Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
Volume 23, Number 1 Fall 2009
Oren Bar-Gill and Rebecca Stone
I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................51
A. Three Design Features...............................................................51
B. Rational Choice Explanations?..................................................53
C. Welfare Costs.............................................................................54
D. Market Solutions and their Limits .............................................55
E. Policy Implications.....................................................................57
A. The Rise of the Cell Phone.........................................................59
1. Technology..............................................................................59
2. History.....................................................................................60
3. Economic Significance............................................................62
B. The Cellular Service Market......................................................64
1. Structure ..................................................................................64
2. Competition.............................................................................65
3. Related Markets.......................................................................69
a. The Handset Market ............................................................69
b. The Applications Market......................................................72
III. THE CELLULAR SERVICE CONTRACT............................................73
A. Three-Part Tariffs ......................................................................73
B. Lock-In Clauses..........................................................................75
C. Complexity.................................................................................76
1. Postpaid Plans — The Basics..................................................76
2. Family Plans............................................................................77
3. Add-Ons ..................................................................................78
4. Phones and Lock-In Clauses ...................................................78
5. Prepaid Plans...........................................................................79
A. Three-Part Tariffs ......................................................................80
1. A Behavioral Economics Theory ............................................80
NYU School of Law. We thank Jennifer Arlen, Adi Ayal, Lucian Bebchuk, Kevin Da-
vis, Clay Gillette, Michael Grubb, Raghuram Iyengar, Lewis Kornhauser, Florenica Marotta
Wurgler, Rick Pildes, Howard Shelanski, Phil Weiser, and workshop participants at NYU
and Tel-Aviv University for their helpful comments and suggestions. We gratefully ac-
knowledge the financial support of the D’Agostino/Greenberg Fund at NYU School of Law.
Michael Biondi, Osnat Dafna, and Paul McLaughlin provided outstanding research assis-
tance. We thank the Center for Customer Relationship Management at Duke University for
letting us use its Telecom Dataset.
50 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
a. Theory..................................................................................80
b. Data... ..................................................................................82
2. Rational Choice Theories and Their Limits ............................87
B. Lock-In Clauses..........................................................................90
1. A Behavioral Economics Theory ............................................90
2. Rational Choice Theories and Their Limits ............................93
C. Complexity.................................................................................94
1. A Behavioral Economics Theory ............................................94
2. Rational Choice Theories and Their Limits ............................96
V. WELFARE COSTS............................................................................96
A. Three-Part Tariffs ......................................................................96
B. Lock-In Clauses..........................................................................97
C. Complexity.................................................................................98
D. Countervailing Benefits?...........................................................98
VI. MARKET SOLUTIONS ....................................................................99
A. Catering to Sophisticated Consumers........................................99
1. Unlimited Calling Plans ........................................................100
2. AT&T’s Rollover Minutes ....................................................101
3. Prepaid Plans.........................................................................102
4. Graduated ETFs.....................................................................103
5. Open Access..........................................................................104
B. Market Solutions and Consumer Welfare ................................104
VII. POLICY IMPLICATIONS ..............................................................105
A. Existing Regulations Affecting the Cellular Service
1. Who Can Regulate?...............................................................105
2. Indirect Effects ......................................................................106
3. Direct Regulations of the Consumer-Carrier
Relationship ....................................................................108
a. Disclosure..........................................................................108
b. False Advertising...............................................................110
c. Challenging ETFs..............................................................111
B. New Proposals: Rethinking Disclosure....................................112
1. From Product Attributes to Use Patterns...............................112
2. Disclosing Use Pattern Information ......................................113
a. Average-Use Disclosures...................................................113
b. Individual-Use Disclosures................................................114
c. Individual-Use Disclosures in Real Time ..........................116
3. Combining Use-Pattern Information with Product
Attribute Information......................................................116
4. Mobile Disclosure .................................................................117
5. From Description to Prescription ..........................................118
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 51
The cellular service market is an economically significant market
that has substantially increased consumer welfare. From 1990 to 2008,
the U.S. market grew from 5 million subscribers to 263 million sub-
scribers. Eighty-six percent of Americans have a cell phone, and an
increasing number of households rely entirely on wireless communi-
cations, giving up landlines altogether. Annual revenues of the four
national carriers — AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile — total
over $150 billion. Our focus, however, is on the failures of this mar-
ket. We argue that the carriers design their contracts in response to
systemic mistakes and misperceptions of their customers. In doing so
they impose welfare costs on consumers, reducing the net benefit that
consumers derive from wireless service. We focus on three design
features common to most cellular service contracts: three-part tariffs,
lock-in clauses, and sheer complexity.
A. Three Design Features
The basic pricing scheme of the common cellular service contract
is a three-part tariff comprising: (1) a monthly charge; (2) an alloca-
tion of voice minutes that the monthly charge pays for; and (3) a per-
minute price for minutes beyond the plan limit. We argue that the
three-part tariff is a rational response by sophisticated carriers to con-
sumers’ misperceptions about their cell phone usage. Consumers
choose calling plans based on a forecast of future use patterns. The
problem is that many consumers do not have a very good sense of
these use patterns. The three-part tariff is advantageous to carriers
because it exacerbates the effects of consumer misperceptions, leading
consumers to underestimate the cost of cellular service.
Specifically, some consumers underestimate whereas others over-
estimate their future usage. Crucially, consumers are not aware that
their estimates are incorrect, which enables firms to exploit their mis-
perceptions. The overage fee component of the three-part tariff targets
the underestimators. These consumers underestimate the probability
of exceeding the plan limit and incurring an overage fee, and as a re-
sult will underestimate the cost of cellular service. The other compo-
nents of the three-part tariff — the monthly charge and the fixed
number of minutes that come with it — target the overestimators.
These consumers think that they will use all, or most, of their allotted
minutes and so expect to pay a per-minute price equal to the monthly
charge divided by the number of allotted minutes. In fact, the overes-
timators end up using far fewer minutes and paying a much higher
52 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
per-minute price than they anticipate. Thus, overestimators also un-
derestimate the cost of cellular service.
Carriers seem to be aware of consumer misperceptions. As a top
U.S. cellular phone carrier pricing manager has explained, “people
absolutely think they know how much they will use and it’s pretty
surprising how wrong they are.”
We empirically confirm the preva-
lence of consumer misperceptions using a unique dataset of sub-
scriber-level monthly billing and usage information for 3,730
subscribers at a single wireless provider. These data allow us to calcu-
late not only the total cost of wireless service under each consumer’s
chosen plan, but also the total amount that the consumer would have
paid had he chosen other available plans. Thus, we can determine the
plan that best fits his actual cell phone usage. We show that over 65%
of consumers chose the wrong plan. Some chose plans with an insuf-
ficient number of allotted minutes, whereas others chose plans with an
excessive number of allotted minutes. Subscribers exceeded their
minute allowance 17% of the time, by an average of 33%, suggesting
underestimation of use. And, during the 81% of the time when the
allowance was not exceeded, subscribers used only 47% of their min-
ute allowance on average, suggesting overestimation.
In addition to the three-part tariff pricing structure, most calling
plans come with a free or substantially discounted phone and lock the
consumer in for a substantial time period — typically two years
with long-term contracts and early termination fees (“ETFs”). Lock-in
clauses and the accompanying ETFs can also be explained as a market
response to the imperfect rationality of consumers. Consumers under-
estimate the cost of lock-in if they underestimate the likelihood that
switching providers will be beneficial down the road. Switching pro-
viders may be beneficial if service is not as good as promised,
monthly charges are higher than expected (due to the misperception of
use levels discussed above), or another carrier is offering a better deal.
The lock-in that is enforced by the ETF also facilitates the common
bundling of phones and service. The long-term revenue stream that
lock-in guarantees enables carriers to offer free or subsidized phones.
Rational consumers would not be enticed by a free phone, realizing
that they will pay for this “free” phone in the long-term. Imperfectly
rational consumers, by contrast, discount the long-term cost and seek
out “free” phone offers.
Finally, cellular service contracts are complex and multidimen-
sional, and choosing among numerous contracts can be a daunting
task. The three-part tariff itself is complex. Lock-in clauses and ETFs
add further complexity. And the true cost of a calling plan depends on
1. Michael Grubb, Selling to Overconfident Consumers 1 & n.2 (Mar. 26, 2008) (unpub-
lished manuscript, available at http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=721701).
2. The remaining 2% use up their allowances exactly.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 53
numerous other features. For example, most plans offer unlimited
night and weekend calling, but carriers offer different definitions of
“night” and “weekend.” Also, consumers must choose between unlim-
ited in-network calling, unlimited calling to five numbers, unlimited
Walkie-Talkie, roll-over minutes, and more. Finally, different carriers
offer different ranges of handsets, handset subsidies vary, and so on.
Complexity is further increased when family plans are added to the
mix, when data services are added to voice services, when pre-paid
plans are considered in addition to post-paid plans, etc. According to
one industry estimate, the cellular service market boasts millions of
plan and add-on combinations.
This level of complexity can itself be viewed as a contractual de-
sign feature that responds to the imperfect rationality of consumers.
Complexity allows providers to hide the true cost of their contracts.
Imperfectly rational consumers do not effectively aggregate the costs
and prices of the many components of available plans. Inevitably,
consumers will focus on a subset of salient features and prices, and
ignore (or underestimate the importance of) the remaining non-salient
dimensions. In response, providers will increase non-salient prices or
reduce the quality of the non-salient features, which, in turn, will gen-
erate or free-up resources for intensified competition on the salient
dimensions. Competition forces providers to make the salient features
attractive and the salient prices low. This can be achieved by adding
revenue-generating non-salient features and prices. The result is an
endogenously derived high level of complexity and multidimensional-
ity. Interestingly, consumer learning can exacerbate the problem.
When consumers learn the importance of a previously non-salient
feature, carriers have a strong incentive to come up with a new one,
further increasing the level of complexity.
B. Rational Choice Explanations?
Before we can draw normative and prescriptive implications from
these behavioral theories, we must consider whether the more tradi-
tional rational choice model can explain the same design features. If
the rational choice model comes up short, then we have good reason
to appeal to behavioral economics to assess the appropriate policy
response. The leading rational choice explanation for three-part tariffs
views them as mechanisms for price discrimination or market screen-
ing between rational consumers with different ex ante demand charac-
teristics. We show that the price discrimination argument rests on
specific assumptions about the distribution of consumer types — as-
sumptions that are not satisfied in the cell phone market. With the
distribution of types that we actually observe, providers facing ra-
tional consumers will not offer three-part tariffs.
54 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
Lock-in clauses can arise when consumers are rational. This oc-
curs when sellers incur substantial per-consumer fixed costs and li-
quidity-constrained consumers cannot afford to pay upfront fees equal
to these fixed costs. In the cell phone market, fixed costs are indeed
high with carriers investing up to $400 in acquiring each new cus-
tomer. However, these costs are also in large part an endogenous con-
sequence of carriers’ decisions to offer free or subsidized phones. This
raises a series of questions. Why do carriers offer free phones and
lock-in contracts? Why not charge customers the full price of the
phone and avoid lock-in? How many consumers cannot afford to pay
for a phone up front? For how many of these liquidity-constrained
consumers is the carrier the most efficient source of credit? The ra-
tional choice model can explain the presence of lock-in clauses, but
only in a subset of contracts.
The rational choice explanation for complexity is straightforward.
Consumers have heterogeneous preferences, and the complexity and
multidimensionality of the cellular service offerings cater to these
heterogeneous preferences. It is likely that this heterogeneity explains
some of the observed complexity in the cell phone market. But, it is
unlikely that it can fully account for the staggering level of complex-
ity exhibited by the long menus of multi-dimensional contracts that
are available to consumers. Even for the rational consumer, acquiring
information on the range of complex products and comparing differ-
ent plans with many different features are time-consuming and costly
activities. Beyond some level of complexity, the costs exceed the
benefit of finding the perfect plan. Comparison shopping is deterred,
and the benefits of the variety and multidimensionality are left unreal-
ized. It seems that in the cell phone market the optimal level of com-
plexity has been exceeded.
C. Welfare Costs
The design of cellular service contracts is best explained as a ra-
tional response to the imperfect rationality of consumers. Mistakes
that consumers make and providers’ responses to these mistakes hurt
consumers and generate consumer welfare costs. First, overconfident
consumers choose the wrong three-part tariff, that is, they do not
choose the plan that would minimize their total costs. We estimate the
total annual reduction in consumer surplus from the three-part tariff
structure to be $11.92 billion. Moreover, while the average harm per
consumer, $47.68, is small, this average masks potentially important
distributional implications. The $11.92 billion harm is not evenly di-
vided among the 250 million U.S. cell phone owners. Many of these
subscribers choose the right plan. Even among those who choose the
wrong plan, there is substantial heterogeneity in the magnitude of
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 55
their mistakes. We estimate that each year 42.5 million consumers
make mistakes that cost them at least 20% of their total yearly wire-
less bill, or $146 per consumer annually. Moreover, the distribution of
mistakes implies a potentially troubling form of regressive redistribu-
tion, since revenues from consumers who make mistakes keep prices
low for consumers who do not make mistakes.
Lock-in prevents efficient switching and thus hurts consumers.
One survey found that 47% of subscribers would like to switch plans,
but only 3% do so — the rest are deterred by the ETF. Switching is
efficient when a different carrier or plan provides a better fit for the
consumer. Lock-in can also slow down the beneficial effects of con-
sumer learning and prolong the costs of consumer mistakes, since
even consumers who learn from experience cannot benefit from their
new-found knowledge and switch to another carrier’s plan or to a pre-
paid plan. (Insofar as carriers allow consumers to switch among their
own monthly plans, consumers can benefit from learning.) In addition
to these direct costs, lock-in may inhibit competition, adding a poten-
tially large indirect welfare cost. Since lock-in may prevent a more
efficient carrier from attracting consumers who are locked into a con-
tract with a less efficient carrier, it can deter new carriers from enter-
ing the market.
The high level of complexity of cell phone contracts can reduce
welfare in two ways. First, consumers will tend to make more mis-
takes in plan choice when the menus are complex, and these mistakes
will reduce consumer welfare. Second, complexity inhibits competi-
tion by discouraging comparison shopping. By raising the cost of
comparison shopping, complex contracts reduce the likelihood that a
consumer will find it beneficial to carefully consider all his options.
Without the discipline that comparison shopping provides, cellular
service providers can behave like quasi-monopolists — raising prices
and reducing consumer surplus.
D. Market Solutions and their Limits
Do these behavioral market failures result from imperfect compe-
tition in the cell phone market? The simple answer is ‘no.’ In fact,
enhanced competition would likely make the identified design fea-
tures more pervasive and the resulting welfare costs greater. If con-
sumers are overconfident about their future use levels, then
competition will force carriers to offer three-part tariffs. If consumers
are myopic, then competition will force carriers to offer free phones
3. A carrier’s relative efficiency depends on its costs of providing service and the quality
of service that it offers. Thus, a carrier that provides the same quality of service at lower
cost than another or a higher quality service at the same cost as another is a more efficient
56 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
and cover the cost of the subsidy with lock-in contracts. Finally, if
consumers, faced with complex, multidimensional contracts, ignore
less salient price dimensions, then competition will force carriers to
shift costs to the less salient price dimensions. When demand for cel-
lular service is driven by imperfect rationality, competitors must re-
spond to this biased demand; otherwise they will lose business and be
forced out of the market. Accordingly, ensuring robust competition in
the cellular service market would not solve the problem.
But it is a mistake to take the level of imperfect rationality as giv-
en. Competition coupled with consumer learning can reduce levels of
bias and misperception and thus trigger a shift to more efficient forms
of contractual design. In fact, the cellular service market has exhibited
numerous examples of such market correction in recent years and now
boasts a large set of products and contracts that can be seen as cater-
ing to more sophisticated consumers. At the same time, the evolution
of the market demonstrates limits on the power of consumer learning
to correct behavioral market failures.
We consider two key examples. First, the market has responded
to greater awareness of the costs of underestimated use among con-
sumers who have experienced the sting of large overage charges.
Since 2008, the major carriers have been offering unlimited calling
plans that arguably respond to demand generated by this heightened
consumer awareness of misperceptions. Similarly, AT&T’s roll-over
feature, which predates the unlimited calling plans, can also be seen as
a response to consumer learning about the costs of underestimated use
in the presence of overage charges. Yet, while overage fees make it
easy to learn the cost of underestimated use, the costs of overesti-
mated use are more difficult to learn since it is not so obviously penal-
ized. The result of this uneven learning is unlimited plans rather than
the optimal two-part tariff pricing scheme comprised of a fixed
monthly fee and a constant per-minute charge.
Second, the shift from a time-invariant ETF to a time-variant,
graduated ETF structure responds to consumers’ increased awareness
and sensitivity to ETFs. This shift is not a pure market solution. Ra-
4. Cf. Oren Bar-Gill, The Behavioral Economics of Consumer Contracts, 92 MINN. L.
REV. 749 (2008) (arguing that welfare losses result from sellers responding strategically to
consumer misperceptions, even in competitive markets); Oren Bar-Gill, Bundling and Con-
sumer Misperception, 73 U.
CHI. L. REV. 33 (2006) (arguing that the bundling of products
can be a response to consumer misperception even in competitive markets); Oren Bar-Gill,
The Law, Economics and Psychology of Subprime Mortgage Contracts, 94 C
REV. 1073 (2009) (arguing that certain elements of subprime mortgage contracts are a re-
sponse to consumers’ imperfect rationality and not the result of a lack of market competi-
tion); Oren Bar-Gill & Elizabeth Warren, Making Credit Safer, 157 U.
PA. L. REV. 1 (2008)
(arguing that intense competition in the credit market does not protect consumers because of
a lack of perfect information and rationality); Oren Bar-Gill, Seduction by Plastic, 98 N
U.L. REV. 1373 (2004) (examining exploitation of consumers’ behavioral biases in the
credit card market and arguing that biased contracting is not the product of imperfect com-
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 57
ther, it is an example of how consumer learning and legal intervention
can work in tandem to change business practices. The change in ETF
structure likely began with a small number of consumers who learned
to appreciate the cost of ETFs and initiated litigation against the carri-
ers. The threat of liability and greater consumer awareness of ETFs
then pushed carriers to adjust their ETF structures. Innovations like
these suggest that the market has an impressive capacity to correct for
consumer misperceptions. Yet, market solutions are imperfect. Not all
biases are easily purged by learning. Not all consumers learn equally
fast, as evidenced by the limited take-up of many design innovations.
The speed of consumer learning and the market’s response matter,
since welfare costs will be incurred in the interim period. Moreover,
when consumers learn to overcome one mistake, or when a previously
hidden term becomes salient, carriers have an incentive to add a new
non-salient term and to trigger a new kind of mistake. Even if con-
sumers always catch-up eventually, this cat-and-mouse game imposes
welfare costs on consumers.
E. Policy Implications
While market solutions are imperfect and welfare costs remain,
the potential for self-correction in the cellular service market leads us
to support a regulatory stance that does not impede market forces, but
rather facilitates their operation. We focus on disclosure regulation.
Our proposal deviates from existing disclosure rules and from other
proposals for heightened disclosure regulation. While existing rules
and proposals focus on the disclosure of product attribute information,
i.e., information on the different features and price dimensions of cel-
lular service, we also emphasize the disclosure of use-pattern informa-
tion, i.e., information on how the consumer will use the product. To
fully appreciate the benefits and costs of a cellular service contract,
consumers must combine product attribute information with use-
pattern information. For example, to assess the costs of overage fees,
it is not enough to know the per minute charges for minutes not in-
cluded in the plan, as proposed in the Cell Phone User Bill of Rights.
Consumers must also know the probability that they will exceed the
plan limit and by how much. The essence of our proposal lies in the
recognition that use-pattern information can be as important as prod-
uct-attribute information. The disclosure regime should be redesigned
to ensure that consumers have access to both.
Use-pattern disclosures can be divided into average-use disclo-
sures and individual-use disclosures. One potentially beneficial aver-
age-use disclosure would target the misperception of use levels that
underlies the three-part tariff pricing structure. Carriers could be re-
quired to disclose the average overage charges that consumers pay.
58 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
Carriers could also be required to disclose the percentage of consum-
ers who use, say, 50% or less of the allotted minutes, or the percent-
age of consumers who would save money if they switched to a lower
fixed-fee, lower limit plan. But the efficacy of average-use disclosures
is likely limited by consumer heterogeneity and by consumer opti-
mism. Fortunately, use-pattern disclosure in the cellular service mar-
ket need not be limited to average-use information. The long-term
relationship between carriers and consumers allows for the provision
of individualized use-pattern information.
Individual-use disclosures can also reduce consumers’ mispercep-
tions of their future use. Carriers already provide consumers with in-
formation on overage charges. This disclosure targets consumers’
underestimation of use. We propose a parallel disclosure that would
target consumers’ overestimation of use. Carriers should be required
to disclose the number of minutes used. While some carriers already
provide this information voluntarily, others do not. More importantly,
carriers should be required to disclose the actual monthly per-minute
price, calculated as the monthly fixed fee (plus any overage charges
incurred in a given month) divided by the number of minutes used
that month. This disclosure could be further supplemented by infor-
mation on alternative service plans that would reduce the total price
paid by the consumer given his current use patterns. The proposed
individual-use disclosures, including the comparison with other plans,
should be provided not only on the monthly bill but also in aggregate
form as part of a year-end summary to account for month-to-month
variations in use.
