
Customer’s driver’s license number printed or written on check
When In Doubt About Something Cookie-Related, Ask For Help!
Don’t hold onto unsold cookies. Communicate with your troop as soon as possible so no one is
stuck with them.
Customers want the tastiest and freshest cookies! Keep cookies out of the car when not selling and
away from heat sources like the sun, cigarette smoke, toxic fumes, pets, hungry siblings, etc.
A helpful hint: If your troop does not have a meeting scheduled before a payment is due, set up a
time to meet and collect funds to avoid payment delay.
Who Can I Contact for More Help?
If you need help with anything related to cookies, please contact your SUCC.
They are available to help you with all aspects of the cookie program. Fill
this section out with their information!
My SUCC is:
SUCC email:
SUCC phone #:
During regular business hours, you can contact council these 3 easy ways:
Email info@gsnypenn.org to create a Customer Service case
Call Customer Care at 1.315.698.9400 or 1.800.943.4414
Access our online chat feature for an immediate response by visiting gsnypenn.org and using the
Let’s Chat” window in the lower right-hand corner (available on any page)
Learn more about
how to get help
in this video!
Step 1: Host a girl & caregiver meeting to set goals!
Sample Training Agenda
It is extremely important to share the importance of the cookie program with
the caregivers of your Girl Scouts. Not only does it inform them of your troops
goals and plans, but it will increase involvement in the troop! Here are a few
suggested topics for a girl and caregiver meeting.
GOAL SETTING – Work with your girls to see what they would like to achieve for
this season. Maybe it’s a trip or maybe they would like to all go to camp! Ask them!
PROGRAM DATES – With the help of the calendar share the information with caregivers so they are
aware of program deadlines—especially when orders and payments are due! If the cookie payment
deadline does not fall within your normal meeting time, set up a special payment drop off time with
caregivers to avoid missing a cookie payment!
CAREGIVER EXPECTATIONS – What does your troop need help with? Do you need assistance sorting
and picking up cookies? Do you need more troop helpers? This is a great way to communicate that with
your caregivers.
FAMILY GUIDE – Every single girl must have a signed Cookie Program Family Guide before they can
receive their order card. If a girl has a dual household, please have each household sign a guide. This
meeting would be a great time to get signatures!
DIGITAL COOKIE – Digital Cookie is an easy and fun way for girls to reach customers and ask them for
their support of the cookie program! Encourage your girls to participate with the help of their caregiver!
First-Aid & After-Hours Emergencies
Follow the guidelines and procedures as established by Safety Checkpoints and GSNYPENN. Call
1.315.698.9400 or 1.800.943.4414 and follow the instructions. A staff member will contact you ASAP!
Cookie shortages/issues are NOT emergencies!
Please contact GSNYPENN during regular business hours.
Social Media and the Girl Scout Cookie Program
Girls may only post about their participation in Digital Cookie and the cookie program in general on
social media sites that allow them to restrict access to friends and family (e.g., Facebook), and not to
social media sites open to anyone (e.g., Craigslist, eBay, etc.). Digital Cookie is the only exception for
online cookie sales. Digital Cookie is a secure site and specically developed for the Girl Scouts, with
safety and girl experience in mind.
Links to a Girl Scout’s Digital Cookie site cannot be shared on a public facing forum. This includes, but not
limited to: Next Door, Facebook Marketplace, apps such as Let Go, eBay, Craigslist, online Yard Sale sites, etc.
Girls are able to email friends and family directly through Digital Cookie. Caregivers can share their Girl
Scout’s link to their Facebook page as long as it is a private page.
Keep in mind that volunteers, parents/caregivers, and Girl Scouts may not secure paid media to enhance
a troops or individuals positioning in the media.
Check out this
amazing upcoming
trip to Savannah, GA
girls can earn!
The Girl/Adult Partnership
Underlying all the lessons that girls can learn from their participation in the cookie program is the girl/
adult partnership. Ideally, this is a partnership between the girl and her troop or group leader and a
partnership between the girl and her caregivers. It is important to remember that girls and adults are
in partnership when an adult:
Helps a girl make a decision by asking questions rather than providing answers
Guides rather than leads
Advises rather than judges
Helps a girl to be the person she wants to be
During the cookie program, the girl/adult partnership might look like this, with an adult:
Working together with a girl to complete a task, resolve an issue, or plan an activity
Working together with a girl to make plans and set goals
Assisting a girl by giving her access to the information and training she needs but letting the girl do
the selling and delivering of cookies
Guiding a girl in understanding the nances of the cookie sale and letting her practice the skills
Advising a girl on ethics and fair practices, and letting her make her own decisions and accept the
Helping a girl understand her responsibility to support her local council but ensuring that her
participation is voluntary
Step 2: Time to place an initial order!
