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This Agreement is entered into on this _____ day of _________ 200__, at
__________________, by and between:
UNITED COCONUT PLANTERS BANK, a corporation duly organized and
existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines,
with principal office address at __________________, represented herein
by its _______________, _____________________ (hereinafter referred
to as the “BANK”);
____________________________, of legal age, single/married
____________________________ (indicate appropriate civil status of
client) and a resident of ___________________________ (hereinafter
referred to as the “CLIENT”).
WHEREAS, the BANK has a system which allows the safekeeping of post-dated
checks until the arrival of the checks’ credit date. Upon arrival of said check credit date,
the post-dated checks will be credited to an account number specified by the client.
WHEREAS, CLIENT, a depositor of BANK, would like to avail of the said facility,
subject to the terms and conditions set forth hereunder.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, both
parties have agreed as follows:
I. Definition of Terms
1. Account Number to be Credited
The account number where the post-dated checks (PDC) will be credited upon
the arrival of the check’s credit date.
2. Check Amount
The amount on the face of the PDC.
3. Check Credit Date
The date set by the CLIENT when the PDC shall be posted/credited to his/her/its
account. Credit date must not be later than six (6) months from the date
indicated on the face of the check and shall not be earlier than the check date.
4. Check Date
The date on the face of the PDC.
5. Check Number
The check number on the face of the PDC.
6. Check Type
Classification of checks to either: in-house, local, or regional.
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7. Client
An existing depositor who maintains a Current and/or Savings account with the
8. Date Received
The date when the check was accepted by the branch for
9. Drawee Bank
The bank where the PDC is drawn.
10. Drawee Branch
The branch where the check is drawn.
11. Depositor
A client of the bank/branch whether corporate or individual who maintains any or
all of the following Peso Accounts: CA, SA and PERKS.
12. Frequency
The number of times the CLlENT is allowed to submit the PDC warehousing
requirements in a given month.
13. Maintaining Branch
The UCPB branch where CLIENT is maintaining a current/savings account.
14. Out-of-Town Checks
Checks drawn against banks not covered by any local or BSP Regional Clearing
15. Post Dated Checks (PDCs)
Future dated check/s submitted to the bank for warehousing/safekeeping, which
shall be credited to the CLIENT’S enrolled account/s upon said check’s maturity.
16. Post-Dated Check Warehouse Facility
A service/facility that uses UCPB’s Post-dated Check Warehouse system. Said
system allows the CLIENT to entrust to the BANK for safekeeping/warehousing
his/its post-dated checks until the arrival of the checks’ credit date. Upon the
arrival of said credit date, the post-dated checks will be credited to the account
number specified by the CLIENT.
17. Pull-Out
The retrieval of the submitted PDCs from the BANK’s inventory.
18. Record Count
The total number of checks in the batch.
19. Region
The clearing region of the check (for regional checks only) which shall be defined
and identified by the system (codes are system provided).
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20. Resetting
The change of credit date from the original credit date indicated in the PDC File
and PDC Deposit Slip. This may be an instruction to defer posting to account of
the PDCs without actually retrieving the PDCs.
21. Schedule
The agreed time and day as to when the PDC warehousing requirements shall
be submitted. Such includes the exact day and time allotted for each enrolled
account of the CLIENT.
22. System Date
The date of log-in to the UCPB Check Warehouse System by a User ID.
23. UCPB PDC Warehouse Branch Module
The software installed in the Maintaining Branch’s personal computer which
allows the branch to upload the diskette containing the PDC file/information
submitted by CLIENT.
24. UCPB PDC Prooflist
The complete list of the PDC details per batch. This document, shall be
submitted to the CLIENT’s maintaining branch together with the deposit slip and
physical checks.
25. UCPB
This is one of the modules that comprise UCPB’s corporate internet offerings.
This is the online complement to the UCPB PDC Warehouse Facility. With the
online module, corporate and individual clients who availed of the PDC
Warehouse Facility; provided, that they are enrolled in, can perform the
following through the Internet:
View and monitor the online status of PDCs that have been warehoused
View PDCs warehoused at different UCPB branches
Download PDC information to a text file for further data analysis or check
26. UCPB Client Module (Web-based)
The online application that allows the CLIENT to view and monitor status of the
PDCs that have been warehoused at the BANK. It also allows the CLIENT to
download PDC information from the Internet to a file that can be read by most
spreadsheet programs.
27. UCPB User (or User only)
This shall refer to the CLIENT or his duly authorized personnel enrolled in assigned with the User ID.