Individual-use disclosures can also effectively be provided in real
time. There are consumers who inadvertently exceed the plan limit
because they cannot easily keep track of the number of minutes that
they are using. To reduce the incidence of inadvertently exceeding the
plan limit, carriers could be required to notify consumers when they
are about to exceed the plan limit. A consumer receiving such notifi-
cation may well decide to cut the conversation short, switch to a land
line, or postpone the conversation until off-peak hours.
This Article contributes to a budding literature that views con-
sumer contracts as the combined product of consumer psychology and
market forces.
By providing evidence of consumer biases and pro-
5. See sources cited supra note 4; see also Stefano DellaVigna & Ulrike Malmendier,
Contract Design and Self-Control: Theory and Evidence, 119 Q.J.
ECON. 353 (2004) (con-
sidering the interaction “between profit-maximizing firms and consumers with time-
inconsistent preferences and naïve beliefs”); Stefano DellaVigna & Ulrike Malmendier,
Paying Not to Go to the Gym, 96 A
M. ECON. REV. 694 (2006) (examining contract data
from health clubs and suggesting that consumer overconfidence may contribute to consumer
behavior); Xavier Gabaix & David Laibson, Shrouded Attributes, Consumer Myopia, and
Information Suppression in Competitive Markets, 121 Q.J.
ECON. 505 (2006) (showing that
“shrouding” of hidden fees occurs in competitive markets when some consumers are naïve
and don’t anticipate shrouding).
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 59
viders’ contractual design responses to these biases in an important
market — the cellular service market — we challenge the still domi-
nant rational choice approach to consumer markets.
In addition to
extending the reach of behavioral analysis and confirming the broad
role that psychology plays in consumer markets, this Article under-
scores the importance of in-depth market-specific analysis. The policy
implications of consumer mistakes are context-dependent. The effi-
cacy of learning and market correction varies from market to market.
In some markets learning is slower and the welfare costs of consumer
mistakes higher. In these markets, heavy-handed legal intervention
may be warranted. In other markets, like the cellular service market,
market solutions are relatively effective, and legal intervention would
facilitate rather than inhibit market forces. Finally, the range of policy
tools in the regulator’s arsenal varies from market to market. While
disclosure mandates may have limited effect in markets where sellers
have only average-use information, disclosure can have a more sub-
stantial effect in markets, like the cellular service market, where pro-
viders possess large amounts of individual-use information.
The remainder of this Article is organized as follows: Part II pro-
vides background information on the cell phone and the cellular ser-
vice market; Part III describes the key features of common cellular
service contracts; Part IV develops the behavioral economics theory
that explains these contractual design features; Part V discusses wel-
fare implications; Part VI considers the efficacy of market solutions;
and Part VII describes our policy proposals.
A. The Rise of the Cell Phone
1. Technology
The key technological innovation that underpins cellular commu-
nications is the cellular concept itself. A cellular system divides each
geographic market into numerous small cells, each of which is served
by a single low-powered transmitter. This allows the system to reuse
the same channel or frequency many times, albeit in non-adjacent
cells in order to avoid interference.
Thus, multiple users can simulta-
6. See Richard A. Epstein, The Neoclassical Economics of Consumer Contracts, 92
INN. L. REV. 803 (2008) (defending the traditional rational choice approach).
7. See SRI
http://www.sri.com/policy/csted/reports/sandt/techin2/contents.html [hereinafter SRI-NSF
REPORT]. For a more technical treatment, see THEODORE RAPPAPORT, WIRELESS
COMMUNICATIONS 26–30 (Camille Trentacoste ed., 1996), and MISCHA SCHWARTZ,
60 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
neously make use of the same frequency. Sophisticated technology
locates subscribers and sends incoming calls to the appropriate cell
sites, while complex handoff technologies allow mobile consumers to
move seamlessly between cells.
High demand for cellular service has prompted the development
of digital technology, which generates enhanced capacity without de-
grading service quality. Two kinds of capacity-increasing technologi-
cal solutions have emerged. The first employs time-slicing
technology: signals associated with several different calls are aggre-
gated within the same frequency by assigning to each user a cyclically
repeating time slot in which only that user is allowed to transmit or
receive. Time-slicing techniques include Bell Labs’ time division
multiple access (“TDMA”) and Global System for Mobile (“GSM”),
which are used by AT&T and T-Mobile, and Integrated Digital En-
hanced Network (“iDEN”), which is used by Nextel.
Spread spec-
trum techniques, by contrast, spread many calls over many different
frequencies while using highly sophisticated devices to identify which
signals belong to which calls and decode them for end users.
family of digital standards employing spread spectrum technology is
known as Code Division Multiple Access (“CDMA”).
CDMA stan-
dards are used by Verizon and Sprint.
The introduction of these digi-
tal cellular technologies, starting in the early 1990s, marked the
advance from first generation (“1G”) systems to second generation
(“2G”) systems. Third generation (“3G”) systems, which began to
operate in the U.S. in 2002, incorporate more advanced technologies
that provide the increased speed and capacity necessary for multime-
dia, data, and video transmission, in addition to voice communica-
2. History
Although the key concepts essential to modern cellular systems
were conceived in 1947,
the Federal Communications Commis-
(2005); SRI-NSF REPORT, supra note 7, at 97. For a more detailed discussion of handoff
operations, see R
APPAPORT, supra note 7, at 31–36, and SCHWARTZ, supra note 7, at 235–
9. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 277–78; RAPPAPORT, supra note 7, at
SRI-NSF REPORT, supra note 7, at 106; see also SCHWARTZ, supra note 7, at 138–
10. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 277–78; RAPPAPORT, supra note 7, at
405–07; see also S
CHWARTZ, supra note 7, at 142–58.
11. R
APPAPORT, supra note 7, at 405–07.
12. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 278.
13. W
O’Brien ed., 2002).
REPORT, supra note 7, at 88. Non-cellular mobile radio systems were al-
ready in existence at that time.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 61
sion’s (“FCC”) refusal to allocate substantial frequencies to mobile
radio service meant that significant development of cellular telephone
services was delayed for several decades.
It was not until the early
1980s that the FCC allocated 50MHz of spectrum in the 800MHz
band to cellular telephone service.
The FCC rules created a duopoly
of two competing cellular systems in each of 734 “cellular market
areas” — one owned by a non-wireline company and one owned by
the local wireline monopolist in the area.
Each carrier received
25MHz of spectrum.
The first set of cellular licenses, which per-
tained to the thirty largest urban markets (the “Metropolitan Service
Areas,” or “MSAs”) were allocated by comparative hearings.
ever, the FCC was so overwhelmed by the number of applicants that
in 1984 Congress authorized the use of a lottery system to allocate
spectrum in the remaining markets.
By 1986, all the MSA licenses
had been allocated, and by 1991 licenses had been allocated in all
As demand for cellular service rapidly increased over sub-
sequent years, the FCC allocated more spectrum to wireless commu-
nications. New spectrum has been allocated by auction rather than
lottery ever since Congress gave the FCC authority to issue licenses
through auctions in the 1993 Budget Act, a move designed to raise
revenues and cut down on delays associated with the lottery system.
The more recent history of the cellular service market in the U.S.
is one of consolidation.
As noted above, the cellular service industry
began with the local structural duopolies that were created by the
FCC’s lottery mechanism.
With different firms operating in different
geographical markets, the national market initially included a large
number of players.
The number of firms increased further as the
FCC auctioned off more and more radio spectrum for cell phone use.
But this high level of market dispersion did not last long. The FCC
placed few restrictions on the ability of firms to merge across markets,
and a long history of voluntary merger and acquisition activity fol-
15. See id. at 88–90.
16. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 268.
17. FCC, FCC
F.C.C.R. 10947, 10974 62 (2006) [hereinafter FCC
18. Id.
19. Id.
20. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 236–37.
21. FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17.
22. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 237; see Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
Act of 1993, Pub. L. No. 103-66, Title VI, § 6002(a), 6002(b)(2), 197 Stat. 312, 387–93
(codified as 47 U.S.C. § 309(j) (2006)); see also Kevin Werbach, Supercommons: Toward a
Unified Theory of Wireless Communication, 82
TEX. L. REV. 863, 877–78 (2004).
23. See infra Part II.B.
24. See FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 10974 62.
25. Jeremy T. Fox, Consolidation in the Wireless Phone Industry 7 (Net Inst. Working
Paper No. 05-13, 2005), available at http://www.netinst.org/Fox2005.pdf.
62 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
Soon a handful of firms — AT&T Wireless, Cingular,
Nextel, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon Wireless — gained a dominant
position as nationwide carriers.
Consolidation activity intensified in
1999, as carriers sought to expand their coverage areas and increase
the capacity of their networks,
and was further facilitated by the
FCC’s 2003 decision to abolish the regulatory spectrum cap that had
limited the amount of spectrum that a company could own in any one
geographical market, since this increased opportunities for mergers by
companies with overlapping coverage areas.
Most significantly, in
October 2004, Cingular and AT&T Wireless merged to become
AT&T Wireless,
while in December 2004 Sprint and Nextel merged
to become Sprint-Nextel.
3. Economic Significance
The FCC estimates that at the end of 2007, there were 263 million
cellular service subscribers in the U.S., which corresponds to a na-
tionwide penetration rate of 86%.
The market has been growing rap-
idly. Cellular service providers added 21.2 million new subscribers in
2007, 28.8 million in 2006, 28.3 million in 2005, 24.1 million in 2004,
and 18.8 million in 2003.
Taking a longer-term view, 258 million
subscribers were added between June 1990 and the end of 2007.
26. Id. at 3, 7.
27. Id. at 6.
28. FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 10970 ¶¶ 53, 55.
29. Fox, supra note 25, at 9.
30. FCC,
F.C.C.R. 15908, 15930 58 (2005).
31. FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 10971 56.
32. FCC, DA 09-54, A
F.C.C.R. 6185, at 6279–80 197 (2009) [hereinafter FCC
33. Id.; FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 11017 158.
34. See FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6279–80 ¶ 197; SRI-NSF REPORT,
supra note 7, at 94. From a comparative perspective, penetration rates in Western European
and developed Asian-Pacific countries have been, and still are, higher than in the U.S.,
although the U.S. is quickly catching up. For a historic comparison, see FCC,
FCC 00-289,
F.C.C.R. 12985, 13033–34 (2002); FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 11029
¶¶ 158, 191. For an account of the recent convergence, see FCC,
31 (2008) [hereinafter FCC
TWELFTH REPORT]. Moreover, average minutes of use per sub-
scriber have tended to be higher in the U.S. See FCC
TWELFTH REPORT, supra, at 2343
233 (noting that in the fourth quarter of 2006, average minutes of use (“MOUs”) in the
U.S. was approximately 838 per month; Hong Kong came in second with 460 MOUs per
month; while Europe was far behind with an average of 150 MOUs per month).
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 63
While cell phones complement landline phones for most users, a sig-
nificant and increasing number of users view the cell phone as a par-
tial or even complete substitute for the traditional, landline phone. At
the end of 2005, nearly a third of American households made at least
half of their long-distance calls at home from their cell phones rather
than from their landlines.
In the last half of 2007, an estimated
15.8% of households used only wireless phones, up from 12.8% at the
end of 2006, 8.4% at the end of 2005, and 4.2% at the end of 2003.
The high revenues enjoyed by carriers provide an indication of
the magnitude of the cellular service market. In the third quarter of
2008, Verizon posted wireless revenues of $12.7 billion,
$12.6 billion,
Sprint an estimated $7.5 billion,
and T-Mobile $5.5
Quarterly wireless revenues for the four national carriers
summed to $38.3 billion, which potentially translates into total annual
wireless revenues of $153.2 billion, ignoring seasonal variations.
Wireless telecommunications have become the largest source of profit
for nearly all major telecommunication providers. For example, Veri-
zon’s wireless services are about two times more profitable than its
wireline offerings.
Looking at revenues from spectrum auctions is
also instructive. In 2006, the FCC’s Auction No. 66 raised a total of
$13.7 billion in net bids from wireless providers for 1,087 spectrum
licenses in the 1710–1755MHz and 2110–2155MHz bands.
In 2008,
the FCC’s Auction No. 73 raised a total of $19.0 billion in net bids
from wireless providers for 1,099 licenses in the 698–806MHz band
(known as the “700MHz Band”).
Investment in telecommunications infrastructure in general
and one could argue cellular technology in particular — promotes
35. FCC ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 11036 206.
36. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6301 230.
37. Press Release, Verizon, 3rd Quarter 2008 Earnings Conference Call (Oct. 27, 2008),
38. AT&T,
39. See Roger Cheng & Amol Sharma, Sprint Squeezed as Customers Flee, W
Nov. 8, 2008, at B5 (noting that total revenues, for 2008:3Q, were $8.82 billion); Sprint
Nextel Corp., H
OOVERS CO. IN-DEPTH RECS., Dec. 11, 2008, 2008 WLNR 23757630 (not-
ing that in 2007, 85% of Sprint’s revenue came from wireless services; the $7.5 billion
figure assumes that the 85% figure carries over to 2008:3Q).
40. Press Release, T-Mobile USA, T-Mobile USA Reports Third Quarter 2008 Results
(Nov. 6, 2008), http://www.t-mobile.com/company/InvestorRelations.aspx?tp=
Abt_Tab_InvestorRelations&ViewArchive=Yes (follow “T-MOBILE USA REPORTS
THIRD QUARTER 2008 RESULTS” hyperlink).
41. George Gilder, The Wireless Wars, W
ALL ST. J., Apr. 13, 2007, at A13 (stating that
Verizon’s mobile phones generated $804 million in profits, whereas its wired phones gener-
ated $393 million in profits).
42. Auction of Advanced Wireless Services Licenses Closes: Winning Bidders An-
nounced for Auction No. 66, 21 F.C.C.R. 10521 (2006).
43. Auction of 700 MHz Band Licenses Closes: Winning Bidders Announced for Auc-
73, 23 F.C.C.R. 4572 (2008).
64 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
economic growth by reducing the costs of interaction, expanding
market boundaries, and enhancing information flows.
cellular technology can create value by facilitating communication
between individuals who are on the move, thus helping individuals to
better coordinate their activities and respond to unforeseen contingen-
Wireless services also boost growth by expanding telephone
networks to include previously disenfranchised consumers through
prepaid service that is unavailable for fixed lines.
Analysts estimate
that the decades-long delay in the development of cellular networks
after the discovery of the cellular concept
cost the US economy
around $86 billion (measured in 1990 dollars).
B. The Cellular Service Market
1. Structure
The U.S. cellular service industry is dominated by four “nation-
facilities-based carriers: AT&T Wireless, Verizon Wireless,
Sprint Nextel, and T-Mobile.
At the end of 2007, each had networks
covering at least 235 million people.
AT&T had 70.1 million sub-
scribers, Verizon 65.7 million, Sprint Nextel 45.3 million, and T-
Mobile 28.7 million.
In addition to the national carriers, there are a number of regional
carriers, including Leap, U.S. Cellular, and MetroPCS.
There is also
a growing resale sector, consisting of providers who purchase airtime
44. Leonard Waverman, Meloria Meschi & Melvyn Fuss, The Impact of Telecoms on
Economic Growth in Developing Countries, in T
. 3, AFRICA: THE IMPACT OF MOBILE PHONES 10, 10 (March 2005),
45. See, e.g., Robert Jensen, The Digital Provide: Information (Technology), Market Per-
formance, and Welfare in the South Indian Fisheries Sector, 122 Q.J.
ECON. 879, 881–83
(2007) (describing how the introduction of cell phones revolutionized the fishing industry in
Kerala, leading to dramatic reductions in price dispersion, the complete elimination of waste
(previously 5–8% of the daily catch), an 8% average increase in fishermen’s profits, a 4%
decline in consumer prices, and a 6% increase in consumer surplus).
46. See, e.g., Waverman et al., supra note 44, at 12.
47. See supra text accompanying notes 14–16.
48. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 268. Developing countries that lack a
well-developed wireline network stand to gain even more from the development of wireless
networks. See, e.g., Waverman et al., supra note 44, at 11 (“We find that mobile telephony
has a positive and significant impact on economic growth, and this impact may be twice as
large in developing countries as compared to developed countries.”).
49. This means that all operate networks in at least some portion of the Western, Mid-
western, and Eastern United States. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6199 ¶ 14.
50. Id.
51. Id.
52. Id.
53. Id.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 65
from facilities-based carriers and resell service to the public, typically
in the form of prepaid plans rather than standard monthly tariffs.
2. Competition
The overlapping geographic coverage of the national and regional
providers gives rise to competition between cellular service providers.
The FCC estimates that 95.5% of people have three or more different
operators offering cell phone services in the census blocks where they
live, 90.5% live in census blocks with four or more operators, 64.9%
live in census blocks with five or more operators, and 24.6% live in
census blocks with six or more operators.
The FCC measures market
concentration by computing the average Herfindahl-Hirschman Index
(“HHI”) across 172 “Economic Areas” (“EA”s) — aggregations of
counties that have been designed to capture the “area in which the
average person shops for and purchases a mobile phone, most of the
The HHI is a measure of market concentration that ranges
from a value of 10,000 in a monopolistic market to zero in a perfectly
competitive market.
In December 2006, the average HHI, weighted
by EA population, was equal to 2674, while the median was given by
The FCC found virtually no change in average concentration
in 2007.
These figures, however, might well underestimate market
concentration, since the FCC’s methodology gives equal weight to a
mobile carrier assigning cell phone numbers in one county as it does
to a carrier that assigns numbers in multiple counties in a given EA.
Indeed, one analyst calculated an average HHI value exceeding 6000
with 2005 data, using the amount of spectrum controlled by a carrier
in a market as a proxy for market share.
The relatively high level of concentration in the cell phone market
is the product of an ongoing consolidation process.
This consolida-
54. The resale sector accounted for 7% of the market at end of year 2007. Id. at 6200–01
55. Id. at 6210 41 tbl.1.
56. Id. at 6212 45.
57. Formally, the HHI is given by
HHI 100s
, where s
is the fractional mar-
ket share of firm i, and I is the number of firms in the market. Thus a monopolistic market
has an HHI of 10,000, a market that is equally divided between two firms has an HHI of
5000, a market that is equally divided between three firms has an HHI of 3333.33, a market
that is equally divided between four firms has an HHI of 2500, etc.
58. FCC
TWELFTH REPORT, supra note 34, at 2268 52.
59. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6212 46.
60. Id. at 6212 45 n.87.
61. Fox, supra note 25, at 15–17. Moreover, this figure excludes data on Nextel, and so
the Sprint Nextel merger does not contribute to the high HHI, suggesting that this figure
may underestimate the true concentration. Id. at 16 n.11.
62. See supra Part II.A.2.
66 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
tion activity is at least partly motivated by a desire to realize econo-
mies of scale and enlarge geographic scope. Broad coverage can be
provided at lower cost by a single nationwide carrier than by regional
carriers through roaming agreements with carriers operating in differ-
ent geographic areas.
In addition, extending the national network
spreads fixed costs, such as marketing expenditures and investments
in developing new technology over a wider base of customers.
nally, economies of geographic scope arising from complementarities
between markets may provide an efficiency reason for consolida-
However, even if consolidation reduces certain costs, it may
increase other costs. Consolidation tends to reduce competition and
facilitate collusion as the number of multi-market contacts between
the dominant national carriers increases.
The magnitude of entry barriers provides another important
measure of competitiveness. If barriers to entry are low, even a market
with a small number of firms will behave competitively. Government
control of spectrum — limiting the amount of spectrum allocated to
wireless communications and requiring that carriers obtain govern-
ment-issued licenses — has the potential to create significant barriers
to entry.
However, recently the FCC has alleviated many of these
concerns by increasing the amount of spectrum available for cellular
communication services and allowing market forces to determine
market structure through elimination of the old structural duopolies
and abolition of the spectrum cap.
Moreover, the Telecommunica-
tions Act and FCC regulations reduce entry barriers by imposing in-
terconnection and roaming obligations.
The ability to purchase
63. See Patrick Bajari, Jeremy T. Fox & Stephen Ryan, Evaluating Wireless Carrier
Consolidation Using Semiparametric Demand Estimation 5 (Nat’l Bureau of Econ. Re-
search, Working Paper No. 12425, 2006), available at http://www.nber.org/papers/w12425;
see also Fox, supra note 25, at 10.
64. Fox, supra note 25, at 10.
65. Id.
66. Id. at 12. Multi-market contact was an important factor in explaining supra-
competitive prices in the early mobile telecommunications industry. See Philip M. Parker &
Lars-Hendrik Röller, Collusive Conduct in Duopolies: Multi-Market Contact and Cross-
Ownership in the Mobile Telephone Industry, 28 RAND
J. ECON. 304, 320 (1997). There
were also significant cross-ownership effects, i.e., if operators co-own an operating license
elsewhere, they tend to collude more. Id.
67. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6220 65.
68. Id. at 6220 ¶¶ 65–66. Moreover, build-out requirements prevent providers from de-
terring entry by “warehousing” spectrum that they do not need. Licensees that do not build a
network and use the spectrum within a specified period of time might lose their license. See
47 C.F.R. §§ 22.946–22.951; see also 47 U.S.C. § 309(j) (2006); In re Implementation of
Section 309(j) of the Communications Act — Competitive Bidding, 9 F.C.C.R. 2348, 2386
(1994) [hereinafter Implementation of Section 309(j)].