How to Submit Your Initial Cookie Order
Prior to the initial order submit on Tuesday, February 6 at 3 p.m.,
be sure to review the list of your girls under the Girls Tab in eBudde.
Email info@gsnypenn.org before February 1 if you notice any girls
not listed within your troop. Once you have checked the Girls Tab for
accuracy, you can start entering their initial order into eBudde!
New this year!
Caregivers can now enter in order form orders directly into Digital Cookie!
Any order form order entered into Digital Cookie by Sunday, February 4
will automatically push to eBudde! Troop volunteers will only need to verify/update as needed. Please
note that once a caregiver enters an order, it cannot be adjusted by the caregiver, only the troop
volunteer. Check out this video for full details!
Need Cookies for Your Booth Sale?
Troops can order booth sale cookies at the same time they order their initial order cookies for their
girls! These additional cookies will arrive with the girls initial order, the week of February 26.
1. Scroll all the way down until you see the BOOTH row and click that! Fill in the quantity by
specic variety you would like to order in addition to the girls orders. If you placed a booth order
last season, eBudde will list it as a reminder for you! Ex: in grey LY=48. DO NOT ORDER COOKIES
2. Click SAVE. Remember: you can always get more cookies by checking the Cookie Exchange in
eBudde. Also, reach out to your SUCC as they may know of a troop in your SU that has extras!
The sales at booths all depend on the location, time, weather, etc. If you are new or unsure as to how
many cookies to order for a booth sale, follow the national data on cookie popularity to help order
cookies or contact your SUCC, GSNYPENN Product Sales or another troop leader for help.
National Data on Cookie Popularity (Based on average sales)
DO NOT over order cookies!
You cannot return them once you order them!
You can always get more if you need them!
25% 20% 16% 10% 8% Less than 8%
Learn more about
the initial order
in this video!
How to Submit Your Initial Order Rewards
Even if you have girls that do not qualify for the initial rewards, your troops
reward order must be submitted. After you submit your initial cookie order,
you can submit for the initial order rewards!
1. Click the REWARDS tab.
2. Click FILL OUT for INITIAL Rewards. This will list every girl in your troop
and how many recognitions she earned (if applicable). Scroll down and
eBudde will give you a total of items ordered for your troop (if applicable).
3. Click the orange SUBMIT INCENTIVE ORDER button.
SUCC will let you know when the initial rewards arrive! Be sure to get them
to your girls as soon as possible so they can enjoy them and utilize them
during the nal part of the cookie program.
Step 3: Time to pick up your troops cookies!
Initial Order Deliveries & Pick Ups
Cookies are delivered starting the week of February 26 Your SUCC will inform your troop where/
what time/day you will receive cookies! SUCCs are always looking for help with cookie deliveries.
Check with your SUCC to see how you can help during this busy time!
What You Will Recieve At Pick Up
Besides a whole carload of cookies, you will receive what is known as a BILLING PACKET. Inside
that packet, you will nd yers for any GSNYPENN updates along with a 2-part receipt that must be
signed for (signed white copy goes to your SUCC. You keep the signed yellow copy), a bubble sheet that
will help with counting your cookies and an invoice for your 1st ACH.
What to Bring to Cookie Pick Up
An empty car is the best way to pick up your troops cookie order! Leave grandma, sports equipment,
groceries, kids, car seats, etc., at home if possible. It is also advised to bring your order from eBudde to
double check what your troop should expect for the initial order! Be sure to sign for the cookies after
you’ve counted the whole order and reviewed it with your SUCC.
Cookie Problems?
Check your orders for correct counts and potential damages. You will only have 48 hours to report all
overages/shortages/damages. Please email info@gsnypenn.org if you need a replacement or need
an adjustment on your bill.