28. Warehousing
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The bank/branch function of accommodating its CLIENT’S post dated checks
for safekeeping and crediting the same to CLIENT’S enrolled accounts on said
checks’ credit dates.
II. General Provisions
1. In order to avail of the BANK PDC Warehouse facility, the CLIENT shall maintain
a Current and/or Savings account with BANK.
2. It is understood and agreed that, unless otherwise changed and agreed upon in
writing by both parties, the Maintaining Branch is at
3. It is understood and agreed that the CLIENT may avail of the PDC Warehouse
services ONLY from its Maintaining Branch. Interbranch transactions are not
4. The CLIENT shall accomplish and submit to the BANK two (2) copies of the PDC
Warehouse Application Form (Form 1) as proof of availment of the facility.
5. The CLIENT shall assign a specific CA/SA account to which the PDCs shall be
credited on the check credit date. The BANK shall enroll the following accounts
in the BANK’s PDC Warehouse Facility: (Said accounts must be duly owned
by the CLIENT)
** Use separate sheet if necessary**
III. Enrollment in UCPB
1. In order to access PDC Warehouse information online via UCPB, the
CLIENT shall accomplish the UCPB Application Form (Form 2). The
CLIENT may also indicate his/her authorized representative that shall be granted
access to UCPB The CLIENT agrees to supply complete, truthful and
valid information about said authorized representative. The BANK shall use this
information to process the enrollment of the CLIENT and/or his/her
authorized representative to UCPB The CLIENT attests that the
information supplied to the BANK belongs to the CLIENT including, but not
limited to, accounts, personal information, valid email address, and agree to
supply additional information as required by the BANK.
2. The authorized representative listed below shall be enrolled by the BANK in
Name of Authorized User Email Address Tel/Contact No:
____________________________ ________________ ______________
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____________________________ ________________ ______________
____________________________ ________________ ______________
** Use separate sheet if necessary**
3. After enrolling the above CLIENT and/or his/her authorized representative in
UCPB, the BANK shall send a confirmation email to each of the email
addresses specified above informing the user that access to UCPB has
been completed. However, User should reply back to the email to
confirm that the email address is valid and that it actually belongs to him/her.
4. Upon receipt of the reply email from the user, the BANK shall then send
the access information via email to the user that that contains the
following information:
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for UCPB (web-site address) User ID created for the user
Temporary password assigned to the User ID
Instructions to the client for using UCPB
5. If the CLIENT prefers not to receive the above information via email, the CLIENT
shall select the other mode of delivery in the UCPB Application Form.
6. The CLIENT agrees to hold the BANK free and harmless from any and all
liability, loss, claims and damages arising from or in connection with the use of
the UCPB, including, but not limited to, the loss of confidentiality of
UCPB access information should the CLIENT select a mode of delivery
other than “for pick-up at the maintaining branch”.
7. In case of changes in the above list of authorized UCPB users (e.g.
addition of new authorized user, deletion of existing authorized
User, etc.), the CLIENT shall notify the BANK in writing of these changes. The
BANK shall then effect the changes in UCPB within two (2) banking
days from the date of receipt of the written notification.
IV. Encoding of PDC File/Information
1. The following information shall be encoded by the Maintaining Branch in the
UCPB PDC Warehouse Branch Module, to wit:
a. Account number to be credited
b. Check Number
c. Drawee Bank
d. Check Type
e. Drawee Branch
f. Region
g. Check Date
h. Check Credit Date
i. Total Amount
j. Record Count
V. Items for Warehousing
1. The BANK shall accept the following checks, which shall be payable only to the
CLIENT, for safekeeping/warehousing, to wit:
a. In-house Checks
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b. Local Clearing Checks
c. Regional Clearing Checks
2. The BANK shall not accept for safekeeping/warehousing the following checks:
a. Out-of-Town (OTCs) checks
b. Second endorsed checks
VI. Warehousing Procedures
1. The CLIENT shall submit PDCs to UCPB at least five (5) days prior to credit
2. CLIENT shall send the BANK, every _____, and _____ day of each month
(indicate schedule and frequency of submission of checks) the following:
a. Printed copy of PDC Prooflist with data arranged according to check
credit date/s (in 2 copies).
1 Copy for BANK Branch
2 Receiving copy for CLIENT
b. BANK Deposit Slip
Only the following data are required to be indicated, to wit:
3. ACCOUNT NUMBER where PDCs will be deposited on its credit date
Note: Each deposit slip must bear PDCs with the same check credit date,
check type, and account number to which said items will be deposited on its
credit dates.
c. Physical checks (PDCs)
Arranged according to check date and account number.