69. 47 U.S.C. § 251(a)(1) (2006) (noting that “[e]ach telecommunications carrier has the
duty to interconnect directly or indirectly with the facilities and equipment of other tele-
communications carriers”); Reexamination of Roaming Obligations of Commercial Mobile
Radio Service Providers, Final Rule, 72 Fed. Reg. 50064, 50064–65 (2007) [hereinafter
Reexamination of Roaming Obligations]; see also In re Interconnection and Resale Obliga-
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 67
spectrum on the secondary market further reduces entry barriers.
Yet, advertising expenditures — amounting to billions of dollars an-
— and the economies of scale and scope described above
continue to impose substantial entry barriers.
Switching costs also affect the level of competition. Switching
costs in the cellular service market are substantial, although recent
developments are reducing these costs. Until recently, most consum-
ers signed long-term contracts with fixed ETFs of approximately
Now major carriers are offering contracts with graduated
ETFs that decline over the life of the contract. Likewise, historically
carriers allowed only certain approved phones to be used by their sub-
scribers on their network and “locked” the phones they sold to render
them incapable of being used on other networks.
The recent trend,
however, is toward open access, which allows more phones onto the
network, and recent regulatory action by the Copyright Office clari-
fied that phones can be unlocked.
Being forced to change phone
numbers was also a potentially significant switching cost until it was
tions Pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Services, Second Report and Order and Third
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 11 F.C.C.R. 9462, 9463 (1996) [hereinafter Interconnec-
tion and Resale Second Report and Order]; In re Interconnection and Resale Obligations
Pertaining to Commercial Mobile Radio Services, Third Report and Order, 15 F.C.C.R.
15975, 15977 (2000). The FCC has chosen not to regulate rates charged by carriers for the
provision of roaming services. Thus, carriers may freely negotiate terms subject to the statu-
tory requirement that rates charged be reasonable and non-discriminatory. Reexamination of
Roaming Obligations, supra, at 50065.
70. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6220 67. It appears to be contrary to a
major facility provider’s interest to sell wholesale capacity to resellers since the resellers
may compete with the provider for retail sales, reducing its profits. However, the major
facility provider will be motivated to sell if it fears that one of its rivals will make the sale if
it doesn’t. Marius Schwartz & Federico Mini, Hanging Up on Carterfone: The Economic
Case Against Access Regulation in Mobile Wireless 10 (May 2, 2007) (unpublished manu-
script), available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=984240 (pointing to the growth of the resale
market as evidence that the cellular service market is genuinely competitive).
71. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6261 158 (advertising spending for
wireless telephone services totaled $4.1 billion in 2007 according to one estimate and ap-
proximately $5.1 billion according to another).
72. See supra notes 63–66 and accompanying text.
73. See infra Part III.B.
74. Tim Wu, Wireless Net Neutrality: Cellular Carterfone and Consumer Choice in Mo-
bile Broadband 1 (New Am. Found. Wireless Future Program, Working Paper No. 17,
2007), available at http://www.newamerica.net/files/
WorkingPaper17_WirelessNetNeutrality_Wu.pdf; see also Spencer E. Ante, Verizon Em-
braces Google’s Android, B
US. WK., Dec. 3, 2007, http://www.businessweek.com/
technology/content/dec2007/tc2007123_429930.htm?campaign_id=yhoo (“Verizon Wire-
less has created the most profitable U.S. cellular business by tightly restricting the devices
and applications allowed to run on its network.”).
75. See 37 C.F.R. § 201.40(b)(5) (2008). Carriers are embracing the new open-access
business model. See Ante, supra note 74. (“But over the past year, [Verizon’s] leadership
came to conclude that it was time for a radical shift. Such a move, they reckoned, might
help Verizon Wireless keep growing while holding down costs.”) Sprint Nextel and T-
Mobile also support the shift to an open-handset environment, as members of the Google-
led “Open Handset Alliance.” Id.; see also Amol Sharma & Dionne Searcey, Verizon to
Open Cell Network to Others’ Phones, W
ALL ST. J., Nov. 28, 2007, at B1.
68 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
eliminated by the regulatory requirement that carriers provide local
number portability.
Wireless carriers must now ensure that users can
keep their current telephone numbers when they switch providers
“without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience.”
high churn rates in the cell phone market — between 13% and 31% a
year in 2007
— suggest that switching costs, while potentially sub-
stantial, are not prohibitive for many consumers.
To sum up, while there is reason to believe that the cellular ser-
vice market is less than perfectly competitive, providers are actively
competing to attract consumers. Declining prices are evidence of such
active competition. While average minutes of use have been rising
since 1994, until recently average monthly bills have been falling.
This downward trend is also observed in average revenues per minute,
which some analysts believe is a good proxy for mobile pricing.
76. FCC ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 11012 146. Wireless local number port-
ability began on November 24, 2003. In re Telephone Number Portability, 19 F.C.C.R. 875,
876 (2004) (order). The underlying aim of wireless number portability was to ensure “cus-
tomers flexibility in the quality, price, and variety of telecommunications services they can
choose to purchase.” In re Telephone Number Portability, 11 F.C.C.R. 8352, 8368 (1996)
(first report and order and further notice of proposed rulemaking). The FCC reports that
from December 2003 to December 2007, 49.93 million consumers took advantage of the
right to retain their phone number while switching from one wireless carrier to another. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6272 183.
77. 47 U.S.C. § 153(30) (2006).
78. A “churn rate” is the rate at which users cancel their cellular service in a given period
of time. In first quarter 2007, the major carriers reported the following monthly churn rates:
AT&T 1.7%, T-Mobile 1.9%, Verizon 1.08%. See AT&T,
ANNUAL REPORT 33 (2007), http://www.att.com/Investor/ATT_Annual/downloads/
07_ATTar_FullFinalAR.pdf; Press Release, T-Mobile, T-Mobile USA Adds Almost 1 Mil-
lion Net New Customers and Reports First Quarter Results (May 10, 2007),
Abt_Tab_InvestorRelations&ViewArchive=Yes (follow hyperlink listed next to date
“05/10/2007”); Press Release, Verizon, Verizon Reports Strong 1Q 2007 Results, Driven by
Top-Line Growth Across Key Markets (Apr. 30, 2007), http://investor.verizon.com/
news/view.aspx?NewsID=831. Sprint does not report total churn rates. Rather, it reports
post-paid and pre-paid (Boost Mobile) rates separately. In first quarter 2007, Sprint’s post-
paid churn rate was 2.3% and its pre-paid churn rate was 7%. See Press Release, Sprint
Nextel, Sprint Nextel Reports First Quarter 2007 Results (May 2, 2007),
ID=994142&highlight=. The FCC recently reported churn rates of 1.5% to 3% per month.
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6271 181.
79. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6275–78 192, tbl.12.
80. Id. Other measures of prices also suggest that prices have been steadily declining
over this period. Id. at 6274–75 ¶¶ 188–91. On the other hand, there is substantial similarity
between the pricing schemes offered by the major carriers. See infra Part III. This price
matching may reflect tacit collusion among the major carriers. Cf. Meghan R. Busse, Multi-
market Contact and Price Coordination in the Cellular Telephone Industry, 9 J.
MGMT. STRATEGY 287, 313–16 (2000). From a comparative perspective, prices — as meas-
ured by average revenue per minute — have tended to be lower in the U.S., as compared to
other countries. See FCC
TWELFTH REPORT, supra note 34, at 2343 234. Part of the ex-
planation may lie in the fact that Western European countries and Japan employ Calling
Party Pays (“CPP”) systems in which only the calling party pays for calls — while the U.S.
employs Receiving Party Pays (“RPP”) systems where both receiving and calling parties
pay — giving service providers an incentive to set higher mobile termination charges. See
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 69
Competition is also observed on non-price dimensions. Competition
to attract and retain customers appears to be driving carriers to im-
prove service quality. Carriers pursue a variety of strategies to im-
prove service quality, including network investment to improve
coverage and quality and acquisition of additional spectrum.
analysts report a decline in the number of dropped or disconnected
calls — thought to be an important determinant of customer churn.
While an economic conclusion reached by politically appointed regu-
lators should be taken with a grain of salt, it is noteworthy that the
FCC described the cellular service market as one characterized by
healthy competition with carriers engaging in “independent pricing
behavior, in the form of continued experimentation with varying pric-
ing levels and structures, for varying service packages, with various
handsets and policies on handset pricing.”
3. Related Markets
The cellular service market interacts with other markets, specifi-
cally with the market for phones/handsets and with the market for cell
phone applications.
a. The Handset Market
The market for handsets is controlled by four firms: Motorola,
Nokia, Samsung, and LG Electronics. In the U.S., Motorola enjoys
the largest market share, controlling 33% of the handset market in the
fourth quarter of 2006.
Nokia, Samsung, and LG Electronics lag
behind considerably with 15% of the market each.
In total, 143 mil-
id. at 2344 235; see also Mark Armstrong, The Theory of Access Pricing and Interconnec-
tion, in 295
eds., 2002) (explaining why prices could be higher under CPP).
81. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6262–63 ¶¶ 159–61.
82. See FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 11005 130. Carriers’ marketing
campaigns emphasize their “superior network coverage, reliability, and voice quality.” FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6263 ¶¶ 162–63.
83. FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 10987 90. Yet, since this is an industry
characterized by high network costs, this phase of apparently intense competition may be
nothing more than a price war designed to squeeze out smaller carriers that will ultimately
result in an increase in the market power of the remaining large carriers and an attendant
rise in prices.
84. Dawn Kawamoto, Mobile Phone Sales Ring in Strong, CNET
NEWS, Mar. 27, 2007,
85. Id. The relative shares of these four firms are quite different outside the United
States. Nokia is the global market leader, with 33.3% of the global market in 2006, followed
by Motorola with 20.3%, Samsung with 12.8%, and LG Electronics with 6.9%. Candace
Lombardi, Mobile Phone Market Stays Strong, CNET
NEWS, Apr. 20, 2006,
70 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
lion units were sold in 2006, accounting for an estimated $8.8 billion
in sales after rebates and promotions.
In the U.S., the major cellular service providers exert significant
control over the handset market. Internationally, about half of hand-
sets are purchased through carriers and about half are sold directly to
consumers through other channels.
In the U.S., by contrast, nine out
of every ten cell phones are sold through a service provider.
practice of subsidizing handset prices for consumers who sign long-
term service contracts is at least partially responsible for the competi-
tive disadvantage suffered by handset makers looking to sell directly
to consumers.
Carriers in the U.S. determine which devices consumers can op-
erate on their networks.
The result of this control is that only a frac-
tion of any given manufacturer’s total line of products is offered. For
example, in 2006, of the fifty new products Nokia introduced into the
market, U.S. cellular service providers offered a scant few.
By al-
lowing only certain approved phones on their networks, carriers influ-
ence the design of handsets.
And as a condition of network access,
carriers require that developers disable certain services or features that
might be useful to consumers, such as call-timers, photo sharing,
Bluetooth capabilities, and Wi-Fi capabilities.
86. Kawamoto, supra note 84. Worldwide sales of mobile handsets have been growing
consistently since the market first developed in the 1990s. For example, 833.2 million hand-
sets were shipped in 2005 compared to 714 million in 2004. Marguerite Reardon, Cell
Phone Shipments Hit Highs, but Profits Sag, CNET
NEWS, Oct. 19, 2006,
87. Marguerite Reardon, Will Unlocked Cell Phones Free Consumers?, CNET
Jan. 24, 2007, http://news.cnet.com/Will-unlocked-cell-phones-free-consumers/
88. Id. Unlocked phones that can be used on multiple carrier networks have only recently
become available in the U.S. from manufacturers through their websites and through certain
retail channels. By contrast, in Europe, unlocked cell phones comprise about 70% of sales.
Id. Technological differences provide part of the explanation. Unlocked phones are avail-
able only for GSM networks. While all operators in Europe and Asia use GSM technology,
in the U.S. two of the four major carriers, Sprint Nextel and Verizon, use CDMA instead.
See Margaret Reardon, Unlocking the Unlocked Cell Phone Market, CNET NEWS, July 2,
2009, http://news.cnet.com/8301-1035_3-10277723-94.html?tag=mncol.
89. See infra Part III.B.
90. See Ante, supra note 74 (“Verizon Wireless has created the most profitable U.S. cel-
lular business by tightly restricting the devices and applications allowed to run on its net-
work.”); Reardon, supra note 87; Wu, supra note 74, at 11–12.
91. Reardon, supra note 87.
92. Wu, supra note 74, at 11–12.
93. Id. at 10–13. Some of these practices may be explained as attempts by the carriers to
protect revenue sources. For instance, a phone with Wi-Fi capabilities would enable the user
to make calls using the services of VoIP providers when in range of a Wi-Fi network. See
id. at 11–13. Other practices may be designed to preserve service quality. Since spectrum is
a shared resource, a “carrier must exercise some control over the handset and its features to
prevent degradation of service to other users arising from those who excessively consume
[network] resources.” Schwartz & Mini, supra note 70, at 19. There are also issues of com-
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 71
But the balance of power is shifting.
Handset brands and models
are an increasingly important determinant of a consumer’s choice of
service provider.
Apple’s launch of the iPhone represents a rare but
significant example of a handset manufacturer successfully overcom-
ing carrier pressure.
In addition, the open-access trend is starting to
limit carriers’ control over the handset market.
Regulation is playing
an important role: one third of the recently auctioned spectrum comes
with a requirement that “cellular networks allow customers to use any
phone they want on whatever network they prefer, and be able to run
on it any software they want.”
And, perhaps sensing the inevitable,
carriers are beginning to embrace the new open-access business
model, reasoning that they can cut costs by eliminating handset subsi-
dies and letting handset manufacturers bear most of the development
and customer service costs.
patibility between devices and networks, and networks must be able to communicate with
handsets for a variety of service related purposes. Id. at 19–20.
94. On power struggles between carriers and handset manufacturers, as well as with ap-
plication developers, see generally Jessica E. Vascellaro, Air War: A Fight Over What You
Can Do on a Cellphone, W
ALL ST. J., June 14, 2007, at A1; see also Miguel Helft &
Stephen Labaton, Google Pushes for Rules to Aid Wireless Plans, N.Y.
TIMES, July 21,
2007, at A1.
95. See Rita Chang, Proof that Handset Brands Help Sell Wireless Plans, RCR
WIRELESS, Oct. 28, 2008, http://www.rcrwireless.com/article/20081028/WIRELESS/
. See John Markoff, Apple Tops Expectations as iPhone Use Spreads, N.Y. TIMES,
Oct. 22, 2008, at B3 (“Apple has already surpassed its goal of selling 10 million iPhones
during 2008”).
97. See George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky & Lawrence J. Spiwak, Wireless Net Neu-
trality: From Carterfone to Cable Boxes,
PHOENIX CTR. POLY BULL. No. 17, Apr. 2, 2007,
at 2, http://phoenix-center.org/PolicyBulletin/PCPB21Final.pdf.
98. Editorial, A Half-Win for Cellphone Users, N.Y.
TIMES, Aug. 6, 2007, at A18; see al-
so In re Service Rules for the 698–746, 747–762, and 777–792 MHz Bands, 22 F.C.C.R.
15289, 15367, 15370–71 (2007) (second report and order) [hereinafter Service Rules Sec-
ond Report and Order]. More generally, in 2005, the FCC released a policy statement indi-
cating that it was committed to promoting network neutrality. In re Appropriate Framework
for Broadband Access to the Internet over Wireline Facilities, 20 F.C.C.R. 14986 (2005)
(policy statement); see Richard E. Wiley, “A New Telecom Act” — Remarks, 31 S.
L.J. 17, 28 (2006) (noting that “various versions of net neutrality language have been in-
cluded in draft telecom reform bills”); see also In re Petition to Confirm a Consumer’s
Right to Use Internet Communications Software and Attach Devices to Wireless Networks,
22 F.C.C.R. 5042 (2007) (recognizing a petition to the FCC for a declaratory ruling that the
Commission’s Carterphone rules, which give consumers freedom to attach devices of their
choosing to their phone lines applies to wireless networks).
99. See Ante, supra note 74; see also Sharma & Searcy, supra note 75. Nevertheless, it is
likely that at least the involuntary imposition of open-access requirements will reduce the
profitability of spectrum to service providers. Analysts have estimated that the open access
requirements imposed in the recent auction resulted in $3.1 billion in lost auction revenues
from sales of encumbered spectrum and a 32% reduction in profitability of the purchasing
wireless provider. George S. Ford, Thomas M. Koutsky & Lawrence J. Spiwak, Using Auc-
tion Results to Forecast the Impact of Wireless Caterfone Regulation on Wireless Networks,
HOENIX CTR. POLY BULL. No. 20, May 2008, at 3, http://www.phoenix-center.org/
72 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
b. The Applications Market
The major cellular service providers and other mobile data pro-
viders have progressively introduced a wide variety of mobile data
services and applications including text and multimedia messaging
services, entertainment applications, ringtones, and games.
recent innovations include GPS navigation services
and TV-
watching and music-playing applications.
In latter part of 2007,
17.9% of total wireless service revenues were from data revenues, an
increase of 30% over the previous year.
The major carriers also exert substantial control over the applica-
tions market. Many applications are sold by the carriers, often as part
of the service package,
although some application developers sell
their applications directly to consumers.
Moreover, carriers influ-
ence the design, content, and pricing of cell phone applications. For
example, carriers impose limits on “unlimited use” pricing plans for
3G broadband data services by restricting bandwidth and designating
certain applications as “forbidden” in consumer contracts.
also create difficulties for application developers by restricting access
to many phone capabilities, by imposing extensive qualification and
approval requirements before allowing them to develop applications
for their cell phone platforms, and by failing to develop uniform stan-
Echoing the trends in the handset market, the carriers’ control
over the application market may also be weakening. As sophisticated
new applications for cell phones have begun to proliferate and the
100. FCC ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 11007 136–37.
101. See Marguerite Reardon, Sprint to Include Free GPS with Data Services, CNET
NEWS, Mar. 26, 2007, http://news.cnet.com/Sprint-to-include-free-GPS-with-data-services/
2100-1039_3-6169263.html (noting that Sprint customers with certain handsets are to get
GPS navigation services for free, while others can add the service for $2.99 per day; Veri-
zon Wireless and AT&T can buy such services for significantly more).
102. Marguerite Reardon, AT&T Touts Mobile Video, Music Capabilities, CNET
Mar. 27, 2007, http://news.cnet.com/AT38T-touts-mobile-video,-music-capabilities/
2100-1039_3-6170812.html (commenting on the then-imminent launch of Apple’s applica-
tion-packed iPhone on the AT&T network).
103. FCC
THIRTEENTH REPORT, supra note 32, at 6278 195.
104. See infra Part III.C.3.
105. For example, Telenav has developed a GPS application, which it sells directly from
its website and also to Sprint customers via the Sprint website. Telenav, Telenav Products,
http://www.telenav.com/products/ (last visited on Dec. 20, 2009); see also Sprint, Sprint
GPS Services and Navigation Applications, http://www.nextel.com/en/services/gps/
gps.shtml (last visited Dec. 20, 2009).
106. Wu, supra note 74, at 13–14.
107. Id. at 22–25. As with carriers’ intervention in the handset market, some practices are
economically justified by the need to protect the shared resource-spectrum. Other practices
such as limiting access to the Internet may also be necessary to protect consumers, if unlim-
ited access to the Internet creates security problems. See Schwartz & Mini, supra note 70, at
19. However, it is doubtful that all attempts by cellular service providers to control the
applications market are benign.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 73
open-access movement has gained momentum, handset manufacturers
have started to put pressure on carriers to loosen their grip on the ap-
plications market. For example, the immense popularity of iPod music
player allowed Apple to persuade AT&T to sell the iPhone to its cus-
tomers without also offering AT&T’s own line of applications.
Cellular service contracts are complex multidimensional con-
tracts. We do not attempt a comprehensive analysis of these con-
Rather, we focus on three important design features: (1) the
three-part tariff structure, (2) the lock-in clause, and (3) complexity.
We describe these three contractual design features in turn.
A. Three-Part Tariffs
As noted above, cellular service contracts are complex and multi-
dimensional. Nevertheless, most postpaid plans, which constitute the
majority of plans, price their basic voice calling service using a three-
part tariff structure. The common three-part tariff is a three-
dimensional pricing scheme that includes: (1) a monthly charge, (2) a
number of included voice minutes, and (3) a per-minute price for
minutes beyond the plan limit (the “overage”). Higher-priced plans,
i.e., plans with a higher monthly charge, come with more allotted
minutes and lower overages for minutes exceeding the plan limit. For
example, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon offer a $39.99 plan with 450
minutes and $0.45 per-minute overage, a $59.99 plan with 900 min-
utes and $0.40 per-minute overage, and a $79.99 plan with 1350 min-
utes and $0.35 per-minute overage.
108. Vascellaro, supra note 94.
109. One feature that we do not study is the definition of call types for which the sub-
scriber is charged (or that count toward the plan limit). Specifically, while in most countries
subscribers are charged only for outgoing calls, in the U.S. subscribers are also charged for
incoming calls. This feature of the U.S. cellular service market seems to fit nicely within the
general behavioral theory, as subscribers probably find it even more difficult to accurately
estimate the number/length of incoming calls along with outgoing calls than outgoing calls
110. The description of products and prices provided in Part III is largely based on in-
formation available through carriers’ websites focusing on services available in the New
York area. See AT&T, Cell Phones and Cell Phone Plans, http://www.wireless.att.com/
cell-phone-service/welcome/ (last visited Dec. 20, 2009); Sprint, Cell Phones, Mobile
Phones, and Wireless Calling Plans from Sprint, http://www.sprint.com (last visited Dec.