Product Complaints
If you have a customer who is unhappy with their package of cookies, please offer them a
replacement or refund. You can also bring the empty package to your nearest Service Center for a
replacement or GSNYPENN staff will adjust your bill. Customers can also contact Little Brownie
Bakers directly by calling 1.800.962.1718.
DO NOT discuss complaints with the media.
Direct all media-related questions to info@gsnypenn.org.
Time to Distribute Cookies to the Girl
Always provide a receipt for cookies picked up and for payments made. A receipt must be provided
every time a package leaves the troop and goes to a girl. Receipts are required for any potential
caregiver collection.
NOTE: Any orders
placed through
Digital Cookie
between Jan. 31 &
Feb. 6 may not push
through to eBudde for
the Initial Order
cut off!
Learn how to submit your
initial order in this video!
Step 4: How to get more cookies!
Need More Cookies?
If you used all the cookies received from the initial order, the best place to
check for available cookies is the COOKIE EXCHANGE in eBudde. The
Cookie Exchange is a place for troops throughout GSNYPENN to place their
troops unsold cookies. Troops will list their available cookies by variety! If
you nd a troop (or troops) that have what you need, reach out to them
using the email listed. If you are able to take the cookies off their hands…
GREAT! Set up a time to facilitate the pick up. Make sure you have receipts
signed. Give the receipt to your SUCC and they will transfer the cookies to
your troop and out of the other troop!
Too Many Cookies?
Communication is key when it comes to cookies! If your troop has too many cookies, be sure to let
your SUCC know ASAP or post your unsold cookies in the COOKIE EXCHANGE in eBudde. Troops that
have unsold cookies can list them in the exchange for other troops to see. Your SUCC will be able to
nd a troop in your SU that may need what you have too many of, so it’s important to do this BEFORE
the end of the program! Troops hosting booth sales the last weekend of the program can utilize what
other troops have leftover!
Our goal is for troops to have NO cookies left unsold.
If your troop does not sell/transfer cookies by Sunday, March 31,
your troop is responsible for paying for them.
Step 5: Responsible money management!
Responsible Money Management Tips
Set-up meeting times for caregivers/girls to turn in money collected
Set-up meeting times to coordinate with GSNYPENN payment due dates to be sure all ACH
transactions are covered. See calendar for full ACH dates.
Give caregivers a receipt when money is collected
Make deposits into troop accounts frequently, do NOT hold on to cash and checks!
Keep a lockbox or zippered pouch to keep cash safe at booth sales—
An adult should be near it at all times!
Keep track of cookie inventory and make sure you write up receipts for all cookie transactions
Payment Policy
The troop is responsible for depositing all monies into the troop account. Reference Volunteer
Essentials for additional information on troop bank accounts. ACH transactions may take 3-5 business
days to clear your account once initiated. GSNYPENN requires a signed Payment Policy on le with
accurate account and signer information. If any information changes (account # or signer) or if you
are a new troop, a Payment Policy MUST be completed! Check with your MSM or SUCC for more
Learn more about
getting more cookies
in this video!
Cookie Payments
Only cookies ordered under the girl will be processed via ACH on Wednesday, March 29. What does
that mean? If your troop orders cookies for booth sales under the BOOTH SALE row in eBudde,
GSNYPENN will not include that order in your rst ACH! Please note that if you order cookies under
the OTHER row in eBudde, will be included in the rst ACH. GSNYPENN will ACH cookies at $5/
Example: If your troop sold 1,500 girl order packages, the ACH will be half of 1,500 packages. 750
packages at $6/package equals $4,500 for the 1st ACH payment.
Concerns about your ACH payment?
Contact troopbanking@gsnypenn.org on the Monday prior to each ACH date.
GSNYPENN Check Policy
All checks accepted by the troop must be made payable to Girl Scout Troop XXXXX (e.g., Troop
All checks MUST have the following information:
Name and address printed on the check
Phone number (with area code) printed or written on the check
Driver’s license number printed or written on the check
In the event a check bounces in the troop account, GSNYPENN will reimburse the troop for the face
value of the bounced check IF and ONLY IF ALL of the above information is on the check!
Caregiver Collection Policy
Do not pay for a Caregiver Collection with troop proceeds! Girls and their troops work very
hard during the cookie program. Proceeds earned during the cookie program belong to the troop and
should be available for girls to utilize. If a caregiver does not pay for their portion of the cookies, the
girl should not be affected. Caregivers go into collection, not girls.