CLIENT is allowed a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 30 post dated checks
per batch submitted.
3. The CLIENT shall ensure that the account number where the PDCs shall be
deposited is written on the reverse-side of each PDC submitted to the BANK.
The CLIENT shall likewise sign below the written account number. The CLIENT
hereby agrees that the written account number as well as his signature or the
signature of its authorized representative shall serve as an endorsement of the
4. Should there be a discrepancy between the information stated in the deposit
slip(s) and the information/details appearing on the actual checks, the BANK
shall immediately notify the CLIENT of such fact within twenty four (24) hours
from its discovery of the discrepancy. Upon receipt of said notice, the CLIENT
shall pick-up all the PDCs in the batch submitted to the BANK.
Discrepancy is manifested when the information on the CLIENT submitted
Prooflist does not match with the information on the physical checks.
5. In such cases when CLIENT is not able to pick-up the checks personally, he may
authorize a representative who shall present and submit an authorization letter
together with an identification card to the Bank.
6. The check date of the PDCs to be accepted for safekeeping by BANK shall not
be later than thirty six (36) months from the date the checks were submitted for
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7. After ascertaining that all required items are in order, the BANK shall stamp the
deposit slip with “Received PDC WHSE.”
8. Upon arrival of the check credit date, the BANK shall deposit and credit to the
account number specified by the CLIENT the amount of the PDCs being
safekept/warehoused by BANK, subject to item nos. IV (1) and (2).
9. In the event that a check is returned/dishonored, the BANK’s standard
procedures and guidelines in handling returned/dishonored check shall apply.
10. Should the check credit date fall on a national or local holiday, the check credit
date shall automatically be adjusted to the next banking day.
VII. Returned/Dishonored Checks
1. The BANK shall inform the CLIENT on the same day upon receipt of the
returned/dishonored checks.
2. The CLIENT hereby authorizes the BANK to debit the amount of the
returned/dishonored checks and the charges thereon, if any, from the CLIENT’S
enrolled account(s) regardless of the reason for the return.
3. A Check Return Advice (CRA) shall be prepared by the BANK to be given to the
CLIENT together with the attached returned check.
4. The CLIENT understands and agrees that returned check/s for reason “Post
Dated” (in such cases when the bank erroneously or inadvertently deposited the
PDC before its credit date) shall be included by the maintaining branch in the
other batch of PDCs received for warehousing and redeposited on its maturity
5. All other checks returned for reason other than “Post Dated” (such as DAIF,
DAUD, etc.) which are eligible for redeposit shall be redeposited as over-the-
counter check deposit/s only upon written instruction of the CLIENT.
VIII. Pull-Out or Resetting
1. In cases of PULL-OUT or RESETTING OF CREDIT DATE of PDCs already
submitted for safekeeping/warehousing, the CLIENT shall submit to the BANK a
written instruction for the PULL-OUT or RESETTING by accomplishing the
UCPB PDC PULL-OUT/RESETTING SLIP” (see Annex B) which shall be signed
by the CLIENT. The BANK shall not accept over-the-phone instructions.
2. All instructions for PDC PULL-OUT must be received by BANK not later than (2)
banking days before the check credit date of the PDC, while all instructions for
PDC RESETTING must be received by BANK at least one (1) day before the
check credit date.
In both instances, instructions shall be subject to the verification and approval of
BANK’s authorized representative(s).
IX. Reportorial Requirements
1. The CLIENT shall receive the following PDC related reports generated by its
Maintaining Branch:
a. PDC Accepted for Today
b. PDC Due for Today
c. PDC Processed/Posted Today
d. PDC Pulled-Out Today
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e. PDC Reset Today
f. PDC Report Masterlist as needed
g. Summary of Fees and Charges for PDCs Received by the Branch
2. The following reports shall be available upon the request of the CLIENT:
a. Check History
b. Outstanding PDC
X. Viewing PDC Details Online
1. The CLIENT can log on to the UCPB Client Module (Web-based) to
view the online status of the PDCs that have been accepted for
safekeeping/warehousing by the BANK.