20, 2009); T-Mobile, Cell Phone and Cell Phone Plans, Prepaid Cell Phones, Free Cell
Phones, http://www.t-mobile.com/shop.aspx?WT.z_unav=mst_shop (last visited Dec. 20,
2009); Verizon Wireless, Cell Phones, Smartphones, Mobile Cell Phone Plans — Verizon
Wireless, http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/index.html (last visited Dec. 20, 2009). It
should be noted that some variation exists between online and offline (retail store) offerings
and between different geographical markets across the U.S. This variation is mentioned
explicitly only when it is relevant to the analysis.
74 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
The three-part tariff was introduced in the U.S. in 1998. Before
then, all wireless plans involved roaming and long-distance
In 1998, AT&T revolutionized the landscape by offering a
plan that allowed customers to pay a fixed monthly fee for a set num-
ber of minutes that could be used for both local and long distance
As a result, AT&T gained 850,000 customers in its first year,
perhaps more customers than it could serve.
AT&T’s competitors
soon followed with similar pricing plans.
Much of the rising popu-
larity of cellular service was attributed to this pricing structure.
Industry accounts of the reason for the switch to bundle pricing
vary. Some argue that bundle pricing responds to consumer demand
for simplicity.
Others, including AT&T’s CEO at the time, suggest
that the move to bundle pricing was motivated by a desire to attract
heavy users.
This account is consistent with two key facts: (1) the
smallest fixed fee offered was $90 per month,
and (2) after the in-
troduction of its One Rate plan, the average AT&T subscriber bill
increased, raising the company’s profitability.
111. See Elizabeth Douglass, The Cutting Edge Special Report: Wireless Communica-
tions; ‘Prepaid’ Idea is Catching On in U.S. Market, L.A.
TIMES, Mar. 15, 1999, at C1
(discussing trend away from long-distance and roaming charges).
112. Roger O. Crockett, The Last Monopolist, B
US. WK., Apr. 12, 1999, at 55.
113. Id.; Dan Meyer, Coverage Problems Trigger Headaches for Carriers, RCR
WIRELESS NEWS, July 9, 2001, at 16.
114. Andrew M. Odlyzko, The Many Paradoxes of Broadband, F
1, 2003, http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1072/992.
The other carriers still charged extra fees for roaming or long-distance calls. AT&T did not
differentiate between calls based on these factors. See Peter Elstrom, Wireless With All the
Trimmings, B
US. WK., Nov. 16, 1998, at 164 (“Sprint offers a similar plan that starts at $50
a month for 500 minutes, but if you roam beyond the company’s network, you pay a pricey
69 cents a minute.”).
115. Odlyzko, supra note 114.
116. See Rebecca Blumenstein, The Business — Package Plan: AT&T Sees Wireless as
the Key to its Broader Strategy of Bundling Its Services, W
ALL ST. J., Sept. 20, 1999 at R26;
see also Elstrom, supra note 114.
117. Peter Elstrom, Mike Armstrong’s Strong Showing, B
US. WK., Jan. 25, 1999, at 94.
A year ago, [Armstrong] promised to improve profitability by attract-
ing high-revenue customers — even if the effort cost him revenue
growth. With its innovative Digital One Rate, which carries no long-
distance or roaming charges for cellular customers, the average sub-
scriber bill rose to $58 a month in the third quarter from $50 six
months earlier.
Id.; see also Elstrom, Wireless With All the Trimmings, supra note 114 (“While simplicity is
flat-rate calling’s biggest appeal, there is fine print you need to consider . . . . The only catch
is that the cheapest plan you can get is a steep $90 per month — so you have to be a heavy
user to make it pay.”).
118. Elstrom, Wireless With All the Trimmings, supra note 114.
119. Elstrom, Mike Armstrong’s Strong Showing, supra note 117.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 75
B. Lock-In Clauses
In addition to the three-part tariff pricing structure, most postpaid
calling plans share the two features. First, they come with a free or
substantially discounted phone. Second, they lock the consumer in for
substantial periods of time with long-term contracts and ETFs. At the
time of writing, T-Mobile gave away a Samsung t649 phone with a
suggested retail price of $199.99 for free. Consumers who want a fan-
cier phone could get a Samsung Behold with a suggested retail price
of $399.99 for $64.99. Similarly, AT&T and Apple heavily subsidized
the iPhone, sacrificing short-term revenues,
and Sprint sold Sam-
sung’s music phones for only $149, which is far below cost.
free or heavily subsidized phone strategy pervades the U.S. cell phone
market. A recent survey by J.D. Power found that 36% of customers
receive a free cell phone when subscribing to a wireless service.
Of course, the free phones are not really free. Carriers recoup the
costs of the phones through subscription fees.
To make sure that
they collect enough subscription fees to cover the cost of the phone,
they lock consumers into long-term contracts.
Such lock-in is se-
cured by substantial ETFs. For example, in June 2007, T-Mobile
charged a fixed $200 termination fee,
AT&T charged a fixed termina-
tion fee of $175,
and Sprint charged a termination fee of up to $200
depending on the service selected.
Historically, the same termina-
tion fees were charged regardless of when the agreement was broken
120. See Amol Sharma & Roger Cheng, iPhone Costs Prove a Drag for AT&T, WALL
ST. J., Oct. 23, 2008, at B4 (“The company said $900 million in customer-acquisition costs
related to the iPhone shaved 10 cents off its earnings,” but “AT&T executives said the in-
vestment will pay off because iPhone users are lucrative in the long-term, spending about
$95 a month on average, or about 1.6 times the amount other customers do.”). The German
company Deutsche Telekom, the largest telecommunications company in the European
Union, has gone further, selling the iPhone for only one euro with a two year contract. T-
Mobile Will Sell New iPhone in Germany, W
ALL ST. J., June 17, 2008, at B5.
121. Cliff Edwards & Roger O. Crockett, New Music Phones — Without the i, B
US. WK.,
Apr. 16, 2007, at 39.
122. Press Release, J.D. Power and Associates, Wireless Customers are Keeping Their
Mobile Phones Longer as Term Contracts Impact the Replacement Cycle 1 (May 30, 2007),
http://www.jdpower.com/corporate/news/releases/pdf/2007079.pdf. In 2007, customers paid
$93 on average for their cell phones (after discounts), which was a decrease from $103 in
2002. Id. The J.D. Power survey also provides information about average ownership tenure.
Specifically, in May 2007 customers were keeping their mobile handsets for an average of
17.5 months, which represents an increase from 16.6 months in November 2006, and the
first increase in average ownership tenure since 2002, when the average was 18.4 months.
123. Wu, supra note 74, at 7–8.
124. When no-contract plans are offered, phone subsidies disappear. For example, a cus-
tomer with no contract would be required to pay an additional $400 beyond the contract
price for the same iPhone. AT&T Plans to Offer No-Contract iPhone, W
ALL ST. J., July 2,
2008, at B5.
125. Carriers allow locked-in consumers to switch from one plan to another within the
carrier’s menu of plans without incurring an ETF.
76 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
meaning that a consumer would have paid the entire termination fee
for ending a two year contract one month early.
In the wake of a
number of class action lawsuits challenging the legality of these
providers have begun to offer contracts with termination fees
that decline over the life of the contract. Verizon led this transition
when, in June 2007, it started charging customers a termination fee of
$175 minus $5 for each full month that the customer remains on the
initial contract.
By the end of 2008, all the major carriers were of-
fering similar graduated ETFs.
C. Complexity
Cellular service contracts are complex and multidimensional.
This complexity can be viewed as a contractual design feature. In this
subsection, we attempt to provide a sense of the high level of com-
plexity that characterizes cellular service contracts. Most cellular ser-
vice contracts are highly complex even when considered in isolation.
This high level of complexity increases substantially when we shift
from the single-contract perspective to the perspective of a consumer
facing many different multidimensional contracts. According to one
industry estimate, the cellular service market boasts “millions of vari-
ous plan/add-on combinations.”
1. Postpaid Plans — The Basics
Even the basic components of the common postpaid calling plan
are complex. As described above, the basic pricing scheme is three-
dimensional. Moreover, each provider offers a long menu of different
three-part tariffs. To make things even more complicated, the menus
126. See generally Andrew Lavallee, Ex-Customers Sue Qwest Over Cancellation Fees,
ALL ST. J., Oct. 17, 2008, B5 (explaining that two former Qwest customers filed a lawsuit
against the provider challenging Qwest’s $200 ETF for broadband service); cases cited infra
note 233 (listing cases where class action lawsuits were brought against the major cellular
service providers for the ETF policy described)
127. See infra notes 233–37 and accompanying text.
128. See Verizon Wireless, Customer Agreement, http://www.verizonwireless.com/
b2c/index.html (last visited Dec. 20, 2009) (follow “Customer Agreement” hyperlink at the
bottom of the page); see also Jeffry Bartash, AT&T to Cut Plan-Exit Fees, W
ALL ST. J., Oct.
17, 2007, at D8.
129. See AT&T, Plan Terms, http://www.wireless.att.com/cell-phone-service/legal/
plan-terms.jsp#gsm (last visited Dec. 20, 2009); Press Release, Sprint Nextel Corp., Sprint
Launches One of the Industry’s Most Customer-Friendly Policies on Pro-Rated Early Ter-
mination Fees (Oct. 31, 2008), http://newsreleases.sprint.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=
127149&p=irol-newsArticle_newsroom&ID=1220442; T-Mobile, T-Mobile Terms & Con-
ditions, http://www.tmobile.com/templates/popup.aspx?passet=ftr_ftr_termsandconditions&
print=true (last visited Dec. 20, 2009).
130. See BillShrink.com, Frequently Asked Questions, http://www.billshrink.com/how-
it-works/ (last visited Dec. 20, 2009).
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 77
of three-part tariffs vary among providers.
Further complexity is
introduced by the diversity of additional service features covered by
the fixed monthly fee. Some of these features are offered by all carri-
ers in the exact same way. Others are offered by some carriers but not
others or are offered in varying formats by the different carriers.
For example, all four major carriers offer unlimited calls during
off-peak times, i.e., nights and weekends. There is, however, some
potentially significant variation. Nights are defined differently across
carriers. For AT&T and Verizon the night begins at 9 pm and ends at
6 am. For T-Mobile the night begins at 9 pm and ends at 7 am. For
Sprint the night begins at 7 pm and ends at 7 am (except for the
$29.99 plans, where the night begins at 9 pm and ends at 7 am). By
varying the definition of “night,” providers can offer up to three extra
hours of unlimited calling. These extra three hours represent an addi-
tional 33.3% of unlimited calling time. But since most consumers
probably talk more during the three hours between 7 pm and 9 pm and
between 6 am and 7 am than they do during the three hours between 1
am and 4 am, say, these extra three hours of unlimited calling proba-
bly represent much more than a 33.3% increase in value.
To take another example, consumers might also consider whether
to select Verizon’s Friends and Family program, offering unlimited
calls to five phone numbers selected by the user, or Sprint Nextel’s
Direct Connect plans, offering customers the ability to instantly and
simultaneously connect with up to 20 other Direct Connect capable
users on the network.
2. Family Plans
We have thus far focused on individual calling plans. The four
major carriers also offer family plans, adding another layer of com-
plexity. The identifying feature of a family plan is the ability to share
the allotted minutes between up to five users, each operating on a dif-
ferent line. For example, Verizon offers family plans with monthly
charges ranging from $69.99 to $269.98, allotted minutes ranging
from 700 to unlimited, and overages ranging from $0.45 to $0.20.
These monthly prices include two phone lines, and families can add
up to three more lines for an additional $9.99 per month per line.
131. We briefly mention two additional dimensions: (1) The directionality of the calls
that consume allotted minutes, and (2) the one-time activation charge. Along dimension (1),
allotted minutes are typically used up on both outgoing calls and incoming calls, although at
one time Sprint offered a plan with free incoming minutes. As for (2), AT&T and Sprint
charge a $36 activation fee while Verizon and T-Mobile charge $35.
78 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
3. Add-Ons
Cell phones can be used for much more than voice communica-
tion. Carriers offer advanced communication services, including text
messaging, multimedia messaging, and internet and email data ser-
They also offer applications such as ring-tones and games, as
well as monthly mobile Internet access packages.
These services
and applications are marketed to consumers primarily as add-ons to
their voice services.
Pricing of these services adds additional complexity. Providers
offer advanced communication services to consumers in one of three
modes: (1) pay-as-you-go, applied mainly to text and multimedia
messaging, where the consumer pays per message sent or received;
(2) fixed-quantity monthly packages, where the consumer pays a
monthly fee for a fixed number of allotted messages or megabytes of
and (3) unlimited-quantity monthly packages, where the con-
sumer pays a monthly fee for unlimited messaging or data transmis-
Entertainment applications, specifically ring-tones and games,
can be purchased for a one-time download rate. Advanced applica-
tions, such as GPS location services and music and TV applications,
are now also available from some providers, typically for an addi-
tional monthly or daily fee.
4. Phones and Lock-In Clauses
Free or discounted phones that come with most postpaid plans
add additional dimensions of complexity to the cellular product. Dif-
ferent carriers offer different phones with varying discounts. The car-
rier’s choice between an outright discount and a rebate adds another
twist. The flipside of the free or discounted phones is the lock-in
clause that ties the consumer to the specific carrier. The lock-in
132. Id.
133. Id.
134. For example, as of December 20, 2009, Verizon charged $0.20 per text message and
$0.25 per multimedia message. See Verizon Wireless, Cell Phones, Prepaid Cell Phones,
Cell Phone Plans, supra note 110.
135. For example, as of December 20, 2009, AT&T charged $5.00 per month for 200
text or multimedia messages and $15.00 for 1500 messages. See AT&T, Cell Phones and
Cell Phone Plans, supra note 110. Customers of Verizon’s basic plan, which includes no
messaging services, could add bundles containing unlimited incoming text or multimedia
messages with 250, 500, 1500, or 5000 outgoing messages to non-Verizon customers and
unlimited messages to Verizon customers for, respectively, an additional monthly charge of
$5.00, $10.00, $15.00, or $20.00. See Verizon Wireless, Cell Phones, Prepaid Cell Phones,
Cell Phone Plans, supra note 110.
136. For example, AT&T charged $20.00 per month for unlimited messaging and $15.00
per month for unlimited data transmission as of December 20, 2009. See AT&T, Cell
Phones and Cell Phone Plans, supra note 110. Unlimited messaging and even data are cov-
ered by the monthly fee component of the basic three-part tariff in some premium plans. Id.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 79
clauses vary in duration and in the magnitude of the ETF. The com-
mon lock-in period is two years, but one and three year periods are
also offered. The termination fees vary between $175 and $200. The
recent move to graduated ETFs introduced additional variation, as
different carriers adopted different formulas to govern the gradual
reduction in ETFs over the life of the contract.
5. Prepaid Plans
We have thus far focused on postpaid plans, but the cellular ser-
vice market offers another, substantially different contractual de-
sign — the prepaid plan. Not only is it difficult to choose among the
many different postpaid plans, the consumer must make a preliminary
choice between postpaid and prepaid. Moreover, prepaid plans them-
selves come in many shapes and sizes. Prepaid offerings fall into two
categories: the monthly prepaid category, in which customers pay a
monthly fee for a fixed number of minutes, and the pay-as-you-go
category, in which customers buy credit to pay for minutes on a min-
ute-by-minute basis.
The monthly prepaid category more closely resembles the post-
paid calling plans. The main differences are that under the prepaid
plans: (1) the fixed monthly fee is paid in advance, (2) there is no
commitment (the subscriber can leave the carrier at any time without
incurring an ETF), and (3) the allotted number of minutes cannot be
exceeded in the prepaid version, not even for a high overage charge.
Moreover, per-minute prices, that is, the monthly charge divided by
the allotted number of minutes, are higher in prepaid plans, perhaps
reflecting the loss of revenue from overage charges. For example, for
a $39.99 monthly charge, AT&T’s prepaid GoPhone plan offers 300
minutes, as compared to the 450 minutes offered under AT&T’s post-
paid plan. Prepaid plans also offer fewer additional features. For ex-
ample, night and weekend minutes are not always unlimited, and
roaming charges are levied.
The second category of prepaid plans offers pay-as-you-go ser-
vice. Consumers purchase calling cards that hold varying numbers of
minutes. For example, AT&T’s pay-as-you-go service offers a $15
card, a $25 card, a $50 card, a $75 card, and a $100 card. These card
values translate into calling minutes at a $0.25 per minute rate. Pay-
as-you-go calling cards come with expiration dates: AT&T’s $15 card
expires in 30 days, the $25 and $75 cards expire in 90 days, and the
$100 card expires in 365 days. AT&T’s pay-as-you-go consumers can
also pay a fixed fee of $3 to use the phone for an unlimited number of
minutes in a particular day, or $1 to use the phone for a day at a rate
137. See supra notes 128–29 and surrounding text.
138. None of the four major operators charges for roaming in its postpaid pricing plans.
80 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
of $0.10 per minute. Like the monthly prepaid plans, pay-as-you-go
services typically offer higher per-minute prices and fewer additional
features, as compared to the postpaid plans.
The contractual design features described in Part III can be ex-
plained as a market response to consumer mistakes.
A. Three-Part Tariffs
1. A Behavioral Economics Theory
a. Theory
Basic voice services are commonly priced using three-part tariffs.
To choose the right three-part tariff from the menu of available tariffs,
the consumer must accurately anticipate her future cell phone usage.
But many consumers, when asked to choose a calling plan, are not
armed with accurate estimates of how they will use their cell phones.
The three-part tariff responds to consumers’ misperceptions about
their future use.
Consumers both overestimate and underestimate their use levels.
A carrier who is aware that consumers suffer from such mispercep-
tions can make its service plan appear more attractive to consumers
than it really is by using a three-part tariff, charging a low per-minute
price for minutes up to the plan limit and a high per-minute price the-
reafter. Consumers who overestimate their usage overestimate the
value of the low prices because they overestimate the probability that
they will consume most of these free minutes. Conversely, consumers
who underestimate their usage pay insufficient attention to the high
overage fees because they underestimate the probability of exceeding
the plan limit. For a monopolist carrier, the three-part tariff creates
opportunities for increased profits, while carriers operating in a com-
petitive market will adopt the three-part tariff because it maximizes
perceived consumer surplus.
139. Other behavioral explanations are less convincing. For example, the “flat-rate bias”
can explain the prevalence of two-part tariffs involving a high monthly fee and a low per-
unit charge, but it cannot explain observed three-part tariffs, where high overage charges
cause the marginal price to sharply increase after the consumer has used his allotted min-
utes. On the flat-rate bias as an explanation for tariff choice, see generally Anja Lambrecht
& Bernd Skiera, Paying Too Much and Being Happy About It: Existence, Causes, and Con-
sequences of Tariff-Choice Biases, 43 J.
MKTG. RES. 212 (2006). On the difficulties in using
the flat-rate bias to explain tariff choice in the cell phone market, see generally Grubb, supra
note 1.
140. Grubb shows that three-part tariffs can arise when consumers are overconfident
about their ability to predict their future use. This means that the same consumers exhibit a
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 81
We demonstrate these ideas using a simple numeric example. As-
sume that several carriers are operating in a highly competitive mar-
ket. All carriers face the same cost structure: a $10 per-consumer
fixed cost and a $0.10 per-minute variable cost. Consumers have the
following preferences: they value each minute of airtime at $0.40 per
minute up to a certain saturation point, s, while minutes beyond the
saturation point are worth zero to the consumer. There are two types
of consumers: heavy users and light users. Fifty percent are heavy
users with a saturation point of 300 minutes, and fifty percent are light
users with a saturation point of 100 minutes. If consumers are rational
and accurately perceive their saturation points, then the carriers will
set a two-part tariff with a fixed monthly fee of $10 and a constant,
per-minute marginal price of $0.10. Heavy users will pay
10 + 300 · 0.1 = 40, light users will pay 10 + 100 · 0.1 = 20, the carri-
ers will just cover their costs, as expected in a perfectly competitive
market. Under this two-part tariff, heavy users enjoys a surplus of
300 · (0.4 0.1) 10 = 80, and light users enjoy a surplus of
100 · (0.4 0.1) 10 = 20.
We now introduce consumer misperceptions. We assume that
light users overestimate their saturation point, mistakenly perceiving a
saturation point of 200 minutes instead of the actual 100 minutes. And
heavy users underestimate their saturation point, mistakenly perceiv-
ing a saturation point of 200 minutes instead of the actual 300 min-
utes. With such misperceptions, a three-part tariff becomes more
appealing than the two-part tariff.
Consider the following three-part tariff: a fixed $10 monthly fee,
200 allotted minutes (at a marginal price of zero), and an overage
charge of $0.40 per minute beyond the 200 minute allocation. The 200
minute allocation tracks the common perceived saturation point, the
$0.40 overage is the maximal marginal price that would not deter us-
age beyond the plan limit, and the $10 fixed fee is calculated to ex-
actly cover the carrier’s expected costs: 10 + (½ · 100 + ½ · 300) ·
0.1 ½ · (300 200) · 0.4 = 10.
Under this tariff, heavy users will
tendency to both over- and underestimate future use. But, as this Article argues, three-part
tariffs also should arise when some consumers overestimate and others underestimate their
use. Moreover, empirical evidence suggests that most consumers either underestimate or
overestimate their future use, but do not exhibit underestimation in certain months and over-
estimation in others. See Oren Bar-Gill & Rebecca Stone, Pricing Misperception: Explain-
ing Pricing Structure in the Cellular Service Market (June 24, 2009) (unpublished
manuscript) available at
141. Price calculations add the fixed monthly fee to the number of minutes multiplied by
the per-minute price. Surplus calculations take the number of minutes multiplied by the
difference between the per-minute benefit and the per-minute price and subtract the fixed
monthly fee.