If you do not receive payment from a caregiver (full or partial), ll out the Caregiver Collection Form
found on our website and mail it, along with a copy of the signed Family Guide and copies of signed
cookie receipts, to:
Attn: Troop Banking
960 James Street, Fl. 2
Syracuse, NY 13203
All documentation must be submitted by Monday, April 1. Only Caregiver Collections with signed
permission slips and signed cookie receipts will be accepted!
Step 6: Closing out the program!
How to Assign Cookies & Submit Your Final Reward Order
In order for girls to receive rewards for their total cookie sales, cookie sales
must be added to each girl through eBudde. This is required and must be
submitted prior to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2.
1. Click on GIRL ORDERS Tab
2. Click on a girls name
3. Click +Order., select the appropriate column, type the number of packages sold
4. Click OK
5. Click Save, repeat as needed until all cookies in your inventory are assigned to girls (eBudde will
not allow you to assign more cookies than available in your inventory, DIFFERENCE row should be
all zeros!)
To Order Rewards for Your Girls
1. Click on REWARD Tab and click FILL OUT for FINAL Rewards. It will list every girl in your troop
and how many recognitions she earned (if applicable). If you see a girl with a red warning size/
catalog selection needed, click her name and select her T-shirt size and/or the reward she would
2. Once that is complete, scroll down & click SUBMIT for that girl. Repeat until all red warnings are
3. When that is complete, click the SUBMIT INCENTIVE ORDER button.
4. That’s it!
Be sure to select the item she earned (and would like) and enter it in eBudde! If a reward is not
selected for a girl in eBudde, she will receive the default item listed in eBudde. After the rewards are
submitted, they cannot be changed for a different item!
Step 7: Celebrate your achievements!
You and Your Troop Worked Hard, Let’s Celebrate!
The cookie program is a team effort between the girls, volunteers and families! Encourage your girls to
send thank you notes to the adults, organizations and customers that made the program possible! It is
also a nice idea to send thank you cards back to your girls!
Your SUCC will contact you when rewards arrive in June. It is very important to hand them out
to your girls as soon as possible! Set up a pizza party or another celebratory event!
Talk to your girls to get their feedback regarding the program! See what worked during this season
and what you can improve on for next season.
Learn more about
closing out the
program in this video!
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31
Don’t Forget! Check eBudde to make sure all
registered girls are listed. If any registered
girls are missing, email info@gsnypenn.org.
Remember, newly registered girls are uploaded
daily throughout the program!
Volunteer Access
to eBudde &
Digital Cookie
1st Booth
Sign up for 3
starting at 9 p.m.
2nd Booth
Sign up for 3
starting at 9 p.m.
3rd Booth
Sign up for 3
starting at 9 a.m.
4th Booth
Sign up for 3
starting at 9 p.m.
January 2024
access to Digital
Cookie begins!
Girls can begin
their sites!
February 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29
Troop Cookie
Manager Initial
Order Submit
by 3 p.m.
Initial Order
by 3 p.m.
Delivery Week
Girls should start delivering cookies ordered during the Initial Order!
National Girl Scout
Cookie Weekend!
Pre-Season & Early Bird Booth Sales
Last day for
caregivers to
enter order form
orders into
Digital Cookie!
Preseason and
Early Bird Troops
Can Start to Pick
Up Cookies
Girl Scout
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
March 2024
- 2024 Cookie
Program ends
- Digital Cookie closes
- Last day for booth sales
Sponsored Booth
Sales Start
1st ACH
50% of
Initial Order
Reward Opt-Out
Form For Junior
Troops and
Above Due
Last day of Girl
Delivery option
through Digital
Delivery Week
April 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
2nd ACH
50% outstanding
balance due
3rd ACH
any remaining
balance due
Troop Cookie
Manager Final
by 3 p.m.
SUCC Final
by 3 p.m.
June 2024: Anticipated Rewards Arrival
Contact GSNYPENN Customer Care by email at info@gsnypenn.org, by phone at 1.315.698.9400
or 1.800.943.4414 or visit us online at gsnypenn.org and use the Let’s Chat to interact during
regular business hours.
Program, rewards and dates are subject to change without notice.