2. Through UCPB, the CLIENT can view the following information about
the PDCs that have been processed by the Maintaining Branch during a
specified period; to wit:
a. Accepted PDCs
b. Maturing PDCs
c. Outstanding PDCs
d. Posted PDCs
e. Pulled-Out PDCs
f. Reset PDCs
3. The information displayed online in UCPB is updated only by the BANK
at the end of every banking day. As such, there might be some delay of at most
one (1) day in the actual status of the PDCs that have been processed by the
BANK versus the PDC information viewed online. The CLIENT shall always
refer to the Date/Time the system was last updated as a guide when viewing
PDC information online.
4. Aside from viewing PDC information online, the CLIENT can also download PDC
information into a file that can be accessed by most popular spreadsheet
applications for further data analysis or for importation to the CLIENT’s own
accounting system.
5. To access the services available in UCPB, the CLIENT and/or his/her
authorized representative named in Section III above shall be provided via email
with a valid UCPB User ID and temporary password to log on to the
system. Upon initial log on to UCPB, the system will prompt the user to
change his password. Once this temporary password has been changed, only
the user will know the new password.
6. During initial log in, certain information shall also be requested from the user to
improve user access security. Only the user should know said information. In
case the user forgets his password, the system can generate a new password
only after the user has successfully entered his responses to the above security
7. If a user is unable to remember his/her replies to the UCPB
security questions, and as such, is unable to generate a new password, he/she
shall submit a signed written request addressed to the BANK to reset his
password in UCPB The BANK shall then effect the changes in UCPB within two (2) banking days from the date of receipt of the written
8. Since only the user knows his User ID and Password and only the user has the
sole option to change his password by using the change password function of
UCPB anytime the user may deem it necessary, the user shall keep his
User ID and Password confidential and that their use in any and all transactions
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involving your registered account(s) shall be the sole responsibility and liability of
the CLIENT. The CLIENT agrees not to hold the BANK liable for any PDC
information made available to other parties through UCPB by the use of
this valid User ID and Password.
XI. Fees and Charges
1. For the use of the UCPB Post Dated Check Warehouse Facility, the CLIENT
agrees to maintain a monthly average daily balance (ADB) of
P ____________________. This amount is subject to a semi-annual review by
the BANK and the CLIENT agrees that this may be increased or decreased to
compensate the services herein provided by the BANK.
2. If the CLIENT opts not to maintain the desired Average Daily Balance (ADB)
requirement stated in Section IX Item 1 of this Agreement, the CLIENT will be
charged a fee of P ________ per check.
3. All fees and charges will be paid via manual debit from an account assigned by
the CLIENT. Such account will be debited every _____ banking day of the
4. The BANK upon 30 days prior written notice to CLIENT may change the fees
and charges.
XII. Miscellaneous Provisions
1. The CLIENT hereby agrees that all rules and regulations of the BANK governing
savings and current account, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the terms
herein, and all rules and regulations provided in the BANK’s Manual of Operating
Procedures and Guidelines, are hereby deemed incorporated by way of
reference and made an integral part hereof and shall form part of this
Agreement. CLIENT further agrees that in cases where this Agreement may be
silent, the usual procedures and policies of the BANK shall govern.
2. The CLIENT hereby holds free and harmless and shall indemnify the BANK for
any and all liabilities, damages, claims or actions arising out of or in connection
with the implementation of this Agreement, except to the extent attributable to
the gross negligence, bad faith, or willful misconduct of any of the BANK’s
officers, employees or authorized representatives.
3. This Agreement shall take effect commencing on the date of signing hereof and
shall have a term of _____ (___) month/year. However, notwithstanding the
lapse of the expiry date, this Agreement shall be considered automatically
renewed for another year from said expiry date unless terminated by either party.
4. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written
notice to the other party. The termination of this Agreement shall not relieve any
party of any of its obligations which may have accrued prior to the effective date
of terminate.
5. All suits arising out of this agreement shall be exclusively lodged in the proper
courts of Makati, both parties waiving all applicable venues.
6. This Agreement shall be subject to semi-annual review by both parties and may
be modified, amended and/or revised upon mutual consent of the parties. Any
and all amendments to this Agreement shall be implemented only after the
parties shall have mutually signified their conformity in writing.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be duly
executed on the date and place first above written.
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By: By:
Signed in the presence of:
________________________________ ________________________________
Before me, a Notary Public, for and in the City of Makati, Metro Manila,
personally appeared the following:
all known to me and known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument properly subscribed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses and they
acknowledged to me that the same is their free, voluntary act and deed, and the free,
voluntary act and deed of the Corporation and Principal they respectively represent.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on this ___ day of ______________, 20___, in the
City of Makati, Metro Manila.
Doc. No. _____;
Page No. _____;
Book No. _____;
Series of 20___