142. The carrier’s costs include a fixed cost of $10 and an expected variable cost of $0.1
per-minute multiplied by the expected number of minutes — 100 minutes for light users
(50% of users) and 300 minutes for heavy users (50% of users). The total cost is $30. The
82 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
pay 10 + (300 200) · 0.4 = 50. They will enjoy a surplus of
300 · 0.4 (300 200) · 0.4 10 = 70, less than the surplus of 80
under the two-part tariff. But their misperceptions mean that they
misperceive the surplus. The perceived surplus under the three-part
tariff is 200 · 0.4 10 = 70, greater than the perceived surplus of
200 · (0.4 0.1) 10 = 50 under the two-part tariff. Light users will
pay $10 under the three-part tariff. They will enjoy a surplus of
100 · 0.4 10 = 30, more than the surplus of 20 under the two-part
tariff. More importantly, the perceived surplus under the three-part
tariff is 200 · 0.4 10 = 70, greater than the perceived surplus of
200 · (0.4 0.1) 10 = 50 under the two-part tariff.
Intuitively, the three-part tariff extracts payments in the form of
overage fees that are invisible to consumers,
while reducing or eli-
minating payments that are visible to consumers, specifically fixed
fees and charges for minutes within the plan limit. Notice that the
heavy users, who underestimate their usage levels and end up paying
overage fees, are subsidizing the light users. But since the heavy users
do not anticipate paying the overage fees, a competitor cannot lure
them away ex ante by, for example, offering a different tariff with
lower overage fees. The three-part tariff maximizes the perceived
consumer surplus for both types of consumers, and thus will be se-
lected as the equilibrium tariff in a competitive market.
b. Data
We test the misperception theory using a unique dataset of sub-
scriber-level, monthly billing and usage information for 3730 sub-
scribers at a single wireless provider. These data provide information
on which of four calling plans a subscriber has chosen and his
monthly consumption of peak minutes for the period of September
2001 to May 2003. Each of the four calling plans offer a standard
three-part tariff with a fixed allocation of peak minutes and steep
overages for additional peak minutes consumed, as described in Ta-
ble 1 below.
carrier gets $20 from overage charges that the heavy users pay on their last 100 minutes.
The remaining $10 is collected as a fixed monthly fee.
143. In a more general model, overage charges would be underestimated, but not com-
pletely invisible.
144. We generalize this example in a companion piece. See Bar-Gill & Stone, supra note
145. The database was provided by the Center for Customer Relationship Management at
Duke University. The description of the data in the text is based on the description provided
by the Center. See The Center for Customer Relationship Management, Telecom Dataset,
available at http://www.fuqua-europe.duke.edu/centers/ccrm/index.html#data; see also
Raghuram Iyengar, Asim Ansari & Sunil Gupta, A Model of Consumer Learning of Con-
sumer Service Quality and Usage, 44 J.
MKTG. RES. 529, 535–37 (2007). The four plans are
offered with many different optional features that consumers can choose from, including
messaging, long-distance, and roaming. Iyengar et al. determined that actual use of these
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 83
Table 1: Menu of Three-Part Tariffs
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4
Market share (%) 47.36 9.92 32.1 10.62
Monthly fixed charge ($) 30 35 40 50
Number of included minutes 200 300 400 500
Overage rate ($) 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40
The data reveal substantial variance in usage. Summary statistics
are provided in Tables 2a–2d. For plans 1, 3, and 4,
Tables 2a–2c
present the overall mean and standard deviation of minutes used. To
gain an initial sense of underestimation versus overestimation of us-
age, we also present, for each plan, average figures for underusage
unused minutes per month — and overusage — minutes beyond the
plan allocation. We then aggregate this information across all plans in
Table 2d.
Table 2a: Summary Statistics — Plan 1
Plan 1
Mean Std. Dev.
Under Allowance 0.815 0.45 0.294
Over Allowance 0.178 1.46 0.624
All Consumers 1 0.633 0.538
features was negligible in the data set and thus ignored the added variation in contractual
design. Iyengar et al., supra, at 536. We do the same. Furthermore, it is not entirely clear
from the data that all four plans were offered at all dates in all markets. We acknowledge
this limitation of the data and qualify our results accordingly. Our empirical strategy builds
on Grubb, supra note 1, who tested a related behavioral explanation, the overconfidence
theory, using a different dataset.
146. We omit information on Plan 2, since no Plan 2 subscriber remained with the plan
for more than ten months.
84 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
Table 2b: Summary Statistics — Plan 3
Plan 3
Mean Std. Dev.
Under Allowance 0.836 0.466 0.297
Over Allowance 0.16 1.284 0.343
All Consumers 1 0.599 0.428
Table 2c: Summary Statistics — Plan 4
Plan 4
Mean Std. Dev.
Under Allowance 0.717 0.573 0.296
Over Allowance 0.278 1.259 0.29
All Consumers 1 0.766 0.424
Table 2d: Summary Statistics — Aggregate
All Plans
Mean Std. Dev.
Under Allowance 0.813 0.466 0.297
Over Allowance 0.165 1.326 0.433
All Consumers 1 0.612 0.456
In aggregate, subscribers exceed their minute allowance 16.5% of
the time, by an average of 32.6%. In the 81.3% of the time when the
allowance is not exceeded, subscribers use on average only 46.6% of
their minute allowance.
We next estimate both the percentage of consumers who arguably
chose the wrong plan, and the costs of their mistakes. We consider a
plan choice to be a mistake when, given the consumer’s usage, a dif-
ferent plan would have cost the consumer less. We limit our analysis
45 (March 2009), http://www.teletruth.org/docs/UCANteletruth.pdf (finding, based on
evidence from 134 wireless customers in the San Diego area, that, on average, customers
used only 33% of their minute allowance each month).
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 85
to the 3456 consumers who stayed with a plan for at least ten months,
and take as our unit of analysis the consumer’s tenure with a plan.
Given the variance in usage from month to month, we believe that
identifying mistakes over shorter time horizons is less reliable. For
each of the 3456 consumers, we calculate the total cost of wireless
service under the consumer’s chosen plan and compare it to the total
amount that this consumer would have paid had she chosen each of
the other three plans. We measure the magnitude of the mistakes by
the difference, in both percentage and dollar terms, between the con-
sumer’s actual wireless costs and the lowest possible cost — the cost
that the consumer would have paid if she could have predicted her
usage with certainty.
The results are collected in Tables 3a and 3b. In these Tables,
each row represents the group of subscribers who chose a certain plan.
This group is then divided into four sub-groups according to the plan
that these subscribers should have chosen. For instance, the cell lo-
cated at the intersection of the Plan 3 row and the Plan 1 column
represents the sub-group of subscribers who chose Plan 3 but should
have chosen Plan 1. Table 3a presents the size, in percentage terms, of
these sub-groups. Table 3b presents the magnitude of the mistakes or
cost-savings, both in percentage terms and in annual dollar terms, for
each sub-group.
Table 3a: The likelihood of mistakes
Optimal Plan
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4
Plan 1 74.09% 21.79% 1.49% 2.49%
Plan 3 27.20% 35.61% 21.19% 16%
Plan 4 9.00% 10.66% 8.00% 73.33%
Table 3b: The magnitude of mistakes
Optimal Plan
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4
Plan 1 0%
Plan 3 21.09%
Plan 4 36.71%
148. This analysis assumes risk neutrality.
86 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
We present the results for one group of subscribers, those who
chose Plan 3, in Figure 1. We focus on this group of subscribers, since
it includes significant numbers of both underestimators, who should
have chosen Plan 4, and overestimators, who should have chosen ei-
ther Plan 2 or Plan 1. Figure 1 displays the share of Plan 3 consumers
who should have chosen each of the four plans (the dark gray bars).
For those who should not have chosen Plan 3, Figure 1 shows the
amount of money they would have saved, both in percentage terms
(the light gray bars) and in dollar figures.
Figure 1: Plan 3 Subscribers —Likelihood and Magnitude of Mistakes
plan1 plan2plan3plan4
sbscr.% savings%
These figures underestimate the number and cost of mistakes, es-
pecially for plans with a lower allocation of minutes. For example, for
subscribers who chose Plan 1, our data only reveal mistakes arising
from underestimation of use, that is selection of Plan 1 when the sub-
scriber should have chosen Plan 2, Plan 3, or Plan 4. But, it is likely
that many Plan 1 subscribers who overestimated their use could have
done better by choosing a prepaid plan that is not included in the data-
set. We offer a conservative estimate of the number and magnitude of
the cost of such overestimation by adding a hypothetical prepaid plan
with a high per-minute charge of $0.40 (equal to the overage charges
in our data). An estimated 24.4% of Plan 1 subscribers would have
saved $149 annually on average had they chosen the prepaid plan.
149. These conclusions are tentative, since prepaid plans may differ from postpaid plans
on other dimensions. In particular, while the service quality offered by prepaid plans is
improving, in the period when the data were collected there was still a non-negligible differ-
ence in quality between prepaid and postpaid plans.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 87
To sum up, many consumers fail to accurately anticipate their use
patterns, and the three-part tariff design can be explained as a market
response to such misperceptions. Consistent with this story, providers
do not seem to be troubled by consumers’ use-pattern mistakes. On
the contrary, they actively foster these mistakes by requiring, as a con-
dition for network access, that handset manufacturers disable the call-
timer feature that would make it easier for consumers to monitor their
However, consumers are becoming more aware of their use-
pattern mistakes and more frustrated with carriers who take advantage
of them. As elaborated in Part VII below, the market is responding to
the demand generated by these more sophisticated consumers.
2. Rational Choice Theories and Their Limits
The leading rational choice explanation for three-part tariffs
views these pricing schemes as a mechanism for price discrimination
or market screening between rational consumers with different ex ante
demand characteristics. For expositional purposes, we focus on two
dimensions of demand heterogeneity: average (or mean) monthly
minutes of use and variance of minutes used. To begin with, suppose
that consumers vary only on the first dimension. Under these condi-
tions, the rational model cannot explain three-part tariffs: to discrimi-
nate between heavy users with high average usage and light users with
low average usage, carriers would use a menu of two-part tariffs, not
three-part tariffs. A two-part tariff includes a fixed monthly fee and a
constant per-minute charge. Carriers can discriminate between heavy
users and light users by offering an “H” tariff with a higher monthly
fee and a lower per-minute charge and an “L” tariff with a lower
monthly fee and a higher per-minute charge. The heavy users care
more about the per-minute charge, and will thus prefer the H tariff.
The light users care more about the monthly fee, and will thus prefer
the L tariff.
While two-part tariffs provide a mechanism for discriminating be-
tween consumers based on their mean usage, three-part tariffs can
provide a mechanism for discriminating between consumers based on
variance of use. Assume that there are two types of consumers: one
type with highly variable, High-Variation (“HV”) demand, and an-
other type with more predictable Low-Variation (“LV”) demand.
150. Wu, supra note 74, at 9. For an example of the carrier-imposed difficulty customers
face in determining their unused plan-minute allowances, see Sherrie Nachman, Cranky
Consumer: How to Check Up on Your Cell Phone Minutes, W
ALL ST. J., June 18, 2002, at
151. Formally, the cumulative distribution function (“c.d.f.”) describing the priors over
the demand parameter of the predictable type must cross that of the variable type once from
below. Grubb, supra note 1, at 25–26 fig.6. For an analogous condition when there is a
continuum of types, see id.
88 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
other words, the HV type often uses a very high number of minutes
and often uses a very small number of minutes while the LV type usu-
ally consumes a more moderate number of minutes. A carrier can dis-
criminate between the HV types and the LV types using a menu of
three-part tariffs. Designing this menu, however, is quite tricky. The
problem lies in the tradeoff that the HV type faces. On the one hand,
the HV type is more concerned than the LV type about using a very
large number of minutes and will thus prefer a tariff with a larger al-
location of minutes to reduce the risk of paying substantial overage
fees. On the other hand, the HV type is more concerned than the LV
type about using only a very small number of minutes and will thus be
more reluctant to pay the higher monthly fee that comes with the lar-
ger allocation of minutes.
Therefore, in designing the HV tariff, the carrier will have to
strike a delicate balance. The HV tariff will offer a larger allocation of
minutes, M, than the LV tariff, M
> M
, to accommodate the like-
lihood that the HV type will use a large number of minutes. The HV
tariff will also include a larger monthly fee, F, than the LV tariff:
> F
. But the effective per-minute charge, F/M, within the plan
limit will be smaller under the HV tariff: F
/ M
< F
/ M
. This
is attractive to the HV type, who is likely to use only a very small
number of minutes. The LV type will not pay a higher monthly fee for
extra minutes that she will most likely never use. The LV type is less
concerned about paying a higher effective per-minute charge, because
she will generally use most of her allocated minutes. Therefore, the
LV type will choose the LV tariff.
While a three-part tariff pricing structure can facilitate price dis-
crimination, the assumptions required for this rational choice explana-
tion are often unrealistic. In the price discrimination model, the HV
type chooses a plan with a high number of allotted minutes and the
LV type chooses a plan with a low number of allotted minutes. More-
over, the highly variable use levels of the HV type imply that this type
is more likely than the LV type to end up using a very low number of
minutes. Our dataset suggests that this is unrealistic, as it shows that
consumers who choose plans with a higher number of allotted minutes
are less likely to end up using a very low number of minutes.
Using the subscriber-level billing and usage data described above,
we plot in Figure 2 the cumulative distribution functions of usage for
consumers choosing different three-part tariff plans.
152. Figure 2 omits Plan 2 subscribers, since no Plan 2 subscriber remained with the Plan
for more than ten months.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 89
Figure 2: Cumulative Distribution Functions of Cell Phone Usage
pla n 1
pla n 3
pla n 4
Figure 2 confirms that the cumulative distribution function corre-
sponding to a plan with a higher number of allocated minutes first-
order stochastically dominates the cumulative distribution function
corresponding to a plan with a lower number of allocated minutes. In
other words, consumers who choose plans with a higher number of
allotted minutes are less likely to end up using a very low number of
minutes. These findings are inconsistent with the price discrimination
theory that we sketched above.
An alternative rational choice explanation views the three-part
tariff, and specifically the steep overage fees, as offering consumers a
pre-commitment device that helps them avoid excessive usage.
tional consumers who anticipate a temptation to talk too much may
want to bind their future selves by choosing a plan with a high over-
age fee. However, this theory does not fit the data very well. The data
reveal substantial overages, but if consumers are using the three-part
tariff as a commitment device we should expect to see a clustering of
minutes used just below the plan limits. Moreover, the pre-
commitment theory cannot explain the large number of subscribers
who consistently use a number of minutes that is well below the plan
Finally, in theory, the use patterns revealed in our data are consis-
tent with the behavior of perfectly rational but risk-averse subscribers.
153. Grubb’s analysis of a different dataset yields the same conclusion. Grubb, supra
note 1, at 34 fig.1.
154. It is not even clear that this is a rational choice theory. Arguably, preferences that
lead to temporal inconsistency and self-control problems, which generate a demand for pre-
commitment devices, are in some sense irrational.
90 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
Such subscribers would choose plans with more allotted minutes than
they expect to use to reduce the risk of paying substantial overage
fees. As a result, most of these subscribers will end up using much
less than their allotted minutes. This explanation fails for two reasons.
First, given the sums of money involved, the observed plan choic-
es are not consistent with risk aversion under the rational-choice Ex-
pected Utility Theory.
Second, while risk aversion may explain the
patterns of overusage and underusage given the three-part tariff struc-
ture, it cannot explain the emergence of the three-part tariff as the
equilibrium pricing structure. With rational, risk-averse subscribers,
we should expect to see two-part tariffs.
B. Lock-In Clauses
1. A Behavioral Economics Theory
The lock-in clauses that are common in postpaid plans and the
termination fees that enforce them can also be explained as a market
response to the imperfect rationality of consumers. Consumers often
underestimate the likelihood that switching providers will be benefi-
cial down the road; service may not be as good as promised, monthly
charges may be higher than expected, or another carrier may offer a
better deal.
As a result, consumers underestimate the long-term cost
of the lock-in clause. When consumers underestimate the likelihood
that they will want to switch providers before their contract expires,
they will be relatively insensitive to the ETF. Increasing the size of
the ETF thus becomes an appealing pricing strategy.
Moreover, the
ETF-enforced lock-in facilitates the common bundling of phones and
service. Termination fees guarantee providers a long-term revenue
stream, as subscribers must either refrain from switching carriers and
pay for service for the duration of their contracts or switch and pay the
termination fee.
This guaranteed revenue helps enable carriers to
offer free or subsidized phones to attract consumers.
155. See Matthew Rabin, Note, Risk Aversion and Expected-Utility Theory: A Calibra-
tion Theorem, 68 E
CONOMETRICA 1281, 1281 (2000). However, they may be consistent
with certain behavioral accounts of risk aversion. See id. at 1282 n.3.
156. See Lauren Tara Lacapra, Breaking Free of a Cellular ContractNew Web Sites
Help Customers Swap or Resell Phone Service; Avoiding $175 Termination Fee, W
J., Nov. 30, 2006, at D1 (“[Consumers] often want out because service is poor or because
the monthly costs turn out to be more than they expected.”).
157. Oren Bar-Gill, Informing Consumers About Themselves 10 (NYU Law Sch. Law &
Econ. Res. Paper Series, Working Paper No. 07-44, 2007), available at http://
158. The ETF effectively deters switching. See Lacapra, supra note 156 (stating that ac-
cording to a July 2005 survey by the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, “[r]oughly 47% of cell
customers would switch or consider switching cellphone companies if early-termination
fees were abolished,” but “because of the fee, only 3% of customers go ahead with terminat-
ing the contract”).
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 91
But the story is more complicated. To subsidize the cost of
phones, carriers must charge an above-cost price for service. This
pricing strategy is attractive only if the price of service is underesti-
mated. As we have seen in Part V.A, such underestimation does exist.
Consumers underestimate the price that they will pay in the form of
overage fees when they underestimate usage. When they overestimate
usage, consumers underestimate the per-minute price that they will
pay under the plan. Of course, a single month’s worth of underesti-
mated service prices cannot cover the large phone subsidies. Carriers
cannot increase service charges to such a level that they would cover
the price of a phone (or a phone subsidy) after one month. Conse-
quently, lock-in is crucial. Lock-in ensures that the carrier will benefit
from (typically) two years’ worth of above-cost and underestimated
service charges or, if lock-in fails, from the underestimated termina-
tion fee. These compounded above-cost service charges can then pay
for the free or subsidized phones. Lock-in also facilitates the workings
of consumers’ myopia, further compounding the problem. The imme-
diate cost of the phone looms larger in the decision calculus than the
costs of the service contract, which are spread over time.
Carriers are quite explicit about their strategy of offering free or
subsidized phones and recouping their costs through long-term con-
tracts with ETFs. According to the vice president of marketing for
Cingular Wireless (now AT&T), the penalties are the price that con-
sumers must pay for the inexpensive or free phones customers get
when they sign up for service: “We subsidize the handset; in exchange
we want a commitment from the customer.”
Similarly, at the FCC
hearing on ETFs, an Executive Vice President of Verizon argued:
Term contracts allow the consumer to take advantage
of bundled services at competitive prices and the lat-
est devices they choose in exchange for a commit-
ment to keep the service for usually one or two
years. In return, service providers have some meas-
ure of assurance over a fixed period of time that they
may recover their investment, including equipment
subsidies, costs of acquiring and retaining customers,
159. Caroline E. Mayer, Griping About Cellular Bills; Differences From ‘Regular’
Phones Take New Users by Surprise, W
ASH. POST, Feb. 28, 2001, at G17; see also Fawn
Johnson, FCC Head Seeks Rules on Cell-Termination Fees, W
ALL ST. J., June 13, 2008, at
B7 (“Wireless carriers argue that the termination fees are used to subsidize the cost of cell-
phones to customers. People who sign up for one- or two-year contracts receive discounts
on phones and their monthly wireless rates.”); CTIA, Early Termination Fees Equal Lower
Consumer Rates 1, CITA,
Apr. 2006, http://files.ctia.org/pdf/PositionPaper_CTIA_
ETF_04_06.pdf (arguing that prohibiting carriers from charging ETFs will cause prices for
wireless services to increase).
92 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
and anticipated revenue for providing wireless ser-
Consider, for example, the pricing of the new iPhone. In June
2008, Apple made a big splash when it announced that the new
iPhone model would sell for $200 less than its predecessor ($199 in-
stead of $399).
However, at the same time Apple and its partner
AT&T raised the iPhone’s minimum monthly service subscription
from $60 to $70, adding $240 to the total cost of the two-year con-
AT&T and Apple executives were very clear about the short-
term versus long-term trade-off. They were willing to lose money on
the front end, but only because they were counting on making even
more money off the back-end, due to the two year lock-in contract.
Not surprisingly, when the same iPhone was later offered in unbun-
dled form, without a two year service plan, it was priced at $599,
which is $400 above the subsidized price (with a service plan).
The practice of offering free or subsidized phones with lock-in
contracts provides strong evidence of consumer bias. Moreover, carri-
ers seem to understand that consumers are attracted by the short-term
benefit (the free phone) even when this benefit is completely offset or
even outweighed by increased long-term costs.
While bundling of
phones and service is still the norm in the U.S. cellular service market,
this practice seems to be in decline. Consumers are more aware of
ETFs, an awareness that could partially be attributed to the ETF litiga-
tion, and carriers are reducing ETFs in response.
With lower ETFs
and thus weaker lock-in, phone subsidies become more difficult to
sustain. The drive towards open access also threatens the future of the
bundling strategy.
After initially resisting open access, carriers are
beginning to realize the benefits of shifting development and customer
service costs to handset manufacturers.
Finally, it is interesting to
160. Thomas J. Tauke, Executive Vice President, Verizon, Testimony at FCC Early Ter-
mination Hearing 1 (June, 12, 2008) [hereinafter Verizon Testimony], available at
161. See Paul Wagenseil, That ‘Cheaper’ iPhone Will Cost You More, F
June 11, 2008, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,365347,00.html.
162. Id.
163. See supra note 120.
164. AT&T Plans to Offer No-Contract iPhone, supra note 124.
165. The importance of handset subsidies is not limited to the U.S. market. Based on
econometric analysis of data from Chinese markets, researchers found handset subsides
were most effective in increasing the subject firm’s market share over a given period.
Chorng-Jian Liu et al., The Public Incumbent’s Defeat in Mobile Competition: Implications
for the Sequencing of Telecommunications Reform 12–17 (unpublished manuscript) avail-
able at http://ssrn.com/abstract=978707.
166. See Part III.B.
167. See Ante, supra note 74.
168. Id.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 93
note that the practice of bundling phones and service has always been
less common outside the U.S. and especially uncommon in Europe.
2. Rational Choice Theories and Their Limits
Lock-in clauses can arise in a rational choice framework. When
the seller incurs substantial per-consumer fixed costs and the liquid-
ity-constrained consumer cannot afford to pay an upfront fee equal to
these fixed costs, the optimal solution may be a lock-in contract. In
the cell phone market, fixed costs are high but, more importantly, they
are endogenous. Carriers invest up to $400 in acquiring each new cus-
Many of these customer acquisition costs, however, are at-
tributed to the free or subsidized phones that carriers offer.
raises a series of questions. Why do carriers offer free phones and
lock-in contracts? Why not charge customers the full price of the
phone and avoid lock-in? Many cell phone consumers can afford to
purchase the phone up-front. Moreover, it is unlikely that the carrier is
the most efficient source of credit available to all of those consumers
who are in fact liquidity-constrained. Thus, the rational choice model
can explain the presence of these design features in only a subset of
An alternative argument views lock-in clauses as instrumental in
stabilizing demand and helping providers match capacity to demand
(especially in peak hours), thus reducing costs and benefiting con-
sumers. While lock-in clauses may reduce churn and thus reduce vari-
ation in demand, there are still substantial variations in the use-
patterns of the locked-in consumers, as shown above.
More impor-
tantly, it is not clear whether or not providers need lock-in clauses to
match capacity to demand. Providers have good information about
their customers’ use patterns, including how long they will stay with
the specific provider. A related argument is that ETF-enforced lock-in
generates a more predictable stream of revenues, which is necessary
169. Id.
170. Lacapra, supra note 156 (“It costs a cell phone company approximately $350 to
$400 to acquire a new customer, according to Phil Doriot, a partner in the consulting firm
CFI Group, who has studied company performance and customer satisfaction for major
cellular service providers.”); Jane Spencer, What Part of ‘Cancel’ Don’t You Under-
stand? — Regulators Crack Down on Internet Providers, Phone Companies That Make It
Hard to Quit, W
ALL ST. J., Nov. 12, 2003, at D1 (noting that customer acquisition costs are
approximately “$339 per new customer, according to Yankee Group, a technology research
171. Jared Sandberg, A Piece of the Business, W
ALL ST. J., Sept. 11, 1997, at R22.
172. The practice of imposing time invariant termination fees raises doubts about the ar-
gument that ETFs were necessary to cover the cost of the free or subsidized phones, either
by inducing consumers to stay on and pay the monthly subscription fees or by replacing the
subscription fees of consumers who leave.
173. See supra Part IV.A.1.b.
94 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
for carriers to recoup their large capital investments.
Again, while
lock-in reduces uncertainty, carriers could generate reasonably accu-
rate revenue estimates without it. Though reduced risk is desirable,
the presence of manageable risk should not prevent investment.
C. Complexity
1. A Behavioral Economics Theory
The complexity and multidimensionality of the cell phone con-
tract can also be explained as a market response to the imperfect ra-
tionality of consumers.. Consider four basic plans offered by the four
major carriers:
AT&T’s $39.99 plan with 450 minutes, $0.45 per minute
overage, unlimited night (9:00pm–6:00am) and weekend
minutes, unlimited calling to AT&T customers, rollover min-
Verizon’s $39.99 plan with 450 minutes, $0.45 overage,
unlimited night (9:01pm–5:59am) and weekend minutes,
unlimited calling to Verizon customers.
Sprint’s $39.99 plan with 450 minutes, $0.45 overage, unlim-
ited nights (7:00pm–7:00am) and weekends, unlimited calls
to customers on the Sprint network.
T-Mobile’s $29.99 plan with 500 minutes, $0.45 overage,
unlimited calls to customers on the T-Mobile network, unlim-
ited nights (9:00pm–6:59am) and weekends.
To choose among these products, the consumer must answer a se-
ries of nontrivial questions. How important is unlimited calling within
the network? If unlimited calling within the network is important, on
which network are most of the consumer’s friends located? How
valuable is unlimited calling during weekends? How valuable is
unlimited calling at night? How large is the difference between unlim-
ited calling at night when “night” is between 7:00pm and 7:00am as
compared to a shorter “night” between 9:00pm and 6:00am? How
valuable is the rollover feature? There is considerable complexity
even when the comparison is between plans (1) to (3), which offer
consumers the same monthly charge, number of allotted minutes, and
overage charge. But, of course, the different dimensions of the three-
part tariff also change from one carrier to the next and from one plan
to the next in a single carrier’s menu of offerings. Consumers must
choose the combination of monthly charge, allotted minutes, and
174. See Verizon Testimony, supra note 160, at 2; see also CTIA, supra note 159, at 1.
175. Information as to basic plans acquired from sources cited supra note 110.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 95
overages they prefer. As explained above, this choice requires accu-
rate estimates of the distribution of their future usage.
A perfectly informed and perfectly rational consumer would eas-
ily navigate this maze and find the best plan for him. But the amount
of information required is substantial, since it includes information
about both available plans and the consumer’s own use patterns. It is
unlikely that he will have all this information. Moreover, as shown
above, consumers are often mistaken about their future use. Even if
the consumer had the necessary information, translating this informa-
tion into a metric that would allow him to rank the different plans is a
daunting challenge that most consumers cannot be expected to over-
Complexity allows providers to hide the true cost of the contract.
Imperfectly rational consumers cannot effectively aggregate the costs
associated with the different options and prices in a single cell phone
contract. Inevitably, consumers will focus on a subset of salient fea-
tures and prices, and ignore or underestimate the importance of the
remaining, non-salient features and prices. In response, providers will
increase prices or reduce the quality of the non-salient features, which
in turn will generate or free up resources for intensified competition
on the salient features. Competition forces providers to make the sali-
ent features attractive and the salient prices low. This can be achieved
by adding revenue-generating, non-salient features and prices. The
result is an endogenously derived high level of complexity and multi-
This account of complexity as a response to imperfect rationality
is a dynamic one. It recognizes that consumers learn and that a feature
or a price that was not salient last month may become salient next
month. ETFs provide such an example.
When one price dimension
becomes salient, competition focuses on this dimension and carriers
shift to a new, less salient price dimension. According to some ac-
counts, carriers facing increased competition on fixed monthly fees
and allocations of included minutes are now relying more heavily on
revenues from charges for new data services.
The proposed account
of complexity not only allows for consumer learning, but also uses
consumer learning to explain the increasing level of complexity of the
cellular service contract: when consumers learn the importance of a
previously non-salient price dimension, carriers have a strong incen-
tive to create a new price dimension.
176. See infra Part V.B.
177. Andrea Petersen & Nicole Harris, Hard Cell: Chaos, Confusion and Perks Bedevil
Wireless Users, W
ALL ST. J., Apr. 17, 2002, at A1.
96 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
2. Rational Choice Theories and Their Limits
The rational choice explanation for complexity is straightforward.
Consumers have heterogeneous preferences. Different consumers
want different kinds of cellular services, so the complexity and multi-
dimensionality of the cellular service offerings cater to the heteroge-
neous preferences of cell phone users. This surely explains some of
the observed complexity in the cell phone market. But it is unlikely
that it fully explains the staggering level of complexity exhibited by
the long menus of cell phone contracts. Even for the rational con-
sumer, acquiring information on the range of complex products is
costly. Even for the rational consumer, comparing different plans with
different multidimensional features is costly. At some point, these
costs exceed the benefits of finding the perfect plan. When complexity
deters comparison shopping, the benefits of the variety and multidi-
mensionality are left unrealized. The rational choice account must
balance the costs and benefits of complexity. It seems that in the cell
phone market the level of complexity has reached a point beyond
what we should expect if it was simply a response to rational con-
sumer demand.
We have argued that the design of cell phone contracts can be ex-
plained as a response to the imperfect rationality of consumers. In this
Part, we assess the extent to which the mistakes that consumers make
and providers’ responses to these mistakes harm consumers and gen-
erate welfare costs.
A. Three-Part Tariffs
We have shown that misperceptions of use levels lead many con-
sumers to choose the wrong plan — the wrong three-part tariff.
average consumer in our data made a mistake that cost him 8% of his
total wireless bill, or $47.68 annually. Extrapolating from our data
178. A market for “comparison shopping services” is emerging, with vendors such as
BillShrink.com and Validas offering to find the best product/plan for any consumer who
would is willing to pay a fee. See infra notes 248–49 and accompanying text. The availabil-
ity of comparison shopping services reduces the cost of comparison shopping and increases
the optimal level of complexity in a rational choice model. However, it seems that most cell
phone users do not avail themselves of the services offered by BillShrink.com and Validas.
The emergence of a market for “comparison shopping services” suggests that complexity
makes it difficult for consumers to comparison shop by themselves. But since the majority
of consumers do not seek help from professional comparison shoppers and thus do not bene-
fit from the high level of complexity, the rational choice explanation for complexity is less
179. See supra Part IV.A.1.b.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 97
onto the entire U.S. population of cell phone users, numbering 250
million, we obtain a $11.92 billion annual reduction in consumer sur-
While the $11.92 billion figure is substantial, the average per-
consumer harm, $47.68, is small. But these averages hide potentially
important distributional implications. The $11.92 billion is not evenly
divided among the 250 million U.S. subscribers. In our data, 35% of
subscribers chose the right plan. Even among subscribers who chose
the wrong plan, the magnitude of the mistake, that is, the extra pay-
ment as compared to the right plan, varies substantially. In our data,
34% of consumers made mistakes that cost them at least 10% of their
total wireless bill, or $113 annually, and 17% of consumers made mis-
takes that cost them at least 20% of their total wireless bill, or $146
annually. Ten percent of consumers made mistakes that cost them at
least 25% of their total wireless bill, or $60 annually. This implies that
the really large mistakes, in percentage terms, had smaller stakes in
dollar terms.
While harm to consumers is important, it should be emphasized
that a reduction in the consumer surplus is not a welfare cost in and of
itself. Yet the identified consumer mistakes do generate welfare costs.
First, consumer mistakes imply allocative inefficiency, since consum-
ers are not buying the right products. Second, social welfare is re-
duced by regressive redistribution. Such redistribution occurs when
carriers profit from consumer mistakes. But regressive redistribution
occurs even if these excess profits are competed away if wealthier
consumers are less prone to make mistakes. The distribution of mis-
takes implies that revenues from consumers who make mistakes keep
prices low for consumers who do not make mistakes.
B. Lock-In Clauses
Lock-in prevents efficient switching and thus hurts consumers. A
2005 survey found that 47% of subscribers would like to switch plans,
but only 3% do so — the rest are deterred by the early termination
Switching is efficient when a different carrier or plan provides
a better fit for the consumer. Moreover, in light of the rapid techno-
logical advances in handset technology, a two year lock-in is rela-
tively long.
Beyond these efficiency costs, consumers lose from
lock-in when it prevents them from accepting a better deal offered by
a competing carrier. Lock-in can slow down the beneficial effects of
180. Lacapra, supra note 156.
181. See Abe Burhanuddin, Smartphone, a Modern Lifestyle Convergence, J
POST, Aug. 21, 2007, http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2007/08/21/smartphone-modern-
lifestyle-convergence.html (discussing recent worldwide developments in handset technol-
98 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
consumer learning. Consumers gradually learn to avoid misperception
and form more accurate estimates of their future use. If lock-in pre-
vents these consumers from switching to a plan that better fits their
actual use patterns, it prolongs the welfare costs identified in Part
V.A. Similarly, consumers will gradually learn the implications of
their complex cell phone contract. For example, they may learn that
they do not use their phone very often between 6am and 7am, and
thus conclude that they are not benefitting from the longer definition
of “night” in Sprint’s unlimited night calling. If lock-in prevents these
consumers from switching to a different carrier, it prolongs the wel-
fare costs of complexity.
In addition to these direct costs, lock-in may inhibit competition,
adding a potentially large indirect welfare cost. We have already men-
tioned that lock-in may prevent a more efficient carrier from attracting
consumers who are locked into a contract with a less efficient carrier.
Since lock-in makes large-scale entry into the market more difficult,
incumbents may have a greater incentive to seek monopolization
through predation or merger than in markets where easy entry limits
incumbents’ market power.
C. Complexity
The high level of complexity of cellular service contracts can re-
duce welfare in two ways. First, consumers will tend to make more
mistakes in plan choice when the choices are complex. Second, com-
plexity inhibits competition by discouraging comparison shopping. By
raising the cost of comparison shopping, complex contracts reduce the
likelihood that a consumer will find it beneficial to comparison shop.
Without the discipline that comparison shopping provides, cell phone
service providers can behave like quasi-monopolists — raising prices
and reducing consumer surplus.
D. Countervailing Benefits?
Three-part tariffs, lock-in clauses, and complexity harm consum-
ers and increase carriers’ profits. Competition among carriers, even if
imperfect, forces carriers to give back to consumers some of these
profits. Carriers will compete away excess profits by reducing prices
that are salient to consumers. Handset subsidies are the primary way
in which benefits flow back to consumers. However, these counter-
182. See infra Part V.C.
183. Joseph Farrell & Paul Klemperer, Coordination and Lock-In: Competition with
Switching Costs and Network Effects, in 3 H
ANDBOOK OF INDUS. ORG. 1967, 2005 (Mark
Armstrong & Robert Porter eds., 2007), available at http://www.nuff.ox.ac.uk/users/
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 99
vailing benefits do not eliminate the identified welfare costs. Even if
all excess profits are returned to consumers, there will still be an effi-
ciency cost. Consumer mistakes and the contractual design features
that respond to these mistakes lead consumers to misperceive the rela-
tive costs and benefits of different products. As a result, consumers
choose the wrong products and use these products sub-optimally.
Moreover, even if all excess profits are returned to consumers as a
group, there is no reason to believe that the benefit received by a con-
sumer will precisely offset the harm to that same consumer. In fact, it
is likely that consumers who are more prone to mistakes will be cross-
subsidizing consumers who are less prone to mistakes. The resulting
redistribution can reduce social welfare. Finally, one important effect
of lock-in and complexity is to reduce the level of competition in the
cellular services market. Reduced competition means that less of the
excess profits will find their way back into the hands of consumers.
Consumers make mistakes and carriers respond to these mistakes.
However, consumers also learn from their mistakes,
and carriers
respond to demand generated by the growing number of increasingly
sophisticated consumers. Moreover, in a competitive market, carriers
may have an incentive to correct consumer mistakes, at least when
these mistakes prevent consumers from fully appreciating the benefits
of the carrier’s product. We begin in Section A by describing a num-
ber of products and contracts that arguably respond to demand by
more sophisticated consumers. In Section B, we examine whether
these market solutions in fact solve the behavioral market failures
identified in this Article.
A. Catering to Sophisticated Consumers
The cellular service market boasts a large set of products and con-
tracts that arguably cater to more sophisticated consumers.
184. See Martin Gaynor et al., Cell Phone Demand and Consumer Learning — An Em-
pirical Analysis 25 (NET Inst., Working Paper No. 05-28, 2005),
available at
http://www.netinst.org/Shi.pdf (examining consumer behavior in Asia; finding “shrinking
posterior variances” of demand parameters to be evident of learning behavior). During the
first three months of their study, they also found a decline in the average number of minutes
used, a diversification of plan choices over time, a rapid decline in the deviation of actual
payment from the optimal payment, and a rapid increase in the proportion of consumers
choosing the optimal plan. Id. at 6–7. But this relatively quick learning and adjustment
behavior is a function of Thai calling plans, which have no lock-in feature. With lock-in,
learning is slower, since consumers cannot experiment with multiple plans over a short
period of time.
100 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
1. Unlimited Calling Plans
In February 2008, Verizon broke with industry pricing norms by
offering a $99 unlimited calling plan.
Soon after AT&T followed
suit, and T-Mobile went even further by including unlimited text mes-
saging along with unlimited voice in its unlimited plan.
Sprint then
unveiled a $99 plan that featured “unlimited voice, text messages,
email, web surfing, video, and other premium services.”
calling plans arguably respond to consumer complaints about overage
fees. Most likely, a sufficiently large subset of consumers, experienc-
ing the sting of large overage charges, generated demand for plans
without overage fees.
The rise of unlimited plans demonstrates both the power and pos-
sible unevenness of consumer learning. We have presented the three-
part tariff as a response to consumer misperceptions about future use.
Of the different components of the three-part tariff, the overage fee, is
likely to be the one which consumers learn to appreciate most quickly.
When consumers exceed the plan limit, they receive a very direct and
painful feedback which helps them learn. But, as argued above, the
underestimation of use that triggers overage charges is just one-half of
the problem. The other half — overestimation of use — is more diffi-
cult to learn. For a consumer using 50% of the allotted minutes, im-
plying a much higher per-minute rate than initially expected, there is
no direct feedback because the consumer still pays the same monthly
fixed fee. We doubt that many consumers divide this fee by the num-
ber of minutes actually used to derive the real per-minute price. The
185. Roger Cheng, Business Technology: Virgin Mobile to Join Flat Rate Phones Frenzy,
ALL ST. J., June 24, 2008, at B4.
186. Id.
187. Id. While these plans still entail a contract, smaller companies, like Virgin Mobile,
offer similar plans even without a lock-in contract. Id. The innovation was the introduction
of unlimited voice service. Data plans were always advertised as unlimited, but the fine
print included actual limits. Specifically, in the terms and conditions of their subscriber
contracts AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon reserve rights to impose additional charges or termi-
nate service if users use more than five gigabytes in a month, see, e.g., AT&T, Plan Terms,
supra note 129, while T-Mobile reserves such rights if users exceed ten gigabytes of usage
in a month, see T-Mobile, T-Mobile Terms & Conditions, supra note 129. Moreover, carri-
ers typically reserve rights to impose restrictions on consumers’ usage of other carriers’
wireless networks (“offnet usage”). Similarly, unlimited voice plans are not always truly
unlimited. For example, AT&T imposes limits on its unlimited voice services, specifying
that voice services are provided primarily for live dialog between two individuals. If a con-
sumer’s use of the service for conference calling or call forwarding exceeds 750 minutes in
a given month, the carrier may terminate the service or, after providing the user with notice
and an option to terminate, change the plan to one with no unlimited usage components. See
AT&T, Plan Terms, supra note 129.
188. See Amol Sharma & Dionne Searcey, For Big Talkers, Wireless Firms Offer Flat
Rates, W
ALL ST. J., Feb. 20, 2008, at D1 (explaining that carriers are eliminating overage
penalties because consumers “detest” these penalties).
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 101
result of this uneven learning is unlimited plans, rather than the opti-
mal two-part tariff pricing scheme.
Moreover, the currently available unlimited plans are attractive
only to a relatively small fraction of heavy users. With their high
monthly fees, the unlimited plans are less attractive than the standard
three-part tariff plans for most users.
Therefore, the unlimited plans
are, at best, a limited market solution, targeted at a small segment of
cell phone users. These heavy users may learn more quickly and more
readily demand products that cater to their needs. A more general
market solution to consumer learning about underestimation and
overage costs, such as a two-part tariff, is still absent and, as men-
tioned above, so is a market solution to the overestimation problem.
The move by Sprint and other carriers to bundle voice, messag-
ing, and data services in a single “unlimited” plan with a single
monthly fixed-fee
may be responding to learning of a different
kind. Consumers are “confused” by complex, multidimensional con-
tracts and are demanding greater “simplicity.”
While a single-price
“unlimited everything” plan is simpler, its simplicity can be over-
stated. In measuring simplicity, it is not enough to consider the price
and other product attributes of only a single plan. The level of com-
plexity is a result of the interaction between product attributes and
consumer usage patterns across a carrier’s entire menu of plans. So,
for example, in order to choose between a $99 unlimited plan and a
limited plan with a lower monthly fee (plus possibly separate charges
for text messaging and data services), consumers must still form accu-
rate estimates of their future use and calculate the expected total price
of both plans — a potentially difficult task.
2. AT&T’s Rollover Minutes
Consumer use varies from month to month. For example, a con-
sumer may talk 350 minutes one month and 550 minutes the next
month. With a standard 450 minute plan, this consumer will waste
100 minutes in the first month and pay overage charges for 100 min-
utes. With AT&T’s 450 minute plan, which includes the rollover
minutes feature, the 100 spare minutes in the first month are not
wasted. Rather they are “rolled over” to, that is, added to the available
189. Many consumers probably still overestimate their usage and could benefit from
moving from an unlimited plan to a limited plan with a lower monthly fee. See supra
Part IV.A.1.b.
190. See Jeff Blyskal, Mostly Talk: New Unlimited Cell Plans Won’t Pay for Most,
ONSUMERREPORTS.ORG, Feb. 26, 2008, http://blogs.consumerreports.org/electronics/
191. See Cheng, supra note 185.
192. Blumenstein, supra note 116.
102 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
minutes for, the second month.
This means that in the second
month the consumer has 550 minutes instead of 450 minutes and thus
will not pay any overage.
The rollover feature, which predates the
unlimited calling plans described above, can also be seen as a re-
sponse to consumer learning about the costs of underestimated use
and overage charges. But, unlike unlimited plans that directly respond
to underestimation of use, the rollover feature seems to respond to a
different bias — overconfidence about use levels, which implies un-
derestimation of use in some months and overestimation of use in oth-
ers. By enabling the consumer to smooth his uneven use over time,
the rollover feature mitigates the costs of overconfidence.
3. Prepaid Plans
Prepaid, no-contract plans are the natural choice for a sophisti-
cated consumer who has learned the costs of lock-in and demands
flexibility. This flexibility, however, comes at a cost. Not only do pre-
paid, no-contract subscribers forgo the phone subsidies offered to
postpaid, locked-in subscribers, they also pay higher per-minute
charges (at least as compared to postpaid subscribers who use all the
allotted minutes under their plans). As a result, even a sophisticated
consumer would be reluctant to choose a prepaid plan. In fact, pre-
paid, no-contract plans were designed for distinct segments of con-
sumers, specifically younger and poorer consumers who have low
credit scores and do not qualify for a postpaid plan.
In other words,
prepaid plans are not a market response to consumer learning. None-
theless, these plans are attractive to sophisticated consumers with rela-
tively low use levels.
Despite their potential benefits, prepaid plans have a rather lim-
ited market share. In the U.S., only 16% of cell phone users have pre-
paid plans, and among households with incomes above $75,000, only
193. Unused minutes do not roll over forever. They expire after a year.
194. In this example, the rational non-AT&T customer will switch to a 900 minute plan
and pay an additional $20 per month because this charge is smaller than the average overage
paid in the seemingly cheaper plan: $45 / 2 months = $22.50 per month.
195. FCC
TWELFTH REPORT, supra note 34, at 2297–98 ¶¶ 116–18; see also Gerry Kher-
mouch & Catherine Yang, Richard Branson: Winning Virgin Territory, B
US. WK., Dec. 22,
2003, at 45 (noting that Virgin is attracting young customers by offering no-contract prepaid
cellular service). No-contract plans are less profitable for carriers, even though the rates per
minute of use are higher. For example, T-Mobile generates about $24 in revenue per prepaid
customer, as opposed to about $52 per postpaid contract user. Marin Perez, T-Mobile’s Data
Revenues Increase From Android-Powered G1, I
showArticle.jhtml?articleID=212001129; see also FCC
TWELFTH REPORT, supra note 34, at
2297 116 (noting that prepaid plans were not heavily promoted by the industry in the past
because average revenues per unit tend to be lower and churn rates higher relative to post-
paid calling plans). It can thus be inferred that prepaid plans are targeted at consumer groups
that would not use cell phones absent the prepaid option, or that would pose too great a
credit risk to qualify for a postpaid plan.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 103
6% of cell phone users have prepaid plans.
These figures lend sup-
port to the proposition that many prepaid users likely did not choose
prepaid plans but rather were denied the postpaid option. This rein-
forces the claim that prepaid plans target weaker segments of the mar-
ket and, for the most part, do not compete directly with postpaid
plans. Importantly, the low take-up of prepaid plans is not attributed
to a lack of familiarity with the prepaid option, as 86% of Americans
report that they are familiar with prepaid cell phones.
consumers are aware of the prepaid option but unaware of the cogni-
tive biases that render this option less attractive or, more accurately,
render the postpaid alternative more attractive. But this is starting to
change. Prepaid plans are now attracting consumers from segments of
the market previously controlled by postpaid plans. In 2008, sales of
prepaid plans grew 13% in North America, nearly three times faster
than traditional postpaid plans.
It should also be noted that prepaid plans, while solving the lock-
in problem, do not eliminate consumer mistakes. Misperceptions
about future use may still lead consumers to choose the wrong
monthly prepaid plan. Expiration dates on minutes purchased under
pay-as-you-go plans may be a response to consumers’ overestimation
of use.
4. Graduated ETFs
As described in Part III.B, carriers have been moving from a
time-invariant ETF to a time-variant, graduated ETF structure. This
shift responds to consumers’ increased awareness and sensitivity to
ETFs. The change in the design of ETF provisions is not a pure mar-
ket solution. Rather, it is an example of how consumer learning and
legal intervention can work in tandem to change business practices.
The ETF story likely began with a small number of consumers who
learned to appreciate the cost of ETFs and initiated litigation against
the carriers. The threat of liability probably pushed carriers to adjust
their ETF structure. But the litigation also facilitated greater aware-
ness and sensitivity to ETFs among consumers. This adjusted demand
was something that carriers could not ignore.
197. Id. at 3.
198. Jenna Wortham, Cellphones Without Strings, N.Y.
TIMES, Feb. 20, 2009, at B1 (de-
scribing the growing attraction of prepaid plans and citing Pali Research, an investment
advisory firm, regarding the growth rate of prepaid plans); see also FCC
, supra note 32, at 6246 117 (noting that according to one analyst’s figures, the per-
centage of major operators’ customers who subscribe to prepaid plans increased from 15%
at the end of 2006 to 17% at the end of 2007).
104 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
5. Open Access
Finally, the open-access movement in wireless telecommunica-
tions is a market-driven development that could reduce the costs of
lock-in and handset-service bundling. While carriers are still the lead-
ing handset retailers, recent developments are diminishing their power
such that it is likely that handset manufacturers will increasingly sell
their products directly to consumers, who can use the phone on any
network. Open access is not a response to consumer learning about
biases and the cost of lock-in. Nevertheless, it is an important devel-
opment that can reduce the costs of consumer biases.
B. Market Solutions and Consumer Welfare
Cell phone users learn from their mistakes, and the cellular ser-
vice market seems quite responsive to demand generated by these
increasingly sophisticated consumers. From a policy perspective, the
question is to what extent market solutions mitigate the welfare costs
identified in Part V. First, we have shown that the market promptly
responds when consumers quickly learn about the implications of
their mistakes, as they do when underestimated use leads to overage
charges. But we have also shown that the market responds more slug-
gishly when learning is slower because the feedback mechanisms are
weaker, as is the case with overestimated use. Second, while the mar-
ket solutions described above have the potential to minimize the wel-
fare costs of the identified behavioral market failure, in practice their
effects are more limited. The reason is that many consumers do not
take advantage of these market solutions. For example, unlimited
plans with their high monthly fees are attractive only to a small frac-
tion of heavy users. Prepaid plans are chosen by a small minority of
consumers. If consumers are not aware of their mistakes, then they
will not search for products that reduce the likelihood and conse-
quences of mistakes.
Finally, it is evident that consumers learn and that the market re-
sponds to the demand generated by these more sophisticated consum-
ers. But this does not mean that welfare costs are not incurred during
the interim period. We need to ascertain the speed of consumer learn-
ing and of the market response to changing demand in order to assess
the magnitude of welfare costs. Moreover, when consumers learn to
overcome one mistake, or when one hidden term becomes salient,
carriers have an incentive to add a new non-salient term and to trigger
a new kind of mistake.
Even if consumers always catch up eventu-
ally, this cat-and-mouse game imposes welfare costs. Wireless opera-
199. See Gabaix & Laibson, supra note 5, at 1–2.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 105
tors are among the leading generators of consumer complaints.
Market solutions, while important, are clearly imperfect.
The identified behavioral market failure imposes substantial wel-
fare costs. Consumer learning coupled with market forces works to
reduce these welfare costs, but do not eliminate them. Can legal inter-
vention help, perhaps only by reinforcing consumer learning and mar-
ket correction? In this Part, we initially survey existing rules and
regulations affecting the cellular service contract. We then tentatively
propose several reforms, focusing on the disclosure regime. Focusing
on disclosure targets the behavioral market failure by reducing con-
sumer misperceptions. More intrusive regulations, such as forcible
unbundling of equipment and service contracts, would eliminate costs
associated with consumer misperceptions, but at the cost of eliminat-
ing efficiency benefits that can arise through bundling in competitive
A. Existing Regulations Affecting the Cellular Service Contract
1. Who Can Regulate?
The FCC has plenary jurisdiction to license radio spectrum for
wireless communication under the Communications Act of 1934.
Accordingly, states lack the authority to license radio spectrum for
intrastate uses.
Moreover, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
of 1993 amended the Communications Act to preempt states from
regulating the entry of, or rates charged by, any wireless provider;
states, however, retain the right to regulate other terms and condi-
Consumers can sue wireless carriers under state tort, contract,
and consumer protection laws for false advertising, misleading billing
practices, and poor service.
States can petition the FCC for author-
200. See Spencer E. Ante, The Call for a Wireless Bill of Rights, BUS. WK., Mar. 20,
2008, at 80, available at http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_13/
b4077080431634.htm?campaign_id=rss_tech (noting that, according to the Better Business
Bureau, for each of the past three years, the wireless sector has received more complaints
than any other industry). In the second quarter of 2008, the FCC received 13,560 complaints
about wireless telecommunications. FCC,
INQUIRIES AND COMPLAINTS RELEASED 1 (Jan. 8, 2009), available at http://
201. William R. Drexel, Telecom Public Policy Schizophrenia: Schumpeterian Destruc-
tion Versus Managed Competition, 9 V
A. J.L. & TECH. 5, 7–8 (2004),
http://www.vjolt.net/vol9/issue2/v9i2_a05-Drexel.pdf; see also 47 U.S.C. § 301 (2006).
202. Drexel, supra note 201, at 8.
203. Id.; see also 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(3)(A) (2006).
204. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 273. Carriers, however, argue that such
regulation is preempted as it amounts to entry or rate regulation. See infra note 232.
106 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
ity to regulate rates for any commercial mobile service, which will be
granted upon a demonstration that market conditions fail to ade-
quately protect consumers against “unjust and unreasonable rates or
rates that are unjustly or unreasonably discriminatory.”
In addition,
states retain the authority to impose requirements on telecommunica-
tions services that are “necessary to ensure the universal availability
of telecommunications service at affordable rates.”
State and local
governments also retain zoning authority that gives them control over
the placement of wireless service facilities, so long as the regulations
do not have the effect of unreasonably discriminating among provid-
ers or prohibiting the provision of wireless services.
2. Indirect Effects
Under the 1996 Telecommunications Act, wireless carriers are
subject to certain provisions designed to promote competition.
instance, all telecommunications carriers have “the duty to intercon-
nect directly or indirectly with the facilities and equipment of other
telecommunications carriers.”
The FCC invoked its authority to
enact competition-enhancing regulations when it extended manual
roaming obligations — previously imposed only on cellular provid-
ers — to broadband PCS (personal communications service)
certain SMR (specialized mobile radio)
205. 47 U.S.C. § 332(c)(3)(A)(i) (2006).
206. Id. § 332(c)(3)(A).
207. Id. § 332(c)(7).
208. A stated purpose of the Act is “[t]o promote competition and reduce regulation in
order to secure lower prices and higher quality services for American telecommunications
consumers and encourage the rapid deployment of new telecommunications technologies.”
Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. No. 104-104, purpose statement, 110 Stat. 56, 56
(1996) (codified as amended at 47 U.S.C. §§ 251–76 (2006)).
209. 47 U.S.C. § 251(a)(1) (2006).
210. The FCC has set aside the spectrum between 1850 MHz and 1990 MHz for broad-
band PCS. PCS licenses have been assigned through auction since 1995 with some blocks
assigned on the basis of 51 Major Trading Areas and others on the basis of 493 Basic Trad-
ing Areas. FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 10974–75 63. Broadband PCS
systems are similar to cellular systems, except that they operate in different spectrum bands
and have been designed from the beginning to use a digital format. Id.
. Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR) services were created by the FCC in 1974 to pro-
vide land mobile communications on a commercial basis to businesses, government agen-
cies, and individuals. U.S. C
POLICY 39 (1991). In 1979, the FCC allocated 19 MHz of spectrum in the 800 and 900 MHz
bands exclusively for SMR services. FCC
ELEVENTH REPORT, supra note 17, at 10975–76
64. Nextel (and now Sprint-Nextel) is an SMR provider.
212. See In re Interconnection and Resale Obligations Pertaining to Commercial Mobile
Radio Services, Second Report and Order and Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC
CC Docket No. 94–54, 11 F.C.C.R. 9462, 9463 (1996) (invoking its general authority under
the Telecommunications Act to extend number portability requirements, explicitly imposed
only on local exchange carriers, to wireless providers). In other areas, the FCC has taken a
deregulatory approach on the grounds that the market is sufficiently competitive. Thus, in
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 107
However, as we have seen, enhanced competition is not a general
solution to the identified behavioral market failure. If consumers suf-
fer from a systematic bias, competition may force carriers to design
their contracts in response to this bias. Nevertheless, regulations de-
signed to enhance competition have an indirect effect on the carrier-
consumer relationship and the cell phone contract — an effect that is
often beneficial to consumers, including imperfectly rational consum-
ers. First, competition can help reduce consumer bias as competing
carriers develop market solutions and advertise them to consumers.
Second, regulation designed to increase competition by reducing
switching costs
can help imperfectly rational consumers by pre-
venting, or at least increasing the costs to carriers of, bundling strate-
While regulation affecting consumer switching costs limits pro-
viders’ ability to employ bundling strategies, the FCC does not di-
rectly regulate the practice of bundling of equipment and service. The
FCC held that the Communications Act’s general prohibition on offer-
ing more favorable terms on services and equipment that are pur-
chased together rather than separately does not apply to wireless
The FCC judged that the markets were sufficiently com-
petitive to ensure that the risks of carriers leveraging market power
from the services market to the equipment market were sufficiently
low and outweighed by the benefits of permitting bundling. In particu-
lar, the FCC determined that permitting bundling allows carriers to
provide service and equipment more economically.
If consumers are rational, it makes sense to permit bundling when
both markets are competitive. But the conclusion no longer necessar-
ily follows when, for example, consumers systematically underesti-
mate the cost of service so that carriers have an incentive to backload
the pricing by reducing the cost of the handset and increasing the
1996, the FCC determined that its rules prohibiting wireless carriers from imposing restric-
tions on resellers would “sunset” by 2001. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 272.
213. E.g., In re Telephone Number Portability, FCC CC Docket No. 95-116, 19 F.C.C.R.
875, 875–76 (2004) (mandating number portability between networks); see also 37 C.F.R.
§ 201.40(b)(5) (2008) (exempting software that “unlocks” wireless handsets from the Digi-
tal Millennium Copyright Act). On this dimension, the U.S. is converging to the European
model. See Ante, supra note 74 (“European and Asian mobile carriers [have] backed tech-
nologies that allow subscribers to switch to rivals with ease.”). In Europe, regulations man-
dating uniform technological standards have facilitated switching and competition by
making it easier for consumers to take their phone from one carrier to another. FCC
REPORT, supra note 32, at 6250–51 126. And cell phone providers “use unlocked
GSM-type phones, which contain SIM cards” and allow users to switch their phones be-
tween networks. Reinhardt Krause, Sales of SIM Cards Might Shuffle Deck in Wireless
Services, I
214. N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 270.
215. In re Bundling of Cellular Customer Premises Equipment and Cellular Service, Re-
port and Order, FCC CC Docket No. 91-34, 7 F.C.C.R. 4028, 4030 (1992).
108 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
price of service. Consumers end up purchasing too many cell phone
contracts because they underestimate the overall cost of the bundle.
3. Direct Regulations of the Consumer-Carrier Relationship
Regulation of the consumer-carrier relationship is largely limited
to regulation of the information that the provider must disclose to its
consumers. We begin by describing affirmative disclosure mandates.
We then proceed to discuss the flip-side of disclosure mandates,
namely, the prohibition on misleading disclosures, usually in advertis-
ing. We conclude with a description of the legal challenge to early
termination fees — the most prominent non-disclosure regulation.
a. Disclosure
Exercising its powers under the Communications Act, the FCC
promulgated rules intended to prevent fraudulent behavior by tele-
communications providers and to increase the transparency of provid-
ers’ billing practices. Providers must clearly identify the name of the
service provider associated with each billed charge and prominently
display a toll-free telephone number that customers can call to inquire
about or dispute any charges.
Most importantly, since 2005 charges
must “be accompanied by a brief, clear, non-misleading, plain lan-
guage description of the service or services rendered” that is “suffi-
ciently clear in presentation and specific enough in content so that
customers can accurately assess that the services for which they are
billed correspond to those that they have requested and received, and
that the costs assessed for those services conform to their understand-
ing of the price charged.”
The underlying rationale is “to allow
216. One form of regulation that is conspicuously missing is rate regulation. The states
are preempted from influencing rates except in very limited circumstances described above.
See supra note 203 and accompanying text. Under the Communications Act, wireless pro-
viders have an obligation to charge rates that are just, reasonable, and not discriminatory,
and the FCC is authorized to prescribe what is reasonable and just if a carrier is found to be
in violation of its duties under the Act. See 47 U.S.C. §§ 201(b), 202(a), 205(a) (2006).
However, the FCC has generally chosen to forbear from regulating rates for wireless com-
munications services. Using its authority under the Communications Act § 332, the FCC has
exempted wireless carriers from common carriers’ tariff obligations and market entry and
exit regulations on the grounds that competition renders such forms of regulation unneces-
sary. See N
UECHTERLEIN & WEISER, supra note 8, at 270.
217. 47 C.F.R. § 64.2401(a)(1), (d) (2008).
218. 47 C.F.R. § 64.2401(b) (2008). In 1999, the FCC set out general truth-in-billing
principles that required that bills (1) “be clearly organized, clearly identify the service pro-
vider, and highlight any new providers;” (2) “contain full and non-misleading descriptions
of charges;” and (3) “contain clear and conspicuous disclosure of any information that the
consumer may need to make inquiries about, or contest charges.” In re Truth-in-Billing and
Billing Format, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC
CC Docket No. 98-170, 14 F.C.C.R. 7492, 7496 (1999) [hereinafter Truth-in-Billing 1999].
Although the FCC intended that these principles should apply to both wireline and wireless
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 109
consumers to better understand their telephone bills, compare service
offerings, and thereby promote a more efficient competitive market-
Further disclosure requirements are imposed at the state
level. In particular, state laws regulate wireless line item charges
discrete charges that are separately identified on a consumer’s bill.
There have been calls for more stringent disclosure requirements.
For instance, in 2003, Senator Schumer introduced a bill — The Cell
Phone User Bill of Rights — designed to improve disclosure and
make it easier for consumers to choose among providers and plans.
The bill sought to ensure that marketing materials and contracts clear-
ly spell out the terms and conditions of service plans by requiring that
all wireless contracts and marketing materials display a box contain-
ing standardized information on a number of key issues. Providers
would have to disclose rate information, including the monthly fixed
charge, per minute charges for minutes not included in the plan, and
the method for calculating minutes charged. Information on included
weekday and daytime minutes and nights and weekend minutes, long-
distance charges, roaming charges, incoming call charges, and charges
for directory assistance would also have to be displayed. Termination
and start-up fees and trial periods would have to be outlined as would
any taxes and surcharges. In addition, the Bill would authorize the
FCC to monitor service quality industry-wide and make the resulting
data publicly available to enable consumers to make informed choices
among providers.
The Bill has not been enacted into law.
carriers, wireless carriers were initially exempted from the rule implementing (2) that re-
quired charges on bills to be accompanied by a brief, clear, non-misleading, plain language
description of the service or services rendered. See In re Truth-in-Billing and Billing For-
mat, Second Report and Order, Declaratory Ruling, and Second Further Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, FCC CC Docket No. 98–170, 20 F.C.C.R. 6448, 6450–52 (2005) [hereinafter
Truth-in-Billing 2005]. However, the exemption was lifted in 2005. Id. at 6456.
219. Truth-in-Billing 2005, supra note 218, at 6450. The FCC rejected the argument that
competitive market conditions eliminate the need for the requirement concluding, on the
contrary, that “the provision of clear and truthful bills is paramount to efficient operation of
the marketplace” even under otherwise competitive conditions. Id. at 6456.
220. Id. at 6462. The FCC argued that these laws constitute rate regulation and are there-
fore preempted under § 332(c)(3)(A) of the Communications Act. Id. at 6462–63. However,
the 11th Circuit previously held that the Communications Act does not give the FCC the
authority to preempt states’ ability to regulate the use of line items in wireless customer
bills, arguing that such regulation affects the presentation of charges but not the amount
charged and that line item charges are not rates but rather are part of the “other terms and
conditions” that are subject to state regulations under § 332(c)(3)(A). See Nat’l Ass’n of
State Util. Consumer Advocates v. FCC, 457 F.3d 1238, 1254 (1996).
221. Cell Phone User Bill of Rights, S. 1216, 108th Cong. (2003). A similar bill, the
Wireless Consumer Protection and Community Broadband Empowerment Act, was pro-
posed more recently by Representative Edward Markey. See Press Release, Office of Rep.
Edward Markey, Markey Holds Hearings on Draft Bill to Address Wireless Customer Pro-
tections, Feb. 27, 2008, http://markey.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=
110 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
In 2004, the California Public Utility Commission (“CPUC”)
promulgated a similar set of rules.
These regulations required wire-
less providers and other telecommunications operators to (1) ensure
that subscribers receive clear and complete information about rates,
terms, and conditions when customers sign up for the service; (2) pro-
duce clearly organized bills that only contain charges that the sub-
scriber has authorized; and (3) list all federal, state, and local taxes,
surcharges, and fees separately.
The regulations were suspended by
the CPUC less than a year after their adoption, after the term expira-
tions of two commissioners who supported the rules.
The drive for
improved disclosure, however, is continuing. Twenty-two states have
introduced some form of a Cell Phone User Bill of Rights.
b. False Advertising
In addition to affirmative disclosure regulation, providers are sub-
ject to negative disclosure regulation, i.e., restrictions on what provid-
ers can tell consumers, mainly through advertising. Unfair or
deceptive advertising is generally policed by the FTC under the Fed-
eral Trade Commission Act.
However, the FTC Act explicitly ex-
cludes “common carriers subject to the Acts to regulate commerce,”
including the 1934 Communications Act,
to avoid interfering with
the FCC’s regulation of common carriers.
The FCC has interpreted section 201(b) of the Communications
Act, which prohibits “unjust and unreasonable” practices,
as giving
it the authority to police unfair or deceptive advertising by common
However, it appears that the FCC rarely invokes its author-
ity under section 201(b).
Instead, advertising by cellular service
222. See Press Release, California Public Utilities Commission, PUC Sets Protection
Rules for Consumers Through Telecommunications Bill of Rights, May 27, 2004,
223. Id.; Robert W. Hahn et al., The Economics of “Wireless Net Neutrality, 3 J.
COMPETITION L. & ECON. 399, 413 (2007).
224. California Suspends Wireless Bill of Rights, C
2005, http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2005/cpuc_wireless.html.
225. See Ante, supra note 74.
226. See 15 U.S.C. § 45(a)(2) (2006) (giving the FTC authority to prevent “unfair meth-
ods of competition in or affecting commerce and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or
affecting commerce.”).
227. Id.
228. See FTC v. Verity Int’l, Ltd., 194 F. Supp. 2d 270, 275 (S.D.N.Y. 2002). Thus, a
wireless carrier is beyond the reach of the FTC at least insofar as it engaged in providing
telecommunications services. See id. at 274.
229. 47 U.S.C. § 201(b) (2006).
230. See In re Bus. Disc. Plan, Inc., Order of Forfeiture, 15 F.C.C.R. 14461 (2000), aff’d
in relevant part, In re Bus. Disc. Plan, Inc., Order on Reconsideration, 15 F.C.C.R. 24396,
24398 (2000).
231. In arguing that 47 U.S.C. § 201(b) gave it the authority to assess a forfeiture against
Business Discount Plan for using unjust and unreasonable telemarketing practices in con-
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 111
providers is mainly regulated at the state level. Consumers have been
using state tort law, specifically fraud and misrepresentation, contract
law, and deceptive advertising laws to hold providers accountable for
service that fell short of what the provider’s advertisements prom-
c. Challenging ETFs
On one important dimension, early termination fees, the law has
moved beyond the regulation of information provided by carriers.
Class action lawsuits against cellular service providers have been ini-
tiated across the United States by customers alleging that ETFs are not
proper liquidated damages provisions and violate various state laws as
a result.
In one such lawsuit, the Alameda County Superior Court
found that Sprint’s ETF was an unlawful penalty under California
Civil Code 1671(d) and ordered Sprint to pay $18.25 million to class
members who paid their ETFs and credit $54.75 million to those who
nection with its “slamming” violations, the FCC cited only two instances in which it had
invoked § 201(b) for a similar purpose in the past, suggesting that the FCC does not fre-
quently invoke this authority. See In re Bus. Disc. Plan, Inc., Order of Forfeiture, 15
F.C.C.R. at 14469.
232. See, e.g., Pac. Bell Wireless, LLC v. Pub. Utils. Comm’n, 44 Cal. Rptr. 3d 733,
753–54 (Cal. Ct. App. 2006) (upholding multimillion dollar fine against wireless service
provider for, inter alia, failing to disclose to customers known network problems and mis-
leading customers regarding network’s coverage and service in violation of state law); Un-
ion Ink Co. v. AT&T Corp., 801 A.2d 361, 365–67, 378 (N.J. Super. App. Div. 2002)
(holding that plaintiff’s state law fraud and negligent misrepresentation claims arising from
AT&T’s alleged misrepresentations of the quality and reliability of its cellular phone service
were not preempted by federal law). Providers have been pushing for broad preemption of
such regulation on grounds that it constitutes regulation of “entry or rates charged” which is
prohibited under § 332(c)(3)(A). Specifically, they have argued that “any determination of
monetary liability [under state consumer protection, tort, or contract claims] is equivalent to
a finding that the service was inadequate for the price charged and therefore necessarily
constitutes a finding that the rates originally charged were unreasonable.” In re Wireless
Consumers Alliance, Inc., FCC Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 F.C.C.R. 17021,
17035 (2000). However, the FCC rejected this argument, holding that state law claims must
generally proceed, unless the particular facts and circumstances of the case indicate that
they amount to rate or entry regulation. In particular, the FCC reasoned that in calculating
damages arising from breach of contract or false advertising claims, a court need not rule on
the reasonableness of the carrier’s charges in order to calculate compensation though it may
take price into account; rather, it is assessing the difference between promise and perform-
ance. Id. at 17035–36, 17040–41; see also Fedor v. Cingular Wireless Corp., 355 F.3d 1069,
1074 (7th Cir. 2004) (holding that breach of contract claim based on allegation that carrier
deferred billing for calls to later period was not preempted); DeCastro v. AWACS, Inc., 935
F. Supp. 541, 550 (D.N.J. 1996) (holding that claim about failure to disclose a particular
billing practice was not preempted); Tenore v. AT&T Wireless Servs, 962 P.2d 104, 115
(Wash. 1998) (holding that deceptive advertising claim that carriers failed to disclose prac-
tice of rounding up to nearest minute was not preempted).
233. See, e.g., Greene v. T-Mobile USA, Inc., No. C07-1563RSM, 2008 WL 351017
(W.D. Wash. Feb. 7, 2008); Waudby v. Verizon Wireless Servs., LLC, No. 07-470(FLW),
2007 WL 1560295 (D.N.J. May 25, 2007); In re Cell Phone Termination Fee Cases, No.
A115457, 2008 WL 2332971 (Cal. Ct. App. June 9, 2008).
112 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
were charged but did not pay their ETFs.
Verizon Wireless recently
settled a set of early-termination lawsuits for $21 million.
state actions have been stayed pending the outcome of FCC proceed-
which have been initiated to determine whether these state law
claims are preempted by federal law on the grounds that ETFs consti-
tute “rates charged” within the meaning of § 332(c)(3)(A) of the
Communications Act.
The FCC public hearings on ETFs began on
June 12, 2008.
In the wake of this litigation, carriers have moved to prorate their
termination fees over the life of the contract and now some form of
time-sensitive ETF applies to new postpaid contracts initiated with
any of the major carriers.
B. New Proposals: Rethinking Disclosure
1. From Product Attributes to Use Patterns
As we have seen, consumers in the cellular service market learn,
often quite effectively, to appreciate the implications of their biases
and mistakes. Competition then pushes carriers to respond with prod-
ucts that reduce the resulting costs to consumers. While these market
solutions are imperfect, the market’s responsiveness suggests that the
regulation best suited for the cellular service market would facilitate
rather than inhibit market forces. It is, therefore, not surprising that
many of the existing and proposed laws and regulations have focused
on the provision of information. We too focus on rules governing in-
formation provision, specifically, on disclosure regulation.
Our proposals, however, deviate from existing disclosure regula-
tion and from other proposals for heightened disclosure regulation in
an important way. Current disclosure regulation focuses on the disclo-
sure of product attribute information, i.e., information on the different
234. Ayyad v. Sprint Spectrum LP, No. RG03-121510, 2008 WL 2937047 (Cal. App.
Dep’t Super. Ct. July 28, 2008).
235. Lavallee, supra note 126.
236. See, e.g., Greene, 2008 WL 351017; Waudby, 2007 WL 1560295.
237. Waudby, 2007 WL 1560295, at *1.
238. Materials from the public hearing are available at
FCC, Public Hearing on Early
Termination Fees (ETF), http://www.fcc.gov/realaudio/presentations/2008/061208/; see
also Amy Schatz, FCC May Set Cell-Termination Fees, W
ALL ST. J., May 24, 2008, at A2.
Schatz discusses the possible preemption effect of FCC regulation.
Wireless-phone companies could erase hundreds of millions of dol-
lars in potential liability under a plan being weighed by federal regu-
lators, who are considering overseeing fees charged to consumers
who cancel cell phone contracts early. The plan could deal a fatal
blow for lawsuits, pending in several states, brought by consumers
angry about fees of as much as $175 that wireless companies charge
to break contracts.
239. See supra notes 128–29 and accompanying text.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 113
features and price dimensions of cellular service.
Our proposal, on
the other hand, emphasizes the disclosure of use-pattern information,
i.e., information on how the consumer will use the product.
The proposed Cell Phone User Bill of Rights illustrates the cur-
rent exclusive focus on product attribute information. It requires com-
prehensive disclosure of fees and charges.
However, a truly
informed choice cannot be based on product attributes alone. To fully
appreciate the benefits and costs of a cellular service contract, con-
sumers must combine product attribute information with use-pattern
information. To assess the costs of overage fees, it is not enough to
know the per-minute charges for minutes not included in the plan, as
proposed in the Bill; consumers must also know the probability that
they will exceed the plan limit and by how much. Likewise, to assess
the benefit of unlimited night and weekend calling, consumers must
also know how many “night” and “weekend” minutes they will use as
well as the precise contractual definition of “night” and “weekend.
The essence of our proposal lies in the recognition that use-pattern
information can be as important as product attribute information. The
disclosure regime should be redesigned to ensure that consumers have
both categories of information.
2. Disclosing Use-Pattern Information
Conventional wisdom assumes that sellers have better informa-
tion about product attributes while buyers have better information
about use patterns. If a buyer has better information about how she
will use the product, then it makes no sense to require sellers to dis-
close use-pattern information. The best that sellers can do is to pro-
vide general statistical information on product use. The buyer, on the
other hand, has specific information on how she, not the average con-
sumer, will use the product, or so the conventional account goes.
While in many markets the conventional wisdom is correct, it is
not true of the cellular service market. Carriers have valuable statisti-
cal use-pattern information that is not available to subscribers. More
importantly, they have individualized use-pattern data, collected over
the course of their relationships with their subscribers. As suggested
below, disclosing this information can empower consumers and facili-
tate the efficient functioning of the cellular service market.
a. Average-Use Disclosures
Carriers collect and analyze enormous amounts of use-pattern in-
formation. They know how the average subscriber will use her cell
240. See supra Part III.A.
241. See supra note 221 and accompanying text.
114 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
phone. More importantly, the heterogeneity of the subscriber base
allows carriers to provide average-use information for subgroups of
consumers who are similar — in terms of demographic characteris-
tics, product choices made, etc. to the consumer receiving the use-
pattern disclosure. As the subgroup over which the averaging takes
place becomes smaller, the consumer heterogeneity problem de-
creases, and the value of the average-use information to the individual
consumer increases. However, excessively small subgroups may also
be undesirable. Averaging over large numbers has the benefit of re-
ducing randomness. Reducing the size of the subgroup reduces this
benefit. The optimal size of a subgroup is the product of a tradeoff
between the benefit of reducing heterogeneity and the benefit of re-
ducing randomness.
One potentially beneficial average-use disclosure would target
the misperception of use levels that underlies three-part tariffs by re-
quiring carriers to disclose the average overage charges that consum-
ers pay. Carriers could also be required to disclose the percentage of
consumers who use, for example, 50% or less of their allotted minutes
or the percentage of consumers who would save money if they
switched to a lower fixed-fee, lower limit plan. Consumers’ underes-
timation of the cost of lock-in could be targeted by requiring carriers
to provide information about the percentage of consumers who stop
using their phones but continue paying for them before the end of the
lock-in period. Carriers could also be required to disclose the percent-
age of consumers who broke the contract and paid the exit penalty.
b. Individual-Use Disclosures
Despite their potential benefits, average-use disclosures suffer
from important shortcomings. Even when averaging across smaller
subgroups of consumers, substantial heterogeneity remains. Hetero-
geneity limits the value of average-use information to any individual
consumer. Moreover, heterogeneity allows optimistic consumers to
further discount the value of average-use information. Most people
think that their driving skills are above average (but of course, most
people cannot be better than others given a symmetrical distribution
of ability about the mean).
Similarly, optimistic consumers might
all think that they will never exceed the plan limit, even when pro-
vided with information that the average consumer pays $50 a month
242. Both of these disclosures are incomplete measures of the cost of lock-in since they
do not capture consumers who continue using their phones only because they are locked in.
243. See David A. Armor & Shelley E. Taylor, When Predictions Fail: The Dilemma of
Unrealistic Optimism, in H
JUDGMENT 334, 334 (Thomas Gilovich et al. eds., 2002); Neil D. Weinstein, Unrealistic
Optimism About Future Life Events, 39 J. P
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 115
in overage fees. Fortunately, use-pattern disclosure in the cellular ser-
vice market need not be limited to average-use information. The long-
term relationship between carriers and consumers allows for the pro-
vision of individualized use-pattern information.
Individual-use disclosure can reduce consumers’ misperceptions
of their use levels. Carriers already provide consumers with individu-
alized information on overage charges. Arguably, this disclosure re-
duced consumers’ underestimation of use and contributed to the
demand to eliminate overage fees — a demand that is now met by
unlimited calling plans. We propose a parallel disclosure requirement
that would help reduce the costs consumers incur due to overestima-
tion of use. Carriers should be required to disclose the number of
minutes used. (Some carriers already do so voluntarily.) Moreover,
they should be required to disclose the actual per-minute price, calcu-
lated as the monthly fixed-fee divided by the number of minutes
Individual-use disclosure can also help consumers evaluate the
costs and benefits of other plan features. Carriers could be required to
disclose the number of night and weekend minutes used and the costs
saved by the unlimited nights and weekends feature. They could also
be required to disclose the number of minutes used in in-network call-
ing and the associated savings. Likewise, Verizon, which offers
unlimited calls to five numbers, could be required to disclose the
number of minutes used calling these five numbers, and the costs
saved by this feature.
The existing and proposed disclosures could be further supple-
mented by information on alternative service plans and add-on fea-
tures that would reduce the total price paid by the consumer given her
current use patterns.
The proposed individual-use disclosures, in-
cluding the comparison with other plan and add-on combinations,
should be provided on the monthly bill, but also in aggregate form on
a year-end summary to account for month-to-month variations in use.
Thus, by highlighting the importance of individual-use disclosures,
we urge lawmakers to revisit another key feature of the proposed Cell
244. Of course, consumers have access to the same use-pattern information. But while
providers save the information and analyze it, consumers tend not to notice it and even if
they do notice it, they tend to forget it.
245. A related disclosure is now voluntarily implemented by T-Mobile which offers
“overage alerts” when subscribers get close to their monthly limit.
246. Utility companies in Germany have voluntarily adopted an even more pro-consumer
policy. At the end of the year they retroactively match each consumer to the service plan
under which the consumer pays the lowest total price given her use over the past year. See
Ian Ayres & Barry Nalebuff, In Praise of Honest Pricing, 45 M.I.T.
27 (2003). A similar idea is already being applied by cell phone companies in other coun-
tries. See, e.g., Orange.fr, Forfait Ajustable Pro, http://sites.orange.fr/boutique/
files/html/pe_packpro_forfait_ajustable.html (last visited Dec. 20, 2009) (Orange in France
offers to charge the subscriber at the end of the month according to the plan that best fits
the subscriber’s usage during that month).
116 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
Phone User Bill of Rights. This Bill focuses on disclosures provided
at the time of contracting, which makes perfect sense when carriers
are disclosing product attribute information. Individual-use informa-
tion, on the other hand, is not available to carriers when a new sub-
scriber signs up for service. Continuous disclosures throughout the
life of the contract are equally important.
c. Individual-Use Disclosures in Real Time
In addition to after-the-fact disclosure of individual-use informa-
tion in the monthly bill or in a year-end summary, individual-use in-
formation can sometimes be provided in real time. The challenge of
keeping track of cumulative use has increased with the invention of
multiple-limit plans. For example, plans with different limits for peak
and off-peak minutes, have increased the chance that consumers inad-
vertently exceed their plan limits. To help consumers avoid this, carri-
ers could be required to notify their subscribers when they are about
to exceed the plan limit.
A consumer receiving such notification
may well decide to cut the conversation short, switch to a land line, or
postpone the conversation until off-peak hours.
3. Combining Use-Pattern Information with Product Attribute
In describing our proposals, we have focused on the disclosure of
use-pattern information as opposed to product-attribute disclosures.
But, in fact, the more appealing proposals argue for total cost disclo-
sures, which combine both. For example, the disclosure of actual per-
minute prices combines product attribute information, i.e. the monthly
fixed-fee, and use-pattern information, i.e. the number of minutes
used. Taking total cost disclosure one step further, carriers could be
required to disclose a comprehensive total cost of ownership (“TCO”)
figure for their calling plans — the total amount paid, or to be paid, by
a consumer, including overage charges and ETFs, over the duration of
a plan, or on a yearly basis. For new subscribers, this TCO figure can
be based on average-use information. For existing subscribers, who
are considering whether to renew their plan, switch plans, or even
switch carriers, the TCO figure can be based on individual-use infor-
TCO information for a single plan, specifically for the sub-
scriber’s current plan, may be insufficient. To effectively compare
different plans, the subscriber needs TCO information on all plans.
Carriers could be required to provide TCO information for their entire
247. Such a disclosure is now voluntarily implemented by T-Mobile. See supra note 245.
No. 1] Mobile Misperceptions 117
menu of plans or, at least, for several main offerings. Perhaps a better
solution would be to require carriers to disclose only the plan with the
lowest TCO for the prospective subscriber and for the existing sub-
scriber whose use patterns have changed. For example, the monthly
bill or yearly summary can include a notice if an alternative plan
would have a lower TCO than the subscriber’s current plan. An even
better solution would utilize the emerging market for comparison-
shopping services. Companies like BillShrink.com
promise to find the right plan for each consumer. But they
currently do this based on minimal, usually self-reported, use-pattern
If carriers were required to provide comprehensive
use-pattern information in electronic form, websites such as Bill-
Shrink.com or Validas would be better able to provide useful recom-
Consumer choice should be guided by information about the total
cost of the product. Conventional wisdom assumes that consumers
have better information about their own use patterns and thus need
only product attribute disclosures to calculate total cost. We have
shown that carriers may well have better use-pattern information, as
well as better product attribute information. They can more easily
combine the two categories of information into a total cost disclosure.
Therefore, there is a prima facie case for mandating total cost disclo-
4. Mobile Disclosure
Traditional disclosure mandates require sellers to provide infor-
mation printed on a piece of paper. Mobile technology opens the door
to a variety of innovative disclosure methods. In particular, carriers
can provide information via voice messages, via text messages, and
even via multimedia messages. These modes of disclosure may be
more effective than the traditional paper disclosure because of their
248. BillShrink.com, We Empower and Inspire People to Save Money, http://
billshrink.com/about/ (last visited Dec. 20, 2009).
249. Validas, Personal Report: How It Works, http://fixmycellbill.com/personal.aspx?
section=how (last visited Dec. 20, 2009).
250. See id.
251. We concede that our arguments only establish a prima facie case for total cost dis-
closures, since our analysis did not consider all the costs and benefits of revamping the
current disclosure regime. At the very least, however, our analysis suggests that the current
debates, e.g., over the Cell Phone User Bill of Rights, should consider total cost disclosures.
118 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology [Vol. 23
5. From Description to Prescription
A final clarification is in order: we developed a behavioral eco-
nomics theory of contractual design in the cellular service market. We
then proposed an enhanced disclosure regime to improve the opera-
tion of the cellular service market. It is important to note that our pol-
icy prescription does not depend on our behavioral description. Even
if all consumers were perfectly rational but imperfectly informed
about their use patterns, our disclosure regime would still be benefi-
cial. But imperfect information coupled with systemic biases gener-
ates greater costs than imperfect information alone. Hence, the
benefits of our proposed disclosure regime are likely to be greater in
light of our behavioral story.
The cellular service market, boasting annual revenues exceeding
$150 billion, is one of the largest and most important consumer mar-
kets in the United States. While cell phones provide obvious benefits
to consumers, cellular service contracts are designed to exploit the
cognitive biases of many consumers. Using a unique dataset of sub-
scriber-level, monthly billing and usage information for 3,730 cell
phone users, we show that 65% of consumers choose the wrong ser-
vice plan — mistakes triggered by a key contractual design feature,
the three-part tariff, that preys on consumers’ misperception of use
levels. These mistakes, we show, cost consumers almost $12 billion
annually. Consumer welfare and market efficiency are further reduced
by the ETF-enforced lock-in feature and by the sheer complexity of
the cell phone contract, which also respond to the imperfect rationality
of consumers. Since consumer mistakes often result from consumers’
misperceptions about their own future use patterns, disclosure man-
dates that would require carriers to provide consumers with use-
pattern information could greatly reduce these costs.